First Time in BangkoksteemCreated with Sketch.

in thailand •  7 years ago 


My first day in Bangkok.

Arrive in Bkk around 7 pm on a Wednesday. Black car awaiting my arrive at the airport and it comes with its own Yakuza looking muthafucka. Sawahdeekap ! he says as he opens the door to the big body Benz. Hop in, connect to his wifi so I can let everyone know back home that I arrived safe and sound. As I finish the text Bkk is flying by just outside the window and the situation seems quite surreal to me. I'm feeling like a boss, speeding down an unknown road towards adventure. Adventure filled with so many possibilities. I have watched countless videos and read thru many forums and I'm well versed in my head on Bangkok theoretical nightlife. Pull into the hotel, check in. All I am thinking is damn it is going to be quite the 11 days.

So it's 10 pm and this is the situation. I'm well dressed, smelling good, money in my pocket. I decide to go walk around, I'm staying right around Soi Cowboy so the streets will be busy and I will get to feel the city's energy. I see everything I saw in the videos. The vendors, street walking working girls, all the food, it feels familiar. It's like I walked these streets before. At this moment I know that the hours doing research and watching videos are going to pay off big time. So plug time. I have used the priceless services of KingEpic on youtube. His videos are well made and filled with so much information it was truly an amazing the wealth of knowledge I received from his work. Even with all this acquired knowledge and confidence in knowing how things work my first stroll thru Soi Cowboy was quite intimidating. If you have been to any other red light districts thru out the word i.e. Amsterdam, these RLDs in Bkk are like those but on steroids. I end up walking straight thru Soi Cowboy and the b-lined it to the 7-Eleven. I wasn't feeling 100% comfortable at this point. The energy was chaotic and while I thrive in this environment the language and just the novelty of a new place kinda overwhelmed me. So I bought a chang beer and choose a spot on the sidewalk to sit and people watch.

That lasted about as long as the 12 oz beer, in other words pretty quickly. Then I walked toward my hotel thinking to myself "well at least I know where the soi is". Halfway to the hotel, I begin to get kinda mad at myself, for not even going into any of the go-go bars I mean come on what kind of pussy am I. These thoughts usually creep into my head right before I make brash decisions. I don't always regret the decisions I've made after these thoughts percolate, but it always comes with a story. Stopped a TukTuk and my luck the guy spoke pretty good English so I laid down the game. I let him know that I know about the TukTuk scams and the taxi no meter scam, told him that I knew he would get a commission if he brought me to certain places and that I didn't have a problem with that as long as he was truthful with me. Also, I informed him I wouldn't want gems or suits other TukTuk scams. All I wanted to to get a ride around the city to get a better look at my surroundings. He offered to take my around for 100 Baht. My response was " Then we are off! I request a quick 7-Eleven stop because I need water I haven't mentioned it but Bangkok is hot as fuck even at night. I bought myself a beer and water for the driver cause I'm cool like that and returned to the TukTuk. Handed him 200 baht as well as the water and this is where shit got real. We rode around the town for about 30 minutes. He was telling me and showing me different streets for different things. He showed me where to get a mean bowl of noodles during the day.Once we rode around for a bit, the topic of nightlife came about. And after speaking about what kind of women I like he tells me he will take me to a few "places".

First place was overwhelming. I walk in and there are 30 women lined up and ready to be chosen. I am informed about prices, services, and rules. I'm not comfortable with doing anything there, what I'm looking for is to pick a woman and have her come back with me to my hotel. This place tried to implement a pressure sales pitch of sorts. Needless to say, I wasn't going for it, the girls were hot but the sales pitch ruined it for me. I walk out with three girls pulling me back in but I manage to politely say no thank you and I returned to the TukTuk. Second place. I walk in and see about 10 women sitting on some couches. 1 is standing and from behind she looks like a Dominican 10 from St.Nickolas ave in Washington heights. I'm a sucker for a fat ass and as I am coming to find out this is a rare commodity in Thailand. I choose her, let her know my intentions and she is down. Pay the Bar fine and walk out with this Thai 10 with hips and ass to spare. Logistics wise bar fine was 700 Baht and she wanted 2000 baht for short time (2hrs). She speaks English and she is very sweet and inviting. We talk about this and that and we arrive at my hotel. 5 hrs later I'm laying in bed after quite the night of fucking with my dick in this woman's mouth. She took care of me so well. The night was as follows, wash up both of us, blowjob, sex, full body massage, blowjob, sex, full body massage and this went on for 5 hrs. I tipped her another 2000 baht because come on she did her thing. That was my first night in Bangkok. 10 DAYS LEFT!?

Day 2

We woke up around 9 am, one more pop and she has to go. I laid in bed thinking that for my first night it was what I wanted....exactly. She took very good care of me and I felt great for it. So some details about myself and where I stayed. I'm a New Yorker, 32 yrs old, and first-time traveler to Thailand. I decided and booked the trip in about a weeks notice. First time traveling solo, I think it was for the best. I booked 11 days at the Furama Xclusive in the Asoke Area. I discovered Terminal 21 that morning and ate breakfast and lunch there that day also did some shopping. It's a really nice mall.

Back to the hotel, showered and slept for a few hours. I connected a phone for internet that morning at Terminal 21 so I got back on my Thaifriendly. It was about a month before that I opened an account and began to talk to several women. So I messaged a girl about meeting that night at Terminal 21. We decide that 8 pm would work for both of us. I met her and from the get, I knew this was not going to be fun or interesting in the slightest. The energy, the energy did I mentioned the energy. I am all about energy. She was there but not there, it was just weird. It was nothing like our text chats. I made a choice and literally walked off. I blocked her on Line on the way down the escalators I felt like a creep but whatever.

