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Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great day.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

We were also sad to lose some friends and our beloved dog "Brain" this Fall, its been a roller coaster ride, of a year but still lots to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!! Ours was on Oct.14 👍❤💁

this is beautiful, thanks so much for sharing with us all. everything you and your family have been through and you still see the magic of life all around you xx



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Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you and your family the best of the holidays! ^_^

Much to be thankful for 🙏 It's always good to take pause and appreciate the ups and downs that we go through.

Happy Thanksgiving! Best wishes to you and family! :-)

Thank you

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I love you so much!!! This year has been one of the toughest to work through, but we are TEAM BOOTY!! You are the best, and I just am so grateful for YOU!!