Healing Through Sex

in thank •  4 years ago 

Like the Breath of life, sex is vital to the continuation of human beings. As a natural euphoriant, sex is quite vital to the humanity's well being. There are manny books in the market which shows that the happiness can be found through sex though unknown to many people, it can be used for healing and can be used for spiritual elevation. This is the higher or hidden purpose of Sexual Intercourse.
Performing sexual activity in such a way will help humanity enjoy life, love life & also benefit from life. Sex can be used for enhancing health and happiness of the individual , socieety & also the Nation. Sex being a function which is unavoidable should be made into the source of happiness not pain. Happiness is healing, joy & longevity, correct sex yields infinite happiness. Pain is incurabe disease,depression & death, incorrect sex yields infinite pain. Correct sex spreads happiness among individuals, their progeny as well as society. Incorrect sex i.e., sex used as a weapon against others, as a license for promiscuity, or as an immoral profit generator- will certainlyh cause social decay.
From the observation of reproductive process, ancients made discoveries that the sexual glands are provied with god's power to create & also the intelligence of god to organize life. Therefore, sexual glands can be used as a source of life force for their own bodies.
As per ancients, sexual organs & glands, where the energy & life power are concentrated & generated, are said to be as "Stove". This term in essence underscrores the dependence on the sexual energy. We are highly ddependent upon on the sexual gland to support our mental & physical functions as we are hugely dependent on stove to cook food . Without stove, nothing can be cooked or eaten & ence life will end. In the same way, life will end when the non-functional sexual glands will cause mental & physica aspects of body to become non-functional.
As per the ancients, sexual glands dunction improperly, cell/tissue regeneration which lead to mental & physical performance fall. Whenever the mental & physical aspects of the body becomes tired, depressed, or negative, more problems or disease will get created. With this aging process begins. All such type of such type of problems can be prevented or could be corrected by proper functioning of sexual glands or organs.
Many people think that sex is dirty or sinful. It is because they were not taught about sex & spirituality, hence cut off from vital means of experiencing godliness within.
Prostate Gland has a specific functions mainly semen ejaculation. Ejaculation is a complex process. WHnever penis gets stimulated, prostate swells with secretions. After prostate gland swells to its maximum capacity, it udnergoes a rapi series of contraction till it gets shrinked to normal size. Such type of contractions squeeze secretions from the prostate, thorugh the uthera, into the penis. And every time, prostate contracts & relaxes, it draws sperm from semminal vesicle. It possible for men to experience upto twenty-one contractions. As ejaculation is a function of prostate gland, someone having prostate problems could experience as little as five contractions or in some cases only one contraction. As orgasms are composed of such contractions, problems of prostate will affect orgasms.
In a man, sexual glands made up of prostate & testicles. The Penis is also not considered to be a part of sexual glands, as it does not produce anything. It is generally a tube or channel with the help of which glandular secretions could pass, an instruments to be used by sexual glands for procreation. The testicles prouce sperms (called as capsules of life) & hormones & the prostate produces nutrient, hormone & energy rich seminal fluid. The secretions produced constitute semen, which is a substance which serves as carrier of sperm.
When the average male ejaculates, he loses around one tablespoon of semen. As per the scientific research , nutitional value of the amount of semenis equal to that of two pieces of New Yor Streaks, ten eggs, six oranges & two lemons combined. It includes proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, everything .
Semen also contain great deal of vital energy, hence an ejaculationalso shows a great deal of lost vital energy. It is seen by exhaustion felt by man after ejaculation. Ejaculation is many times referred to as "Coming". Correct word for it must be "Going", as everything goes -erection, vital energy , millions of live sperms, harmones, nutrients, even a little of man's personalty-goes away. It is a great sacrifice for man spiritually, mentally & physically.
After ejaculation, all of the seven glands are depleted, mainly sexual glands. As per ancients, if you go in such direction, moving the energy down through the seven glands & out of body through ejaculation- you are moving in direction of human being and human beings die. Though moving in other direction-moving energy upwards among the seven glands in body- you can be able to live an immortal life, a divine life.For such reasons, ancients searched & uncovered a way for the man to have even more enjoyable orgasms without ejaculation, to retain & utilize his vital energy.
If a man is able to "injaculate" as it will explained next, then he will be able to retain this precious vital energy & also maintain his erection. This helps the man to satisfy the woman.
Deer Eercise for Men:-
Thousand years ago, taoist sages selected three animals which are noted for longetivity-Deer. The deer was noted for its strong sexual & reproductive abilities . The sages minutely observed teh behaviour that seemed to contribute to the abilities of deer. They saw that the deer exercised its anus when it wiggled its tail. After studying results of the exercise, sages immediately adopted the principle & redesigned it for human use. Hence, Deer exercise was born.
The Deer exercise achieves four important objectives. First of all, it builds up the tissues of the sexual organs. Secondly, it draws up energy through six of seven glands of body into the pineal gland to eleviate spirituality (There is a harmonal pathway that leads from the prostate, connect with the adrenal glands & continues on to the other glands). Further, blood transport the nutrients & energy of semen to rest of body.
When the energy is brought up into the pineal gland, a chill or tingling sensation is felt to ascend through the spine to reach the head. It feels a little like an orgasm. If you feel a sensation in the area of head, though do not feel tingling sensation in the middle of your back , do not worry. Your sensitivity will increase with experience . Though after sometime still cannot sense energy going, certain problems must be taken care of.
Self-Determination is the third benefit derived for the deer exercise. If one gland in the seven gland system is functioning below par, energy shooting up the spine will stop there. A weakness is indicated & special attention will be given to that area. Lets say for example, if thymus gland is not functioning properly, energy will stop there. Energy will continue to stop there till thymus gland is healed. When the thymus gland is again functioning normally, the energy will then move further up along the spine toward the pineal gland. If energy moves all the way up to your head during teh deer exercise, it indicates that all teh seven glands are functioning well & that there is no energy blockage in the body. If you do not feel anything during the deer exercise, a blockage is indicated . Movement of energy can be felt by everyone if no dysfunctions are encountered.
The fourth benefit of the deer exercise is that it builds up sexual ability and enables the man to prolong sexual intercourse. During the ordinary inetrcourse, the prostate swells with semen to maximum size before ejaculating. During the ejaculation, teh prostate shoots out its content in a series of contraction. Then, sexula intercourse ends. With nothing left to ejaculate , induce contraction. Then, sexual intercourse ends with nothing left to ejaculate, induce contractions or maintain erection, the man cannot able to make love. But if deer exercise is used to pump semen out to otehr direction into other glands and vessels, then he can prolong intercourse.

