- About For BoutsPro
The world professional sports organization of karate BoutsPro launches its own crypto currency. BoutsPro will change the ecosystem of some 190 million martial arts communities. He will turn amateur tournaments into professionals around the world in accordance with the road map, designed for the next 4 years.The main purpose of launching the crypto currency was to turn karate into professional karate, as well as sport for the future. Signs from BoutsPro will create an ecosystem for various types of financial programs and activities.Millions of people practice amateur karate. However, amateur karate is defined as a sport, and here athletes must bear all the costs associated with their training and performance. Then, as a professional karate is already a fighting sport, and here, on the contrary, athletes get a huge reward for their performances in tournaments. Thanks to BoutsPro, ordinary sportsmen can turn into true professionals. Anyone can get help from BoutsPro, from beginners who only study to professionals.
Boutspro : beginning of New era of cypto
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Currently, karate is very popular. The number of communities, which includes teachers, students, practitioners, academics, numbers more than 190 million worldwide. To unite all participants in one system, you need a strong management system fund, which generates income from various sources, such as sponsorship of tournaments, sponsorship of events, registration of participants, advertising and so on. It is necessary to fulfill the fund’s requirements related to health insurance, social security of athletes, staff salaries, costs for tournaments and events, as well as prize money and advertising.
#BoutsPro is launching its own “Bouts tokens” on the global platform which can be used everywhere by the karate community, the viewers, online gamers & all the sports lovers/sponsors/advertisers.Boutspro could be described in short as total economic freedom where everyone from the community are empowered. #BoutsPro has the potential to provide greater global economic freedom.Before I wrap up, I would advise you to please go through whitepaper of Boutspro and become a part of transition into new era.
4. BoutsPro ICO
BoutsPro is planning to launch it token sale on the global platform & make it available for all participants. Details of BoutsPro tokens are as below:Token Name: BoutsPro
Ticker: BOUTS
Total Supply: 2,000,000,000
Hard Cap (ICO): 1,000,000,000
Minable: No
ICO Base Price: 9000 BOUTS/ETH
Smart Contract: Will be announced later
Currency Accepted: Ether
Standard gas price: 20 Gwei
Minimum Purchase: 0.1 ETH
+ 50% — ICO (Public Crowd Funding)
+ 25% — Community (# Available for Karate Community on ICO Base price)
+ 10% — Dev Fund (* Locked for 1 year in Smart Contract)
+ 5% — Rewards (Rewards & Support fund for players & trainers)
+ 3% — Bounty Campaign (Social Bounty, Bug Bounty, Translations, Give away & Airdrop)
+ 2% — Advisors
+ 5% — Reserve Fund (Future requirement or Backup)
6. Roadmap