10 Rabi-ul-Akhir 1439
29 December 2017
Nabie Muhammad ﷺ said :
“O Muslims! Allah has made this day (Friday) a day of ‘Eid’. So have a bath on this day, whoever has perfume should apply it, and use the miswaak.”
(Ibn Majah)
📝 Friday Checklist 📝
✔ Take a bath/ghusl
✔ Best clothes
✔ Wear a turban
✔ Itr for men
✔ Trim your nails
✔ Remove unwanted hair
✔ Miswaak
✔ Early for Jumma Salaah
✔ Surah Kahf
✔ Surah Dukhan
✔ Abundant durood
✔ Dhikr
✔ Dua!