We've just come off the third stream in this new initiative for @Ned and the @Steem team. And yet, it feels like it may have been the first of something special. There was a lot that we were able to take from the first two streams, but this one was different........and different in a very good way.
FAVORITE QUOTE - On appreciation of the process
“There’s a whole evolution to get the set right - to get the cadence of dialogue right – to get the topics right - so a lot of these things need to evolve.” Ned Scott
ABOUT joel
The show is hosted by @JoelKruger, currency trader and market punk. Joel is excited to be on Steem and is looking forward to putting his ADHD to good work, through streams on @Vimm. Joel covers markets, music, books(that he doesn't read), art and life.
NOTE - We'll be putting out a formal schedule soon, so keep in touch for updates. Look forward to seeing you on the show.