I walked over to the corner bar at Soi Cowboy and had a few beers while listening to some of the live music. I'm enjoying the music but the rest of the Soi is still a lot for me to process. I meet some girls there Nuun and Soa. We drink for a bit but ultimately I walk back towards my Hotel and guess who I see. It is SIEM! My TukTuk driver from the night before. We get some beers at 7-11 and I hand him a beer and 200 bhat and off we go. I tell him to drive up to Nana because I wanted to see but that I really wanted to go BF Chanita the girl from last night. We drive around for a bit, I finish my beers and we go pick up Chanita. Same deal 700 Bf and 2000 for her. We stop by 7-11 for some Coke for the Johnnie Walker I bought from Duty-Free.

Back to the hotel. The sex was awesome, it's an attention thing and she knows what she is doing. The massage tho! Her massage was great and I'm stealing some of those techniques. I felt like melting into the bed. Between her and the Whiskey, I slept awesome that night.

Day 3

The second morning in Bangkok, I'm loving it. I woke up early so I can hit the gym and the sauna before Chanita left. When I arrive back in my room, she is still curled up in bed. I shower once again and get dressed. I walk over to the bed and wake her up with my dick out of my pants and she gets to it. Once done, a shower for her and off she goes. She asked me if I will see her again, I say maybe but I think two nights was perfect so I doubt it.

I order room service; a spicy shrimp and mushroom soap and run down to the corner for a few chicken sticks, sticky rice as well as a bag of watermelon and dragon fruit. I love the fruit stands here and a couple of days later I found an awesome juice bar(inside the Citibank building across from terminal 21) for a great morning pickup after drinking all night. Try the starfruit green juice.

Terminal 21 for dinner, this is the last time I ate at Terminal 21. It makes me feel like I'm not exploring enough so from this point on I settle on street food and trying new restaurants. After Dinner its back to my room to chill until tonight. I walk back out at around 9 pm greeting everyone that I come in contact with, Thailand is making me very friendly.

Since I am so close to Soi Cowboy, I usually start at the corner bar with some live music and a few beers. The girls I met here before recognize me. I think the full beard helps (I got so much attention for having it) and they join me at my table, I order them drinks. A few beers later and I decide to move on, so I clear my bill and head to Sharks. A couple beers at Sharks and then Bacara and I find myself at the end of the Soi still with no one to put my penis into tonight. And that's when I heard the music and saw Crazy House for the first time.

I've read about this place, I missed it the first and second time around the Soi. I heard its the only full nude spot on the Soi. So I gather my balls and head in. Wow, I mean the contrast between Crazy House and the rest. I mean its not even a contest. I hate how some of the girls just stand there at some of these go go bars, but at crazy house they were actually dancing. As soon as I sit down I see a cutie lets call her "Kwan" fully dressed minus her panties dancing along to the beat and it seems like she is enjoying herself. It's her smile and the fact that she keeps adjusting her skirt to cover herself, while there are fully naked girls dancing with her. I eye fuck her for a while and she comes over after she gets off the stage. She is so cute and I'm glad to meet her but tonight wouldn't be our night.

I'm a couple of drinks in and I was thinking of BFing "Kwan" but then I saw her. Let's call her "Fern". I don't want to use real names because I don't like putting people on front street like that. "Fern" walks onto the stage and I immediately want her. The way she moves and her body is just perfect, her smile is so seductive. I eye fuck her the whole time she is on stage. She catches me staring and cracks the naughtiest smile. After her songs are up I wave her over. We talk for a bit and she is lovely. I buy her a LD and myself a shot. I end up Bfing her and out the door, we go. I taught we would walk back to my hotel since it is about a block away but she is driving so I catch a ride with her. We arrive at my hotel and the manager shoots me a "you muthafucka smile" and up we go. She was what I wanted and I got her that's Thailand in a nutshell for you. So Far...

Too many drinks to count but I spent about 3000 Baht on drinks that night.
Barfine was 700 Baht
and 3000 Baht for her (ST but she stayed until the next afternoon)
This happened more often than not.
I would pay for ST and they would just stay..
Day 4
It has to be her body. It was all about her body. From when I first saw her it was her body. Last night I questioned myself so many times. I wanted to push the boundaries, my boundaries and do the stupid thing. While she was blowing me I flipped her over and had that tight pussy in my face but I couldn't bring myself to eat her out. I wanted to eat her ass as well but I held back. I've never serviced a service girl before and wasn't going to start in Thailand was my logic. Funny, armchair quarterbacking this now that I am stateside, can't help but feel like I left my logic here when I took off for Thailand. Anyway, back to her body. After so self-mental Jiu Jitsu on goes the condom and pop! We try two more condoms and pop! pop! Bring your own condoms. I'm not big dick Mcgee but these condoms out here are small as fuck. Luckily she has some condoms that fit me fine. Everything was great, and the kicker was her attitude. I swear she never stopped smiling or making these cute faces and sounds. By sounds, I most likely mean Thai words I do not understand.

We fuck plenty and end up curled in each other's legs as we drift to sleep. She holds my arm tight with her legs wrapped around mine. In Jiu Jitsu terms she almost has mount, working out of her half guard and she has one under hook. hahaha At this point she started doing something that made me think. I hate when they make me think, this is supposed to be about mindless fucking right? So why so serious Batman? What she was doing was she would put her nose against my arm or chest and just inhale a bit. She laid there smelling me. This is why I always try to smell good. I strongly believe having a good personal hygiene will get you much better service and people notice you take care of yourself. I thought to myself how cute? This is one of many things she does during my trip that throw me for a loop. Makes me question her intentions, if any.

