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Best post of the day right here! This is the type of content people need to upvote to encourage people to create such thought provoking pieces. I for one can say I have a different view coming out of this, and not only are you showing empathy for someone who most people will only show hatred , but also showing that transparent honesty is really what should be the goal of many more posts. I think soon people will have real honest debates instead of skirting issues and saying what they think people want to hear. Bravo sir! Hope this post leaves other readers with a similar impression.

Exactly ! 100000% agreed ! This kind of
Content keeps me on steemit !

This is definitely the type of contribution people should recognize with their votes. It's everything on this platform done right.

thanks mate. I really appreciate this feedback. :-)

You deserve it! The world is full of enough hate already. You never know when the effect of showing kindness instead of anger will change someone's heart. I wish the follow feed was up and running so I could have some of my favorite posters all in one place, but for now thanks again for your perspective on the whole situation.

Definetly a post with the most substance i have read for a long time:)

Isnt that the thing, it really is an addictive force that drives you to create content that actually matters. I have been fighting with that for days. Your post is something that fires me up even more.

Have to admit i love this paragraph your wrote:

"As I got into writing on Steemit, I experienced a flow like never before - constructive. The more I wrote, the more I felt to get aligned with the purpose of truly creating value for readers and the community. I'm not sure I've ever experienced anything like it before - all that inner chaos and addictive compulsion channeled into a purpose much bigger than myself, tangibly contributing to a project that held the potential to be an excellent entryway into the realm of societal & economic transformation that I'd felt drawn to my whole life, yet had ended up continually frustrated because I never found my place in the world (the same way it felt like I may have found on Steemit)."

Thanks mate for the awesome read!

your welcome. and thank you for the feedback. :-)

I really missed you big time ! Your posts are the most valuable for me so far ! Always right on point ! I am learning a lot from you and so glad you are back !

Big thumbs up on this article, Rok. It's raw, but with more empathy than anger. I'm glad you got your account back. Welcome back to one of Steemit's best writers!

thanks, brotha :-)

Beautifully written Rok. What a heartfelt message that's authentic without being sappy. It's just the sort of message that a hacker is not expecting. Thank you for setting an example for others to follow. I'm sure this will not be the last hack, so it should go under the SteemWiki for other hackers to read. Well done!

You compassion and writing skills are gems of radiance coming out of what I believe to be another monumentally beautiful human being. Thank you for sharing such words of wisdom with us all, for being such a positive powerful influence on this very important uprising social platform. Namaste :)

Wow. You, sir, are bloody excellent. Raw and soulful is right. I can't imagine I'd be able to be as empathetic as you've been here, if the tables were turned. I'd like to think that I could be - but until confronted with it, you never know. You though - you're something, someone, different.


Great post, tanks for advice ;)
Keep up the good work mate

This post deserve a lot of attention. It's the most full in every aspect for the relation against this human being that wanted to harrass a big project like Steem.

Wow man awesome post, for a second there I thought you were gonna go SAW on this guy but you chose an interesting angle, by thanking him. Now that I think about it you are 1000% correct. Had the stakes been higher like you mentioned who knows what the real damage would've been like. Whoever he is I think he's been watching a little too much Mr. Robot. Good luck to you. I need to check out your blog, this was a long one but kept me glued to my screen the entire time. Great stuff!

lol... had me laughing at "I thought you were gonna go SAW on this guy..."

thanks for the feedback, 'tis much appreciated :-)

Plot twist: @rok-sivante hasn't actually recovered his account yet, and this was all written by the hacker.

Dr. Jekyll - Mr. Hyde - syndrome? ;-)

I love it, Complex pattern recognition is not recognized in the public. If it were, I think people would see the mirror pattern.

well said my friend

I really find it sad that you ended the blog with a rape joke as if that is just the norm, which reinforces the idea that if you do a crime you get raped, which should never be the norm and if that happens in prison then the prison should be held liable. This falls under the category of cruel, but if we allow it to be the norm it is no longer an unusual punishment.

Other than blaming the victim, nice blog.

Great post, love the styling and, of course, the message. What a perfect example of our community and the new economy.


I finally stumbled on real, complete and interesting article! Good job!That's what I personaly would like to read .

Thanks mate :-)

Quite the linguistic and psycho-analytic masterpiece and a hell lot of work unless you are a speed-writer.

Just consider the possibility we are not necessarily dealing with the "lone-hacker" situation here.

Considering we're co-creating a new global economy we might be underestimating who or what we're up against.

Longer live the blockchain! ;-)

Great post.

nice post..

Nice post. Must admit I didn't read it all. Get the gist though.