Currently working on a multitude of projects; beer-pong table nearing completion, cat tree/wheel in its 2nd phase(hammer and nail), leather footwear (no rubber), and fewers i can't recall atm. Everyone should cultivate a skill to do at home to offer society, will aid you when that job let's you down.
Getting forgiven for a multitude of sins, nazereene is an organized church that respects ALL religions, humans, elves, aliens, dwarves, men in black, etc. Enjoying the thought of great bliss, women to meet, old friends to remanicse ,
Rest is expected, not wondered, Relaxation is a lil more challenging, much on my table(s).
God Bless all of the creations, let us pursue happiness, respect the peace of others, and ask before taking, and leaving more than just our carbon prints, good day.