So as always I'm up before they are. My sleeping pattern is all over the place and I can't seem to get a full 7-8hrs yet. It has to be the jet-lag still, no way its the beer, whiskey, sex, and heat. I roll out of bed and jump online to answer some emails and messages from friends back home. After assuring everyone that I'm fine in Thailand by myself, I run out for some coffee. I bring her some coffee and I order a curry from room service because it's past noon and I'm hungry as fuck. The food arrives and we eat. She shits on the curry from the get. Saying " I cook better" She tells me she used to run a restaurant. Her personality shines she is funny actually makes me laugh thru her somewhat good English. We flirt, shower, fuck and get dressed. The plate was pretty small so I am still hungry when we walk out to her car. Food is on my mind so I guess that was the subject of convo as we walk out. Before she jumps in her car she turns and says " I cook for you". I say ok not thinking much of it and ask her to drop me off at the Citibank building at the Asoke BTS Station.

Not sure what I was thinking as she drove away, but I guess I figured I would see her again. I was considering her just another Bargirl. A quick ATM run and I grab a couple of chicken sticks and sticky rice to finish lunch up. Then take a walk to NANA area for a beer and some people watching. After 1 beer at Hilary 4, I have to take a mean shit so I hail a taxi and to terminal 21 we go. What can I say I'm a fan of the bidets hahaha First time using one the other day at T21. I purchase some shirts, a mango sticky rice and I go back to the hotel. It's so fucking hot in Bangkok.

That night I leave the Hotel, as usual, smelling and feeling great. One more thing about me, I am a marijuana smoker. I usually smoke almost every day. It's kinda part of me now, but its been 5 days and I brought a cannabis oil vapor pen on the trip with me but I've been having so much fun and been so stimulated that I forget to take it with me on my outings. Not tonight tho. I'm feeling super nice when I walk into the Corner bar for some beers. I see Sao again and over she comes. I order some shots and a Henny and coke. We flirt and I love the way she bites her lip as she grabs my dick thru my shorts. hahaha Fucking Bangkok! But tonight was not to be our night. She gives me the pouty face when I leave around 11.

Stopped in a couple of bars for drinks and end up at Crazy House a bit before 1 am. Not 20 minutes later I'm walking out of Crazy House with "Fern" leading the way. We make out all the way to her car, we make out in her car and I decide the night is too young to go straight to the hotel. This is one of the main points on why I like P4P in Thailand. The fact that after the transaction we both know where we will end up so until then there is fun to be had. I love that feeling. We go to a Chinese club under some huge hotel near Asoke. Bottle of Whiskey Check. Hip Hop Music Check. Bad ass girl with me Check. I don't remember how much we drank but we were pretty fucked up. As we leave she tosses me her keys and tells me to drive.

In my drunken state, I dont even consider the fact that in Thailand you drive on the otherside of the road and the steering wheel is on the passenger side. I am telling you I left my logic next to my lighter on my coffee table back at home. This has to be the worst decision I made all trip. I pull out (these three words are foreshadowing later stupid choices hahaha) of the lot and make the left I drive about 3 blocks and I bump into a cab. :( Shit gets real and the guy is not happy. Understandably. I google translate "I fix no need for Police" He asked for 9k and I counter with 5k. We settle on 6k. I had 3k. She had to give me back the 3k I gave her. We paid the cab guy and we headed to the hotel. I felt like shit about the whole thing but she never made me feel like she was mad or even bothered. She told me not to worry about it. My selfish self thought there goes my night. I was wrong.

We get back to the room and I get out the Johnnie. Im feeling bad and she notices it. She does everything to make me feel better. She tries to make me laugh, she put on music and strips slowly for me. This is one of those things I spoke about. She didnt seemed concerned about her car at all. It had some scrathes and would 100% need at the least some buffing. So why was she acting like this, as if I didnt just almost ruin her almost new car and plus she had to give me back the 3k I gave her tonight. Whatever I try to clear my mind with fucking. But tonight its differnet, I can feel emotions being put into the mix. She is holding me so tight I try to fuck the feelings away. I can manhandle this girl and I do. It was like I fucking hated her. After, just laying there she still holds me tight smelling and kissing my back since I turned to sleep and my back was pointed to her. I stopped counting the kisses after 40something. My ex used to do this too. Kiss my back softly while I laid on my side. Sex was over so why was she being so affectionate. She had me confused and looking out for her endgame. I think to myself that I will get her money in the morning and most likely I would not be seeing her again.

Day 5
"The Day After"
Fell asleep around 5 am, eyes wide open at 9am. That's how it's been pretty much. While "Fern" sleeps, I go up to the pool and I hit the gym for a light arm workout and a sauna to sweat out that Whiskey from last night. That sun really smacked me when I stepped out to the roof, workout was fine, and I fell asleep in the sauna for almost half an hour. Walked out needing water. Back to the room and she is still asleep. I shower, dress and I decide to head to 7-11 for some coffee and a few soda waters. When I walk back in she is in the shower. I think about joining her but my steam bun would get cold. As she walks out of the bathroom I realize how pretty she is under her makeup. I was focusing so much on her body, that I really had not stopped to take a full appreciation of her beauty. She was still sexy as fuck but a way softer version of her made up self. She joins me on the sofa in her towel and we lay there for a while. We talk about the North Korean leader's brother who was just killed at an airport or mall, on some James bond poison shit. She is funny with a dark sense of humor like mine. We talk shit for another 30 mins and She tells me she has to go clean her house and do laundry so I walk her to her car. I hadn't gone to the ATM yet so I promise to text her later to give her the 3k she gave back the night before. She doesn't seem concerned about the money. She didn't even bring it up this morning. This confuses me.

