Hi All,
It's Rooney back with this week's Tezos Insight; another grantee of Tezos named Cryptium Labs.
Several months ago, Tezos chose this lab to provide the grant because Tezos found them helpful to get Tezos ecosystem more stable and secure. What Cryptium Labs doing for Tezos ecosystem is simply described in these three pillars as they say that I am going to introduce you as below.
Then let us figure out who they are first and get to know what those three pillars that Cryptium Labs provides Tezos.
[Cryptium Labs]
Here I quoted a definition of the business that Cryptium Labs runs as below.
Cryptium Labs is an infrastructure operator for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) public blockchains, offering secure and available digital attestations as a service for supported networks, such as Tezos, Cosmos or Polkadot. Cryptium Labs offers public delegation services to the tokens holders of any of the supported networks. The company was founded and resides in Zug, Switzerland, in June 2018 by Adrian Brink, Awa Sun Yin, and Christopher Goes.
They truly believe that the future blockchain ecosystem will be characterized by some of the following properties: 1) Proof-of-Stake will be superior to Proof-of-Work, 2) many heterogeneous chains will be co-existing, and their role as a validator will be much larger than just offering a delegation service.
Therefore, now they are ambitiously doing their project for Iris Network, Polkadot, Cosmos, and Tezos. Down here are the three pillars of Cyrptium Labs that you may wait to see it.
<3 Basic Pillars>
Secure validation is one of its pivotal pillars that protects the networks where hardware runs; understanding the risks, enabling practical tasks, and security-wise protecting the key while making the system available.
[Development and Research]
Building open-source tooling for networks, both for other validators and application developers. This will help us to be able to write a smart contract for Tezos and other partners, even, making smart contract development in Michelson much easier.
Community development that helps to enable people to understand in an easy and accessible way for Proof-Of-Stake and the system. It is about teaching and translating the ecosystem in an easier way for people.
They have been contributing to building Tezos ecosystem, securing funds and ledgers, and developing communities; currently for Chinese and Spanish community. It is believed that they are going to do more for Tezos! Don't you believe it so?
We also truly believe that Cryptium Labs will be playing an important role for Tezos ecosystem(:
Well, this is all for this week's Tezos Insight: Grantee companies of Tezos, and let us meet next week with another grantee!
Hope you enjoy the rest of this week that is the last week of 2018!
See you very soon(:
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