Happy-Sad Dog Tessellation +Process

in tessellation •  7 years ago  (edited)

Tessellations have been lodged in my brain

since reading a @soulturtle Art Party post. This happy-sad dog tessellation came to my mind after making a similar tessellation while brainstorming a poem. (I like to mix words and doodles together on the page during a brainstorm sometimes).

Sad Dog

What is appealing to me about tessellations is their marriage of rigid form and organic flow. To make a tessellation properly, the rules of symmetry must be followed. To make a tessellation special, some artistic flavor belongs in there too.

At first, I wasn't sure what the heck to make out of the stencil because it just looked like a brown abstract shape. After playing with it and comparing different rotations, finally the Happy-Sad Dog showed his faces.

To emphasize their facial expressions, the Happy Dog faces are bright, sunny orange, and the Sad Dog faces are dull, gray-ish blue. I chose the contrasting color scheme of orange and blue to represent the duality that exists in each of us: light vs. dark, devil vs. angel, et cetera.

My favorite part about this tessellation, in addition to the colors, is the eyes on the dogs. They each look a little different, giving a slightly altered expression for each dog. Some examples I see are:

Mischievous happy, crazed happy, pleading sad, guilty sad.
6.5” x 8.5”, crayon on multipurpose copy paper.

Progress Sampling




Proof of Happy-Sad Dog Tessellation

These simplistic tessellation activities are excellent for unleashing the imagination, a skill I have been honing more and more these days by expanding into different creative outlets. Care to exercise your imagination for a moment?

What activities do you enjoy to sharpen your powers of visualization?

What do you see in this shape?

Same stencil used to create Happy-Sad Dog

Click Below for Similar Recent ENH Content:
Original Poem + Process Page
Comparing Notes: Poetry Process

Who is enternamehere?
ENH is a steemian exploring artistic expression one day at a time through visual art, poetry and other fun activities. Also known as Seana. Here I am.


^^custom voxel art made by fabiyamada^^

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A knights helmet..

Ah, that's a good one. I see that too, now that you put it in my head.

Louisiana, in four counties, if a large elephaant took a break, and sat upon it in dis-respect, or at least hot, sweaty elephanteen dis-regard, due to their heavy humidity.
I do have a ??. So do you just cut out shapes, then slice them, and put them together, tracing one after the other, together. Then fit an image into the shape, as you see it? I'm not familiar with tessellation. But I love what is comes out AS. Very creative to come up with filler imagery. And you give them so much personality. I guess there is a real truth to 'the eyes have it'. So important. Reminds me a bit of @anca3drandom's work with mandalas' early on in Steemit. Though I realize they are not the same thing. Just the repeatability of imagery. Hope your day is grand, and not too humid.
PS. Dogfacts, YAY...
PPS. Thanks for the nice re-steem

I see Louisiana in there, yes. Kind of boot-like, maybe from the elephant and his heaviness. Might even pass for Alabama on a foggy day.

Regarding how these are made, yeah basically you have it down right. The most important part is the symmetry because if that's overlooked, the shape just won't tessellate. There's maths involved, maths I'm not quite qualified to explain at the moment. You know, I was considering making a post that describes how to make tessellations (there's more than one way to tessellate a cat) for those interested in learning. It's pretty simple once the process is understood, and surprisingly fun once you're in the groove.

Ah, anca3drandom, it's been a moment since I've looked at her work, thanks for mentioning her :]

I see Louisiana in there, yes. Kind of boot-like, maybe from the elephant and his heaviness. Might even pass for Alabama on a foggy day.

Regarding how these are made, yeah basically you have it down right. The most important part is the symmetry because if that's overlooked, the shape just won't tessellate. There's maths involved, maths I'm not quite qualified to explain at the moment. You know, I was considering making a post that describes how to make tessellations (there's more than one way to tessellate a cat) for those interested in learning. It's pretty simple once the process is understood, and surprisingly fun once you're in the groove.

Ah, anca3drandom, it's been a moment since I've looked at her work, thanks for mentioning her :]

I sent you a message in Steemchat, about a project. Might check it out when you get a chance....

Oh! Where did you get inspiration from? I like the concept of duality, the internal conflict you have inside :)
Now that hairstyle, just made me fancy to drink a big mug of cold beer ^^

I pulled the inspiration for this one straight out of you-know-where (my ass)! Or I just looked around for a moment then said to myself , screw it, looks good to me. I don't remember exactly which scenario it was. Either way, I am glad it rang your bell.

May I ask, what does the hair have to do with beer? You've lost me...

At the end of the Beatles’ song "A Day in the Life," a high-pitched dog whistle was recorded by Paul McCartney for his sheepdog.