I'm laying in bed considering my trip so far and the fact that I still have more than a week left in Bangkok. I know Thailand has so much more to offer but I this time I came for Bangkok, and Bangkok only. 2 weeks ago I was home in NYC planning a Dominican Republic trip for early April with some of my boys. On second thought I declined the invite and decided to set my own course. I began a two-day internet dive trying to find an adventure worth taking. After much reading. Thailand, of course, its always been in the mix whenever I thought of disappearing. So I purchased tickets for 6 days later. I would be going to Thailand, Bangkok specifically for 11 nights and 12 days. Damn, I was excited, but I didn't tell anyone about my trip until the night before I was to leave. I didn't want to hear people's opinion about my trip. I rather drop the news, get the wtf reaction and then I'm off. Now, It's been 4 nights in Bangkok. 2 girls, 2 nights a piece. Bangkok is so far, everything I expected. I know I've been focused on partying, drinking and women but the day to day interactions are making me nicer, and friendlier I swear. The food is so awesome, spicy as fuck but awesome. People are so nice. A smile, a hello. It is Tony the tiger Great! I made the right choice flying half way across the world on my first solo travel I think to myself as I drift into sleep and nap until about 3 pm.

My phone wakes me up with a message on Line from "Lek" a girl I started talking to about 2 weeks ago. Thaifriendly has been great. I have a few contacts that I made that I will be keeping. Even if it's just for the convo and recommendations on where to go it has worked out great.(I change stances on this later on in my trip). Lek tells me she is off today and wanted to meet up for some food. Not having lunch or dinner plans we agree to meet at T21 at 5 pm. "Lek" is a very nice girl, tan, nice body, but she is a bit older than most girls I deal with. She is 36 but doesn't look it. Our date went well we ate sushi, we talked about her 3D animation job and about how I hate my job and decide on catching a movie. After the movie some ice cream and some walking around the mall. It started to drag a bit and I realized she wouldn't be coming back to my hotel tonight. So I told her I was meeting a friend for a late drink and excused myself. Promising her to text her the next day. We walked out and I put her in a cab.

Leaving T21 I made the right instead of the left and headed towards NANA. The sun was down, it was past 9 pm. Walking past all the vendors I see the "pharmacist" and I purchase a small box of Cialis and some Valium. The Cialis for obvious reasons and the valium I justify by thinking about taking 2 for the flights home. All I know is a popped a valium and half a C then I had a beer at a sports bar, and then a shot of Tequila at a bar cart. I walked to Nana Plaza and looked around for a bit before starting the walk back to Asoke. I've read about Thermae Bar and watched videos so I decide to check it out. Wow that place was packed but the vibe was weird. I end up talking up some FL standing outside having a smoke. She has that Japanese look to her, I like. I'm not even going to lie like I remember her name, because I do not. I was fighting the urge to head to Crazy house I think now looking back. Out of embarrassment from last night or I'm not sure what, but I think I wanted to see "Fern" again I was fighting that urge. Not because I felt I owed her money because I did, but because I wanted to fuck her and enjoy her company again. Why would I want that? When there were so many options? I can have any of them why her? Again. Finishing her cigarette, we agree on 2000Baht for ST for as she put it "up to you" when it came to what she was down for. We could have took a cab but we walked. Walking back to my hotel "Fern" pops into my head. So I text her that I have not forgotten about the 3k but I'm busy tonight. Also, I use this chance to ask when she will cook for me. She texts back "No worry for money, I cook for you." I told myself I wasn't going to see her again, twice is enough, but why am I asking her to cook for me then? I do not know. I struggle with my decisions with this one. I'm over thinking shit.

I mean she does this for money. We all do shit for money, but she does this. So I would venture out to think that money is the goal, solely. Having a guy sideswipe your new car into a cab and then having to give him back the money he was paying you for your "service" and still "acting" like everything is fine does not seem like the best business plan to me. I might be wrong, but Auto body work isn't free. Furthermore, she didn't know if I was leaving or when I was leaving. I made it a point not to say so what was her endgame? Why was she being so fucking nice? I think about it the whole way back to the hotel. I'm glad I didn't end up at Crazy house tonight. I tell myself that tomorrow I will pay her back her 3k and add 3.5k ($100 Bucks in my Head)for the damage on her car and I won't see her again. I didn't come halfway across the world to have any of these issues pop up. I am here to enjoy myself and have an adventure. So I have to buck up and get my Indiana Jones on.

As for the FL. The blowjob was wack so I put it in her ass. I slept like a baby, alone.

Day 6

Slept until noon. Got up wake and bake, shower and off to the gym. I've managed to lose almost 60lbs this year so far I don't want to side rail my health plans so I've been trying to workout as much as possible. Sauna, wow I love the sauna. One thing I have noticed is I have cut out almost all bread and milk intake. It has been soaps and rice and chicken sticks and seafood, back home I would have eaten 2-3 sandwiches and plenty of cheese by now. Here I eat light and simple. I like the contrast and can only think of the GAINS I can make if only I didn't drink. In a perfect world right, But we aren't in a perfect world. We are in Bangkok!

I'm in the shower when my phone goes off, it's a Line message. I immediately think Fern and am immediately mad at myself for the thought. I avoid the phone while I dress and pick it up as I step out the door. I'm heading to the juice spot in the Citibank building across from T21. I check my phone and its actually two messages one from Sao from the Corner Bar at Soi Cowboy and the other from Lek. They both wanted to know what I was doing. I answer Lek and lie telling her I'm laying by the pool at my hotel. I don't know why I lied and worst why such a shitty lie. She texts me back that she is leaving work early, she sort of invites herself over and I don't fight it.

Lek texts me that she is downstairs so I head down to meet her. I get another "you muthafucka" smile from the manager and we head up to my room. Ice arrives as it has every time I walked in with a female, since the first night I asked for ice to be sent up, they have sent up ice whether I asked for it or not every time I walk in with a date. I appreciate it and I tip them for this later. I wash the hotel cups very well and pour us some drinks. I know they don't wash those things. She tells me she was kinda upset we didn't go for drinks last night. I apologize and assure her there is plenty of time for drinks. We drink and she shows me her favorite Thai hip hop on my laptop. We spend like 2 hrs watching and listening to Thai hip hop and end up YouTubing a Thai movie about Muay Thai kinda.

