in the •  6 years ago 

OLYMPIC GAMES IN MONEYMAKING WITH CRIMINAL RULES Most adult people are affortunately still brainwashed obedient slaves. Many Steemit readers are however aware of that 95 % of the planets pupulation are increasingly enslaved by the Cabal/Robber/ Establishment Criminal Class (the CRECCs) = the “0.001 %” (ca 6500 dollar-billionaires, led by 62 families owning half of the worlds resources) and the their puppet political class/puppet military. A famous french writer noted recently “ We are standing in the rubble of what once was the most beautiful civilization in the world”.
Todays adult-world have developed to become some sort of Olympic games in Money-making – where the power-elite (the oligarch/political class) use their Law-making-Power (in a fantastically criminal/psychopathic way) to write all rules about moneymaking for their Own Advantage and to the Disadvantage for Ordinary People. Courts, judges, laws, governments/political systems are bought and hijacked by the cabal. Expressing / acting towards the establishment criminal class/telling the truth (Julian Assange, Snowden..) can cost people their jobs-incomes. It is a war against ordinary decent people and the french Yellow Vests are manifestations of that war.

WORLDWIDE INSTITUTIONALIZED PSYCHOPATHY This war (based on powerabuse) have resulted in that 62 families owns over half the worlds resources. Resources they have stolen through psychopathic/ highly criminal laws, moneyprinting out of nothing for themselves, paying slave-labour salaries, making gigantic amounts of money through wars, constant bombardment of Main-. stream Ministries of Cabal Propaganda Media lies. They, or bibed puppets for them, committed almost unimaginable crimes (mostly through fantastically criminal laws - to reach this point: There are good reasons for why politicians generally (outside of the Ministries of CRECC Propaganda/ Main- stream Media) are considered to be a criminal class of people: Psychopaths/socio- paths and other severely damaged narcissists are drawn towards the power and money in governments, large banks and multinational companies, like sharks towards blood. Let us demand a mandatory MRI-scan of the brains limbic system for people in public powerpositions! Substantial research (just google it) shows that the key-feeling structure amygdalae is severely damaged among psychopaths. Politi-cians agree about that we have to avoid having psychopaths in governments, right?
How could these 62 deplorable familes/the ca 6500 dollar-billionaires/their bribed puppet politi-cians not be disrespected? They are running Criminality Beyond Belief! Demand Direct (real) Democracy! We are 7500 000 000, they are ca 6500 + ca 150 000 puppets. It can be argued that more people have good incomes: In total there are ca 400 Million people with very good personal economy (ca 5 % of the worlds population) another 400 million who seldom complain. That leaves ca 6700 000 000 (90 % of the worlds population) poor, total slaves (also in the USA and Europe!). Obviously blackmailing and survivalaspects are important factors. Some 30 % of the worlds adult population work for governments or extremely large companies. People with such jobs will get fired if they express the criminality going on. So they often have to be quiet. Nevertheless they disrespect and dislike their tyrants and will take every possible chance to overthrow them.

On top we find the international usury/printing money out of nothing banking-laws (=
largest crimes in human history – led by the private owners of the New York Federal
Reserve) and the owners/control- lers of the megabanks and megacorporations (often
the same individuals) spread to almost every country on earth.
The oligarch-families in (relative) control of the worlds criminal moneysystem use the
power of the worlds empire, the USA, to dominate the rest of the world and they do so
via for ex. the US Federal Reserve-Megabank/CIA-/US Deep State/ puppet Washing
-ton politicians/bureaucrats/ UN/the EU-commission (all bribed with fantastic
taxpayer financed salaries), NATO/ the US Military industrial complex..

