Cop tells the truth, gets suspended.

in thankacop •  6 years ago 

If you were given carte blanche to commit any crime you could think of, what would it be?

Do you want to be a killer?
Did you always play the cowboy, never the indian?

If you could be a gangster of the first rate, with impunity to deal, would you sell drugs?

From the story:


Hartford, CT — (RT) A Connecticut police officer has been suspended after a video emerged of him warning suspected trespassers not to do anything stupid, because he is “trigger-happy” and will be paid for overtime if someone gets shot.

“If anybody wants to fight or run, I’m a little trigger-happy guys, I’m not gonna lie. And I get paid a ton of money in overtime if I have to shoot somebody. So don’t do anything stupid,” Hartford Police Sergeant Stephen Barone is heard telling a group of young people that he stopped for alleged trespassing on Thursday night.

The three-minute video, which surfaced on Friday, led to Barone’s suspension from the force pending an internal review of his interaction with the public.

This perfectly illustrates why insurrectionary tactics are necessary to the cause.
If I can just kill you to silence you about my ongoing criminality, why wouldn't I?
Unless our side is willing to meet their side, they just keep investigating themselves and finding themselves innocent,

You can't make a hamburger without killing some beef.

You, dear reader, have been steered towards non-violence for a reason.
It can work, but has it yet?
Who is Bhagat Singh?

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I'm practicing for the future on PS4....

Well, maybe if you use the duckhunt pistol,...?

The idea that this cop will be back on duty is frightening. So many seem to enjoy violence in a way they didn't (at least not in these numbers) when I was young. Same with the way they kill so many dogs now. They weren't executing peoples dogs back in the day. Society overall has become more violent and insane, and they then say this is progress.

The ones we really have to worry about are the ones smart enough to not say that, yet feel the same.