I'm laying in bed with her, clothes on and it's cool. 100% we communicate the best. Her English would have you think she went to school in the USA. She isn't funny but she tries and I like her. I suggest we go get some food. I didn't even try to fuck her. Yet. We walk about a block and settle on a Sushi place. I had the chicken, some saki, and two beers. After we eat I ask her about Muay Thai fights, she says she hasn't been to any but she thinks they have fights at Lumpini Park sometimes. I hadn't been to the park yet so we hail a cab and take the ride over. It was nice. No Muay Thai tonight but the park itself was a nice change of pace.

I was enjoying being around Lek. The afternoon was fun and it was an experience I can share with most people back home. I couldn't share too much about what I was really doing in Thailand with most of the people back home. Shit, I wouldn't share most of what I was doing in Thailand with Lek. What would she think? Lek tells me that some of her friends are going out drinking tonight and they invited us to join them. I immediately think of the reports I have read on forums and cynically think to myself she wants me to buy her and her friends a bottle. Whatever this is usual in NYC so I'm down, this trick is cheaper over here anyway so fuck it. We part ways and agree to meet at my hotel like about 2 Hrs.

I get the "I'm downstairs" text and head down. Expecting her to be with her friends. I'm surprised she is by herself and with heels on!! We get in the cab and she talks to him in Thai and off we go. I believe we ended up at Levels but I can not be 100% about that. Anyway, when we got there, her friends were there with a table and a bottle already. Man, I had a blast! Dancing and getting plastered. It was 5 of us, we finished the bottle of vodka and I ordered a bottle of whiskey. If we are going to turn up then let us turn up. The rest of the night was a haze. The lights and everyone speaking Thai had me feeling all sorts of ways. Thank God for my vapor pen it got me to mellow out a bit. The Redbull and Vodkas really had me going and then the whiskey finished me.

I don't know how we got back to the hotel. Later the manager would tell me that I was pretty drunk when I came in that night with Lek. Around 3 am and We, both were plastered according to the manager. But all is fine that ends in sex and slumber. I should say slumber and sex instead because we slept. When I woke up, I had one of the worst hangovers ever, Lek as well but she seemed to be handling it better than me. She played it smart last night and laid off the RedBull. I, on the other hand, had not. She asked me if it was my idea to come back to my hotel? I honestly don't know. I ordered some room service because I needed food. Over Breakfast/Lunch whatever you want to call it we tried piecing the night together. One thing that stuck out in my mind was last night one of her friends told me that Lek really liked me and she had been talking to them about me a lot. This made me reconsider this whole dating in Thailand thing. I love meeting new girls but I don't want to lead anyone on or hurt anyone. I tried to tell her that in an around the bush kinda way but she was not having it. She told me she was a big girl and did not need me to protect her from herself. She said if she was hanging with me it was because she wanted to and that she was not expecting anything from me. I told her I am emotionally unavailable. She told me she liked me, that is it. I could either deal with it or tell her to leave.

I fucked her. I went against my better judgment and fucked her. She left around 2, happy I think. I'm thinking too much and I hate thinking about this kind of shit. It has to be hard for her to find someone here in P4P paradise, or maybe she is on her own adventure just like me. I choose to believe the later and it makes me feel better. I can be a real pussy sometimes.

Day 7
"Half-way there"

I wish I could be the guy, I know I should want to be. I wish I could follow my own advice. I give the best advice but never keep any for myself. Why? I wish I could change. I'm laying in bed wishing when my phone goes off its "Fern". She texts me " I cook for you today." I want to text back, that I'm busy and that she should just come get her money. Instead, I text back "what time." She says she will come by to pick me up soon. I text a thumbs up. " I here." I head down.

I daydream on the way down of given her the money and walking away. But what I do instead was, hop in the car and accept a huge kiss from her. I tried to make it business I reached for the money and tried to hand it to her. She bluntly tells me she doesn't want my money, I argue that her car needs fixing. She accepts the 3.5K from the car, but wouldn't take the other 3k. Needless to say, Im confused and I'm navigating this road towards more confusion. She wouldn't even let me give her money for the food she was about to make. This girl is either delusional or very good at what she does, I think as she pulls up to her house.

Garage, motorbike, two story house, new car. Who the fuck is this chick I think to myself. Her house was really nice, clean and well furnished. We walk in, she puts on the AC and connects her laptop to her flatscreen hands me the wireless mouse and tells me to make myself at home. She tells me she is going to the market, to chill and she would be right back. Hands me an ice cold Leo before she leaves. First time drinking Leo. I'm on her couch, catching up on the UFC. Huge fights this weekend so I watch the pre-fight coverage. I cant help but think to myself what the fuck are you doing here? It is not the food.

I am thinking way too much. Where is my vape pen? She arrives with what seems like ten bags of stuff. I help her with the bags and a few minutes later her friend arrives. I have seen her before, where do I know her from? Then I remember, Hairless pussy, No tits, she works at Crazy House aswell. While I watch UFC, they cook. I couldn't help but feel like a fucking boss. Having them cook a whole meal just for me. I begin to feel good about her not taking my money. WTF is wrong with me. They cook steamed fish, a yellow curry shrimp dish, and a red curry chicken dish. She made a cold noodle salad and some river oysters and rice. The food was great, I stuffed my face and retired to the couch.

She joins me on the couch and her friend retires to the bedroom to sleep of her food coma. We stay on the couch cuddling and watching videos on youtube. I would show her one and she would show me one. It was almost 8 pm when her friend yelled something in Thai from upstairs. "Fern" lets me know she has to get ready for work and to help myself to anything in her kitchen. When they both walked down they had definitely turned the sexy up, way up! I see the scene for a moment as a fly on the wall; me and these two hot girls, they just cooked for me and are taking me back to my hotel and she didn't take my money. I don't know what to think.