  1. Rub teh palms of your hands together vigorously. This creates heat in your hands by bringing energy of your body into your hands & palms.
  2. With your right hand, cup your testicles so that the palm of your hand completely covers them. Do not squeze. Just a light pressure will be felt and also heat from your hand.
    3.Place the palm of your left hand on area of your pubis, one inch below your navel.
    4.With a slight pressure so that a gentle warmth begins to build in the area of pubis, move your left hand in clockwise or counter clockwise direction circles eighty one times.
    5.Rub your hands together vigorously again.
    6.Reverse the psoition of your hands so that your left hand cups your testicles & your right hand is on your pubis. Repeat the circular rubbing in the opposite direction another eight-one times. Concentrate on what are you doing & feel a warmth grow. For all Taoist exercises, it is actually very important-even necessary-that you concentrate on the purpose of physical motions, for doing so will enhance the results. It will unify the body & mind to bring full power to our purpose. Never try to use the mind to force natural processes through imagining fires growing in the pubic area or any other area. This is dangerous.
    Second Stage:-
  3. Tighten the muscles around your anus & draw them up and in. When done properly it will feel as if air is being drawn up your rectum, or as if your entire anal area is bieng drawn in and upward. Tighten as hard as you can & hold as long as you can as you able to do so in a comfortable manner.
    2.Stop & relax for a moment.
  4. Repeat the anal cotraction. Do this as many times you can without feeling discomfort.

During intercourse you should use the second stage of exercise to pump semen back to body, so that you can enjoy lovemaking for longer session.

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