Worry. Fear. Panic. The feeling that you couldn't do it and every excuse you could think of to exit the situation while looking good. You wanted to protect your ego. You knew that it would change how you see yourself. You didn't want to possibly fail.
One baby step at a time, though. Clean the clothes. Dress carefully while looking good. Get in the car. Drive a while and park.
You see a familiar face and greet them. You both laugh and recall a few awkward moments with them. You admire the person though - he's great and awesome. Any negative feeling is always a reflection of the one who feels negative. Let it go.
You whip out some push-ups. You laugh and share experiences about people's misunderstands with your crew. You practice a few times. You all laugh and smile.
The moment arrives.
Lights. Crew. People. You step out first and it commences.
You laugh. You smile. You feel on top of the world. You congratulate your crew. Everyone did awesome. Everyone took chances. Everyone laughed. A sea of people laughed. Never forget that without overcoming the negative, you can't taste the positive.
Image H/T Pixabay