We get to Asoke and they drop me off at the front door of the hotel and off to work they go. I went up confused feeling mad at myself for getting this deep with a bargirl. Why was I even stressing this? I had no answer. I, however, had a desire to stop thinking about her and on to the next one was my thought. I shower, get dressed and head to Corner Bar. There she is, its like she was waiting for me. Sao with her pretty smile and tits. I wanted to get "Fern" out of my mind so I take some shots and ask Sao to come back to my hotel for ST and all I want is a Blowjob. We agree on 2k and BF. We head up and she gives me a mean BJ, I blow my load in like 15 mins. I never come from a bj but I was determined. After she convinces me to fuck, so on goes the Jimmy hat and on to the pushing. She leaves and its like midnight still. Against my better judgment, I head to Crazy House.

I get to Crazy house and I'm sitted. I order some Henny and coke and spark a smoke. I hate cigarettes but oh well. "Fern's" friend sees me and tells me that "Fern" stepped out. I was ok with it. Its her job and I get it. I spot the cutie from the first night at Crazy House, "Kwan." She is the only one I see that doesnt get naked. I like that for some reason. I call her over and she immeidiately tells me she can not go with me because "Fern" is like her sister. Great ! I thought. All that does is makes me want to fuck her even more. Creep Mode !! I decide to be a creep and try to convince her. It worked. Kinda. She sets up this plan where I pay a waitress and exit the club and she would meet me by the gas station on the corner. She didnt want anyone to see her leaving with me. We walk to the hotel and it was a very good night. She kept talking about "Fern." tho.

There goes me not thining about "Fern". Anyway the sex was awesome she is one of those chicks that either fucks with their eyes closed or likes to watch herself get fucked. She kept on moving to the right side of the bed. I had no idea why, but I noticed it. I later realized it was where she could see herself best in the mirror. Hindsight man 20/20. I fuck her twice and explode on her face twice. That second one was work. I felt awesome fading into sleep. She stayed over and left early at around 8 am.

Day 8
Great !!! Sarcastic tone on 100.

I get a text from Kwan a couple of hours after she left. I swear I was in a good mood but when I open her text it is a long ass "I wish I didn't do that last night" text. I hate these. I know I was in creep mode and I knew this would happen. Deep in my sub-conscience, I feel like I set these things up for myself to step on. Self-sabotage I'm awesome at it. She says she feels like she betrayed her friend and that she hopes never to see or hear from me again. I decide to deal with this later and I ignore the rest of her texts that day.

So I haven't mentioned it but today a friend of a friend arrives. My boy who is a paramedic for the FDNY has a partner who was coming to Thailand. I promised to show him around since I had been here for a couple of days already. We meet up at the Asoke BTS station and head towards NANA stopping for some beers at a sports bar. He tells me it is his birthday at midnight and that's all I had to hear. I hail a cab and we are going to Crazy House. We get there and all the girls I know are there, "Fern" and her friend as well as "Kwan". Who is just ignoring the shit out of me. Tonight isn't going to be about her tho, its about my boy and its his fucking Birthday!

What I remember was telling every girl there that he was a Doctor ! and that it is his Birthday! They got the picture. The night turned into a movie. Even the mamasan turned up. It was the night I spent the most as did he. I believe I even bought some Canadian dudes some rounds and when I saw two black dudes I could tell one of them was from NYC. I was right so rounds for them too. You are welcome, guys. I was feeling good and my boy was having the time of his life. The music changed all of sudden and the Birthday song began 3 girls appeared with a cake. A fucking cake! As I turned to see my boy's reaction, the fucker wasn't even in his seat. He had just got up to use the bathroom. They went in the bathroom with the fucking cake and dragged him out and finished singing the B-Day song.

This was his first night in Bangkok. Imagine his day 1 trip report. He ended up BFing two girls and leaving. Happy Birthday Bro and in the cab he went. It is only 1 AM. I leave Crazy House and head to Corner Bar. Sao my girl is there. I know I am a repeater. She is out of my room before 3 am and I pass out.

At about 3:30 am I hear a sound coming from my phone that a never heard before. It was a video call on LINE. Never got one of those before, I pick up and its "Fern". She wants me to come down and go home with her. I shower and head down. The manager looks at me like damn bro again. I hop in the car and she ran over a fucking flower pot while exiting the driveway. Tomorrow I would find out that it would cost me 1000 bhat. The things I do sometimes. We head to get some food, she orders. A boiling pot that comes with some raw meats, cabbage, eggs, and veggies. A pork and sticky rice and some pink egg that was really black. A large beer and a spicy as fuck papaya salad. All on the side of the road at almost 5 am in the morning. Who's better than me?

Get to her house and we drink another beer. Head upstairs, and into bed. I was fucking her in her own bed, she was really into it. So was I. Was my ego getting the best of me? She was making me feel good and I really liked it

Day 9
"What am I doing?"

Well, what I was doing was paying for a hotel room I wasn't using for the moment. That's the one thing I could be sure of. Other than that. What the fuck am I doing? Why am I here at this gogo girls house sleeping in her bed? Sleeping with her for the 4th time, fucking her for the ugh teen time. She was beginning to feel familiar. I came to Thailand looking for an adventure. After spending my twenties in a relationship, working like a crazed man. NYC is great but its home I know it all too well. I wanted new, I wanted unknown. I needed an adventure, I guess that was what I was doing but was I playing with her emotions or mine. Shit, Fuck and any other four letter word that is applicable.

She made me some damn delicious coffee, very dark roast and to her credit, it wasn't instant. We talked about what we wanted to do that day. I needed to shop for my unborn nephew so there was that. She wanted massages, I quickly conquered. I wanted to eat too, but somewhere local. No fancy stuff. Showered and got dressed. Like a fucking tourist I wanted mango and sticky rice, so we got some of that and an iced Thai tea at a small stand near her place. We headed out for massages. I got a 2hr massage that left me feeling like I just had a smoke session with snoop dogg.

