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That is a brilliant piece of art! but just so you know... you cannot delete anything you post here on steemit :) (but you shouldnt want to anyway - its really good!)

Thank you haha I'm new to all of this so I'm just trying to figure everything out! I'll keep that in mind for another day haha

No worries :) I also didn't realise that when I started which is why I thought I would mention it :)

Well thank you very much! Glad I know this early haha quick question, do you know how to post photos in comments on this? I can't seem to figure that out either

are you wanting to upload them or copy the from somewhere else online?

Upload them

haven't found a way to upload images into comments (or when editing a previously posted article either) only way I have found is when copying them from another already posted space. From what I have gathered (and I might be wrong) the only time you can actually "upload" an image from your hdd is when you are creating a post for the first time. other than that , the image needs to exist online somewhere... so that you can copy its link.

Hope that helps at least a little lol

Ah okay that helps a bit more haha thank you

what exactly should not be possible ?