The psychopathic lawwriting descrbing the banking-lawshave resulted in fantastic
amounts of power for a few families: Imagine to own and control the New York US
Federal Reserve, meaning that these families own and control the printing of the
worlds reserve currency – the dollar:
A/ They (the private owners of - never audited - US Centralbank US Federal Reserve
print money out of nothing – at will – and charge interest on it – to the USA
government (for ex.).
B Printing billions and lending it to 0% interest for their friends (or to themselves) in
investmentbanks/ businessbanks and buy up the stockmarkets, land, etc. . Or centralbankers
last mega- crime-tricks:
C /Buying up the megabanks (their friends) most toxic (bank rupting) credit default
swaps as they can print unlimited amounts of money to no cost.
D/ Buying up the world with the money they print out of nothing like the Japanese and
Swiss centralbanks proudly do...
E Add that the banks themselves can lend out 10-20 times the money they actually
have and charge interest on it! Total bankingpsychosis.

In order to protect that gigantic moneypower the bought CIA/the USA Military
industrial perpetual war-complex, nonsens-talking political class puppets (EU/US
Congress/ Senate/ their CIA-Mockingbird Media or if you like the “Ministries of
Propaganda for the Cabal”/Western world Main stream Media. Thats why 62
families owns over half of the worlds resources. Read John Perkins “Economic
Hitman” and you know how IMF and the World Bank put the 3rd worlds taxpayers in
serfdom to bankers..

The main goal is themselves (bankers/ corporate oligarchs/well bribed puppetpoliticians
in the UN/EU/Washington)) as dictators of the world. The cabal is this
global empire (to large degrees already in place!) – but merged with the worlds private
money-printingmachine US Federal Reserve, the Wall Street megabanks, BIS, IMF,
World Bank, the US Military Industrial/CIA/ Congress-Senate/EU-commission-
NATO-Mainstream Mockingbird Media, CIA-connected NGOs like Soros Open
Society Foundation and “National Endowment for Democracy (Orwellian names) and

the ca 60 thinktanks (CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300,
Darpa, etc.) for the cabal and puppets, where highly criminal cabal-powergrabbing is
planned and coordinated. All the power, almost all the money, all the decisions to the
CRECCs and absolutlely no freedom, no power, no money – just slavery (possibly
death) to the 99% (the ca 7425 000 000)! The cabal – with the mentioned goals - are
also behind the enormous push for cashless society, surveillance of everbody 24/7, 5
G, massvaccinations and gigantic climate-change-taxes.

The Cabal are the people behind destruction of european nationstates through
globalism and massimmigration and with that every shread of possibility for democracy.
Globalization and massimmigration to the west are UN/EU/US Deep State/
Soros-led. By making Europe, Canada and Australia to third world countries (USA is
already a third world country in many regions) with ordinary people as slaves, the
globalist-cabal wants to destroy the last fragments of power for ordinary people
(national unity, local cultures and democracy in Europe) on planet earth

(1) Perpetual NATO/USA-Wars (best business of all!) and (2) overthrowing of
governments in the name of freedom and democracy (usually by NGOs), backed by
unlimited money printing out of nothing and a (3) constant worldwide USA Money-
War (sanctions/ bribing/buying/ printing out of nothing in order to enslave..(4)
Massimmigration into functioning democracies in order to destroy democratic
possibilities in Europe and USA... never ending (5) Falshe flag-attacks in order to
motivate wars and invasions (6) Assasinations (the Kennedy-brothers, Martin Luther
King, Salvador Allende and on and on) g (Soros etc.) and maybe the second worst:
The oligarch owned/controlled CIA Mockingbird Ministries of Propaganda/Very Fake
“News”: Western World pathetic Mainstream “Media”.
By far, the worst ongoing crime is the CIA/FBI/US StateDepartment laws around the
the core of why the mega criminality can continue! How about security and safety
from oligarchs and their assassination people in CIA and in the USA Deep State -for
ordinary people in the USA and in the rest of the world?
It is a psychopathic powergrabbing idea that the state (= a government of potentially
heavy economic criminals) should be allowed to withhold information: It has resulted
in that they hide their own/the cabals mega-crimes and are outside of the law. They do
so by either making their crimes „secret“ or making them to law (like the “US Federal
Reserve Act“ – the core of the cabals megacrimes). CIA (from 1947) developed to be
completely outside of t he law, one of the most criminal organizations in world
history, Many, many crimes from the cabal are made secret by the Cabal/CIA
Ministries of Propaganda (mainstream Western “Media“ backs up this criminality by
not investigating.