Some tea to finish it off and it's time to shop. I am an excited uncle to be. For the first time and its my baby sister's baby so I'm spoiling this kid rotten. She took me to a wholesale shopping area. We could hardly walk, a number of people was pretty crazy. I bought my nephew a lot of clothes that day. Ask Qatar Airways. She did some damage as well but on her dime. I did buy her two t-shirts, I insisted. I paid for the massages too. Like 1200 bhat.

As we walk or try to walk thru this wave of people I get a text from Ant my boy's paramedic partner. I had been waiting for this text. It said "Hey". I replied with "So how was it birthday boy?" He proceeds to tell me one of them was great but the other seemed like she didn't want to be there. I felt bad for him but fuck it. I provided him with an awesome Birthday story his 1st night in Bangkok. We quickly make plans to meet up again by Soi Cowboy around 9 pm.

Fern and I catch lunch at a small Indian spot. Then I get some coconut ice cream at a stand. She takes me to a barber shop I looked up online. I needed a touch-up and don't trust anyone with my hair or beard. But I looked these guys up and they seem to know what they were doing. See, I come from NYC, the Bronx to be exact. Home of hundreds of Dominican barber shops and not just any fade will do here. You have to be good and you fucking up someone's hair is not an option. In I go Three Brothers Barbershop. It is small and in a mall, but they know what they are doing. These guys have style too. I loved it and left feeling better than when I walked in and it wasn't the vape pen.

One more quick bite to eat. Ill take some fried pork in a plastic bag and a couple bags of sticky rice. Fruit stand for pineapple and watermelon. We go back to her place and grub. This one might have been the vape pen because I even cracked open a pint of lemon ice cream she had. I was a real fat boy that afternoon. We napped after and fucked and napped and fucked. One more for the stupid pile. I went bareback and had been since the morning. Fuck, shit and any other four letter word applicable. I didn't care. I guess. I don't know why. I'm 100% she had condoms, I could have just asked but I didn't. Why? She didn't say anything, but so what. This is on me, I did this.

Right before 8, she starts to get ready. She is sexy as fuck when she wants to be. When she is dancing I sometimes see other guys looking at her and I think its great. All of them wanting her and its my dick she is going to be sucking. We head over to Asoke and she drops me off at my hotel. I walk in with all this baby stuff the staff had a confused look on their faces. It was pretty funny to me. I mean to shower and get dressed so I can meet with Ant at 9. I showered and ended up falling asleep on the sofa. I woke up before 12 and I had 10 texts from Ant. Ranging from "I'm here", to "Where are you man", to "wtf its my Birthday fucked up you ditching me". I text back I fell asleep, running out now. When I finally meet up with him he is coming out of Suzie wongs I think its called. The place with the shows and he BFed a girl already.
So we walk around for awhile getting beers here and there but eventually, he wants to go. Off into the night, he goes with his Bargirl.

Me. I'm taken my ass to the hotel. I was tired man. All this drinking and fucking takes its toll. I hardly drink at home. I'm way more of a pothead. This week has been soaked, full of drinking. I get to the room, Slip into bed. A little later my phone goes off. Its Fern she wants me to go home wit her again. I write three separate texts explaining why I could not. I didn't send any of those texts. I sent. "Ok, cool. Text me when here." I head down and the manager lends me his lighter so I can smoke a cigarette. What am I doing? We have a short convo about how many girls I "boom boomed" this week as he put it. I laugh about the flower pot and he gets all serious on me. He is great.

She pulls up and off we go. Straight to her house this time. After we get there her neighbor brings over food. Some pork with sesame seeds on a stick and a few grilled fish on a stick and some sticky rice. Apparently, her neighbor runs a late night food spot out of her home next door. It hit the spot, the sesame on the pork was a nice touch. We laid in bed talking. Our conversations are about things we like to do and our interests. I try explaining to her some of mine and she does the same with me. Religion comes up, she explains Thailand's politics. The conversation is never about "us" or about future plans. I am really enjoying these moments and I could only hope she is too. It is what it is at this point.
I sleep wonderfully this night.

Day 10

We slept in today. I rolled around in and out of sleep all morning. By the time we were having coffee it was already past 1 pm. We go to lunch at a small market cafeteria. Two Bowls of noodles each makes one regular sized bowl. I get some friend chicken and sticky rice. Food can be so cheap here, it is somethingIi love about the city. I heard it used to be even more present on the streets, but that the government has cracked down on sidewalk vendors. I'm sure there is bad and good in that decision. But thank god for street food.

I notice that we aren't far from where we got the massages yesterday and she confirms my suspicions. I offer her a massage on me and she accepts. My right shoulder had been killing the past month, it is the way I sleep with my arm under the pillow. Anyway after the massage yesterday it felt better. This time I got the deep tissue massage. I almost cried, he rolled my shoulder with a wood stick and it hurt like crazy. Afterward, it felt great but during, it was hell. First, it was deep tissue and then 1hr oil massage. Why don't I get massages back home? You feel so much better after.

The afternoon just flew by. I start to feel like that about my trip when we head back to my hotel after the massages. Tonight is my last night in Bangkok. It has been a ride. I can see myself coming back, no fantasies of moving here, well at least not yet. I have some friends that I've been to Dominican republic and Jamaica with. I know they would love it here. We do a guys trip once a year, my vote is going to be Thailand in November for sure. I'm happy I came this far across the world alone, I would do it again in a second. I'm happy and in a good space right now.

I no longer she her as a why? I see her as a why not? Why not have fun with her? Why not sleep with her almost half my trip? I mean sleep with her not fuck her. I mean actually hold her, wrap my legs with hers and sleep together. The sex is fucking great. The way she clings to me after either one of us comes feels good. So why not? I concede the fact that I liked the time I've spent with her. Its about that time and being in that moment, no worries or even thoughts about any future situations. It isn't about either of us. It is about both of us in that time and space. Just being there in that moment getting what ever nut off it is we're working on. I hope she is busting whatever nut she is working on. I only want to be a positive in her life, in anyone's life for that matter. I'm all about energy and her energy makes me feel good. Even as I write this the only real thing was that time, the memory is a cool part but it isn't real. I'm back home, real is now. The past is dead. I remember Feb 28th the Tuesday night I spent in Bangkok. Guns and Roses played on world tour at the national stadium that night. The bars were packed that night. One of my favorite GnR songs is Live and Let Die! So I will.

