You may have heard some chatter about abortions and how abortion laws are changing. I smile because I feel that I had a little to do with that. As many people know, I am a Conservative Christian and I know that life has been granted to us by GOD HIMSELF. It seems like a few months ago I posted a petition that I wanted people to add there names to. The bill that the petition was in favor of was called the heartbeat bill. The slogan behind the bill is 'if a heartbeat is detected then the baby is protected!' Really the bill is just common sense. If you are using infrared binoculars and you see two sources of do not say 'maby only one object is coming at me.'
So to the people that helped get the word out, I would like to send the following video message as a token of my appreciation!
I look forward to seeing the house of cards collapse on this scourge of humanity that is called abortion.