Tezos Betanet Plans to Launch Soon

in tezos •  6 years ago 

If you were a viewer of mine interested in the Tezos project from last year, it is now launching a beta-net. From an email I received from them today:

May 29, 2018 -

"A genesis block will be proposed by the Tezos Foundation at the betanet launch. To prepare for this, it is imperative that all contributors verify their donation — regardless of size — to confirm that it was received by the Foundation. The Foundation intends to recommend allocations in this proposed genesis block for donations of any size that were received during the fundraiser, but they must appear in the “Check Your Contribution” tool."

After taking far too long to do anything, Tezos is launching a beta net. A beta net is a precursor to a live net. To me, with the various rumors of project disputes and the lack of clarity on time frames for the project, and with the fact that their goal is far inferior to other projects like EOS, Tezos is not something I am interested in. I do not trust the project team managing it. In the past, they have permitted major news articles about in-fighting within the Tezos team. This means they likely were behaving like children at some point, while having millions of dollars under their management.

Triple thumbs down from me.

This all said, this does not mean the Tezos ICO will have not made people money. The crypto bubble has grown sine June 2017, so the livenet value of Tezos tokens should be higher than the valuation given in 2017, especially with the success of the EOS ICO. The Tezos ICO could go live at something like 200 million to 1 billion in market capital. Outcomes within this range should be an appreciation of capital for those who entered into the ICO.

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I am glad Tezos has finally got their sh*t together, the ICO fiasco has sucked a lot of momentum out of the project but I wouldn't write it off completely just yet, the code is original and Tezos foundation has plenty of cash to set up incubator funds ala EOS... we shall see.

I’m sorry but some of these ico’s are nothing more than cash grabs

The ICO was in June 2017, it had a billionaire backer from the US, and I believe it is the 2nd largest ICO ever besides EOS. It's a big name ICO, but the project was managed poorly.

Oh sorry if I offended your coin

Nah, you didn't, I was just trying to put it in context.

thanks for sharing that info about tezos i really had no idea previously about it but great to know about all this info

cryptocurriencies are the future, thank goodness we are part of this..

i guess everyone should read this fine post so important for everyone !!!