The Law of Attraction

in the •  8 years ago 

The Law of Attraction
This worked for me from Oct 2016- August 2016
The Law of Attraction is real and powerful. Its the ability to attract what you focus on. It can be something you want/need or don't. Positive or negative. I recommend start focusing on positive abundant things you'd like RIGHT NOW!
Around this time last year October early November I made it a decision in my mind that I would go to Vegas August of 2016 to meet with a 1,000 entrepreneurs World Wide. Some flew from Europe a two day plane trip they told us others like myself from the states outside of Vegas to meet with 6 Figure Earners, Millionaires and Multi Millionaires to network.
All I knew was that if I wanted to become successful I had to be there no doubt in my mind.
I had no INCOME in October of 2016. No savings no job NOTHING. All I had was a MAGNIFICENT BURNING DESIRE to be there a place where all the world goes because of its fame.
It wasn't until a few maybe 5 months prior to the August 12th 2016 convention that I had even gave little thought to the PRICE of the entire trip.
I remember discussing the convention with people I thought would make it and others I knew that would. I started only then to look up average air plane prices, hotel rooms, ticket for the event etc!
I still had $0 down for the trip lol But it was that magnificent burning desire within me as the days became closer that made me get there.
4 months until the date I knocked off one expense, the ticket admittance fee for convention. Then later another expense then another, in the spand of 4 months all the money was attracted; my flight ticket was paid and finally less than 30 days until convention my hotel room. All with no j.o.b, no hand outs, only my online income.
Imagine paying for a flight for a weekend trip in another state with not the slightest idea of where you would sleep overnight, eat, etc 5 hours away from home on a plane.
Lastly I made more then enough 1 week before departure, more then enough money for travel around vegas, food to eat, and emergency .
From the day I set it in my mind the DESICION, I started to ATTRACT the activities, money, time, people, I needed for a whole year to make it possible ( really 4 months prior in physical sense ex. Money making activity but mentally a year).
The trip from my families view, friends I spoke with about it, was dim and unbelievable that I would make it with no money of my own.
If wasn't for me having that magnificent burning desire I have today for other dreams of mine and the powerful law of attraction my family and friends would have been right but God helps me prove them wrong each and every time
DREAM BIGGER MY FRIENDS DREAM BIG DREAMS even though in eyes view the dream seems far fetched to difficult to accomplish.

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