Possible Games... need ideas and feedback

in the-alchemist •  6 years ago 

Hi gamers! Here I am going to outline a game that I am planning on creating, but I need a whole bunch of feedback.

As a note, this is a game I am considering as my own personal homage to the Myst series' 25th anniversary. I adored the graphics and gameplay, even if I didn't win a single one nor play more than the first 2 (no money can do that to a person).

So, here I am, thinking of the story itself and how I will be putting the game together! Please help me with as many ideas (awesome, lame or otherwise) as can be set down.

Myst, a game ahead of it's time!

So, here, without any further delay, lies the Title and Chapters that will comprise my game...

Summary: The player plays as an Alchemist in search of a Rare Earth Metal that has the innate ability to bind Lead w/ Copper/Silver as the Catalyst to form Gold.

The Alchemist: Rare Earth Metal

Chapter 1: Ally Attacks!
Chapter 2: Deal for Survival
Chapter 3: The Book of Metals
Chapter 4: A Missing Composite
Chapter 5: Six-Wagon Caravan
Chapter 6: A Traitor in the Midst
Chapter 7: Escape to an Ancient Bathhouse
Chapter 8: Catacombs & Booby Traps
Chapter 9: Through the Winter Passes
Chapter 10: What do a Monk, a Llama & a Dried-Up Fountain have in Common?
Chapter 11: Secret Passage to Bazzakal
Chapter 12: Bridal Wreath or Guillotine
Chapter 13: The Old Man of Science & Magic
Chapter 14: An Hourglass Full of Sand
Chapter 15: In the Baazar
Chapter 16: Shine at the Bottom
Chapter 17: Hero's Return or Failure's Price
Chapter 18: Mixing Madness
Chapter 19: Debt Collection
Chapter 20: Culmination of Effort

Now, here is what I have as the Introduction to the game.

Introduction: A flash of lightning broke the stale darkness as you walk home in the night. You swear under your breath and pick up the pace. You break into a sprint as the first few drops splash to the cobbled alleyway.

"Excuse me, sir." The voice had a heavy accent.

You turn around to see who was calling you. A heavy hand shoves you against the wall. You feel your consciousness slipping away and darkness enfolds you.

After awhile you open your eyes. You feel rope against your wrists.

"He's coming around, sir." The same voice from the alley.

You can't see anything or move, and your teeth bite down on cloth.

A different voice interrupts your thoughts. "The Master wants his gold! You have until tomorrow night or we will take further measures... & you know how that will go."

You hear them leave, but you are still bound in darkness.

There you have it, this is the start of the game that I intend to make. Please leave feedback and suggestions as to how the game should play or any changes you would make to the outlined plan. I may or may not heed the suggestions, but if you do suggest something that I put in place, I may credit you in the game.

And if you want to support my efforts, feel free to send SBDs or STEEM! I will credit any who donate to the project directly!


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Feedback for this one "Ally Attacks! ".And sorry to say i am not able to send any sbd or steem becuase i will work there for continuing my education and also new user not too much SBD.

I completely understand the lack of STEEM & SBDs, no worries.

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