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It's my birthday please upvoteme @berniesanders T.T

It is working

for now

I am worried about investing so much time into this, and was about to start investing my paychecks until I hit 10,000SP ... don't know if it'll be worth putting weeks of work into a dying chain

I'd say that's a bit dramatic. Ain't nobody gonna let Steem die.

I want to see other apps using steem surpass steemit, still feels like if steemit inc shuts down this whole chain might go to shit... for a while at least...

but for whatever reason I feel compelled to invest hard earned $$$$ into powering I fucking wished I knew how to mine and shit back in the day

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

From what I have seen it looks like about 16 or 17 witnesses had HF 20 running then all hell broke loose.

You know the story of what happened will be blamed on someone but I wonder who it will be this time?

Remember last time it was the unknown guy who powered down massive negative steem.LOL LMAO.

What are we going to do with 44 million sitting in steemit's wallet? How many more millions does @ned have spread over multiple accounts only a few know about? And who is this unknown character called @freedom and @pumpkin that controls who our witnesses are?

So much for a decentralized platform of real freedom (slavery) and love (hate).

Peace Bernie!

It is working now. I couldn't see any change, even I used microscope to see.


It is working

Shit Comment #1680

We all are in testing mode right now.


Do we have a test-net?

#253? Did you forget the k on the end? Or was that a missing decimal at the beginning. Shit all this forking drama has my head spinning....


Posted using Partiko Android

Tune in Tokyo,,,,, we hear you loud and clear

Testing the test

Shitpost success comrad.

Posted using Partiko Android

Work again sir @berniesanders

  ·  6 years ago 

what's happening? and shit-post again? seriously?


Hello mic testing hello..

Shit comment test #123

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea steemit died for a bit I was like WTF... Wanted to post a video on DLive xD
Not good PR when you show to 1600 people on your stream that the page you "promote" does not work lol

Seems to be working fine now.

Yes is working very well

Testing comment functions. testing 123 testing 123......

It appears comments are working....


Yah! It is again working.

You have accomplished your mission.

Speaking of shit, what was that update/maintenance/downtime earlier? What happened? Was it announced somewhere and I just didn't see it?


Posted using Partiko Android

Meanwhile, you're just shitposting and getting free money. Does a lot to solve the problem there.

Just testing here...