
in testpp •  7 years ago  (edited)


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Top 10 out of 3 participants

rankparticipantprevious cardslast cardsscore
1pairplayh08.png c04.pngs03.png c03.png16
2opsteemitd04.png c05.png9
3clarkgolds08.png d02.pngc09.png s02.png1

@clarkgold Joined the game. s08.png d02.png
@pairplay Joined the game. h08.png c04.png

@opsteemit Joined the game. d04.png c05.png


@clarkgold Changed the cards. c09.png s02.png


@pairplay Changed the cards. s03.png c03.png


@opsteemit Held the cards.