She leaves to get ready for work, I walk her downstairs to her car and decide I will walk to the Citibank ATM. On the way there I text Lek and ask what she up to. She at work but won't be able to see me tonight. No biggie. Later we have a back and forth on LINE and settle thing between us in a dope way. We had fun together and that was it. Two people enjoying time together. She tells me to enjoy my night and my morning in Thailand and that we will keep in touch. I feel like a real adult after those texts. I text Ant after to see what he is up to. He is going up to Chiang Mai in the morning so he does not want to stay out late he claims. So... Soi Cowboy at 9PM Ill be there.

Truth be told I didn't want to drink too much either. I had a 24 hr travel day ahead of me so I wanted to take it easy, so I can drink on the plane. We met up around 9PM and we both start by saying we dont want to drink too much. What a pair of pussies. hahaha The one thing I had not tried yet was a BJ bar. I sprang the idea on Ant and he was game. I read about few BJ bars and even one regular bar where girls would blow you out in the open. We decide on one and start walking. We ended up at lolitas. Heineken for him, rum and coke for me and BJ room here we come. The girl I picked knew how to blow a mean dick, for a second there I thought she was going to stick a finger up my ass the way she was gripping my balls. No such luck... Those are just jokes fellas.

After that, we drank a bit at the balcony bar at NANA and worked our way back towards Asoke. Its funny how in Bangkok two friends can start their night by getting blowjobs at a bar and then start drinking. I find it easier to navigate the sea of bargirls after my nights out in Bangkok. It being Saturday night I wanted to watch the UFC PPV. We tried a sports bar next to T21 but nothing, just soccer. I came to find out later it started in Thailand the next day at 10 AM. Ant wouldn't stop making fun of me. "All this pussy and you thinking about two guys in booty shorts". It is almost midnight and Ant decides he really needs to make his bus in the morning so no pussy for him tonight. Wanting to be a good boy my last night I go back to my hotel to finish packing, or at least try to. I bought this baby way too much shit it won't fit in my luggage. I had to get another bag the day after.

Fern texts me to go home with her after work, I tell her I have to check out in the morning, so she should just stay here. She says ok reluctantly. I think she is embarrassed about the flower pot. It was a pretty big flower pot. I think it was taller than her. I head down to meet her and smoke a cigarette while I wait. First, thing she says to me when she sees me is that I shouldn't be smoking. OK Mom. She is being a brat tonight, I think someone is going to miss me. I try to make light of it and make her laugh. She has a dark sense of humor so some of my attempts hit dead on and she can't help but laugh. She really turns me on when she laughs.

Day 11
"Last Morning"
I woke up early. I wanted to get some iced coffee and some mango sticky rice so ran down to the corner. It was Sunday the streets were deserted. No mango sticky rice lady, no chicken stick guy, noodle dude isn't there. Fuck, it is over. 7-11 it is. No more steam buns, great. I saw the girl ahead of me walk out with the last 3. Iced coffee solo then. When I get to the room she is still in bed, but up. Check out is at 11 AM so we still have 2 hours.

I get naked and jump back in bed with her. She acts like she is getting up to get dressed as I dive into the covers. She isn't going to get away that easy. I establish wrist control, and it is over for her. I know that this will be the last time we fuck. My flight leaves at 7 PM so I have to get going by 5. After check out she said she is making me a huge seafood meal, so no time for fucking later. I had to make these nuts count. She grips onto me after we cum, it feels great. It is part of the release, as we lay there catching our breath.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I checked out, and we headed to her place. I watched the main event of the UFC PPV on her TV while she went to the market and then cooked a mean seafood meal. It was so much food, I told her to invite her neighbors, who I had met several times already. We ate, and the food was delicious. Leafy greens, two grilled fish, sea oysters, river oysters, squid, octopus, grilled prawns, papaya salad. It was awesome, I'll post a picture of the layout. I was just hoping it didn't fuck with my stomach. I had a 24 hr travel day ahead of me. After lunch, I laid on the couch and she joined me. We didn't speak much, just laid there. I told her I was going to 7-11 for some smokes, she handed me 4000 bhat and two pieces of paper and asked me to pay her light and water bill. Upon my return, it was time for me to head out. She offered me the ride to the airport but her neighbors were still there and her niece as well so I asked her to call me a cab instead. She didn't seem bothered by it and I was glad.

I was happy there were people around. It made the moment lighter and way better. When the cab showed up I gathered my shit and pulled a copy of Fight Club I bought to read on the plane over and wrote a small note in it. I left it on her TV stand. She gave me a huge hug and tells me she loved the time we spent together and tell her I feel the same. With that I'm in the cab heading to the airport. My adventure is over for now. My trip has come to it's end.

11 days. I made choices that could have changed my life forever, in mostly bad ways. But that didn't happen. What did happen was me discovering an awesome place named Bangkok. Full of mystery, countless adventure filled with life changing moments and stupid decisions. It is like every other big city on earth and yet it is not. It is different walks to its own beat. It does remind me of home because, it too never sleeps. Can't wait to be back.

Has for the girls, I hope them all the best. I will keep in contact with Fern and Lek, for now. I had great times with both of them, particularly Fern. She is one I wouldn't mind seeing again. I'm going to keep living until then. Like that Guns and Roses song. Live and Let Die, I'll keep on living and ( in my best DRAGO voice ) "If it dies, it dies".Soi+Cowboy+Bangkok+red-light+district.jpg

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