Quick post about a very important topic - hormone optimization.
You can't optimize what you don't measure. I use InsideTracker for all my blood work. Check them out: https://www.insidetracker.com/
One of my projects of the last few years has been improving my hormone profile, testosterone first among them. My most recent test results made me happy:
That's 890 ng/dl, well above average even for a man 20 years younger than me. BAM.
Just as important is free T, which is the T not bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). I drove this way up by reducing my SHBG, mainly through Boron supplementation:
How did I do it? So many factors...
- NO processed food
- NO refined sugars
- NO plastic food containers
- High quality water filter (tap water is full of crap that will torch your T levels): https://www.berkeywater.com/ (and you wonder why mens' T levels in America have been dropping for decades...)
- Whenever possible, only grass fed, free range, hormone and antibiotic free meat
- Lift weights
- Ending the chronic cardio
- Managing stress better. Did you know stress hormone cortisol is made from the same raw materials as T - if you are stressed, your body shuts down T production. So chill the f**k out.
- A bunch of supplements like tongkat ali, Ashwaganda, and others. Learn all about it here: https://www.anabolicmen.com/
- Taking naps
- Eating more eggs. Cholesterol is a building block of T.
- And probably a few more things I am forgetting.
DO NOT trust your friendly, overworked, brainwashed general practitioner doctor to sort this out for you. You have to take ownership of your health and well-being. Your doc is looking for only the most pathological problems for which he can write you a prescription (it's not his fault, that's how our system works). I could probably register a T level of 400 and my doc would say I am fine.