There are many levels of solutions and that many of them – at the same time – are
neccesary. We need good people from everywhere to work on different levels!
The good thing is that this psychopathic, criminal oligarch-ruled political-economic
system is well known and well described today in alternative media! In alternative
media we find people with something called INTEGRITY, civil courage and interest
for the wellbeing of ordinary people, for ex. Ray Mc Govern, Kevin Shipp, William
Binney, Paul Craig Roberts, William Engdahl, Daniel Estulin, Julian Assange,
Edward Snowden, John Pilger, James Corbett.... They are also “leftists” like Noam
Chomsky and Chris Hedges and “Right-wingers like Tucker Carlson or Nigel Farage
and politician who can´t be so easilly categorized like Andrew Yang (USA) and
Thierry Bodet (Holland).
Obviously alternative media is an important part of the solutions. Politicians like
Andrew Yang, Thierry Bodet and Nigel Farage are very important just as the Yellow
Vest movement. So, the numbers are large but still need to become larger, like in the
Sovjetunion 1990. Look at Macron and French police vs Yellow Vests. Macron cant
win! (1) The numbers are too large! (rapidly growing via internet/alternative media),
The US 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang (successful businessman, running
on...(2) “Universal Basic 1000 dollar per month-income”) and Dutch politician
Thierry Bodet (running on (3) more direkt democracy and open discussion in
(4) real open media) understand it:
Lets also see what the (5) Brexit-party with Farage can do.
(6). Building numbers/networking is the most important ( good) thing! It is good and
constructive with all kind of networking among truth ande decent fairness seekers,
people with integrity and civil courage.
(7) Let it be seen and heard that we live under a psychopathic system with
psychopathic rulers where 62 deplorable-families owns half the world. It is not just an
unfair system – it is completely psychpathic, a criminality beyond belief!
(8) Getting basic knowhow about why people become psychopaths/ sociopaths/
damaged narcissists Through that comes understanding about what to do.
(9) We could avoid psychopaths in ledaing positions by a mandatory MRI-scan of
the brains limbic system. Substantial research is done (just google it) showing that the
key-feeling structure amygdalae is severely damaged among psychopaths.
Politicians agree about that we should avoid psychopaths in governments, right?
(10) Psychological factors effect opinions (through media and educationsystems) and
actions from “rulers”(through psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissism).
(11) Almost every human is effected by their own baby and childhood trauma, creating
psychphysical pain. The trauma of not being loved is extremely painful and
madeunconscious. It stays however as psychlogical pain. A later article will adress
“psychological/psychophysical” solutions.
(12) Go outside of the system? Peer to peer, bitcoin, agorism, barter, local economy,
bitcoin, gold, silver, growing food, using nature....All of it increases your freedom to
some degree. There are many more ways..
(13) Psychopathic globalists/puppets have the problem that the truth about most of
their crimes (see Washington, London, Paris and Brussels!) is already out there,
in internet and nobody can pull it back. – and only ca 1 % of the population are
psychopaths (99% not!) Use these facts in your networking!
(14) Do not let yourself get fooled and confused by reading or looking at Western

World CIA/Mockingbird/Fake News/Ministries of Propaganda for the Cabal (owns
them!) Mainstream Media!!
(15) Tell the police – laud: “You are not the 0.001 %”!):
The footsoldiers of the power-elite are the blue-uniform police and when the powerelite
lose their foot-soldiers they lose. That was proven when the Sovjetunion collapsed:
With too large numbers against them, the police will stop injuring/ murdering
ordinary people. This enormous brutality, only based on physical superiority is
exercized every week by Macron and the french police vs the Yellow Vests!

A radical change of the worlds moneysystems is the big neccesary solution: It has to
be tried out but on a basic level (1) governments have to take over the banks.
Including the centralbanks ((no private central banks) and the moneyprinting. Further
– as a main idea – that I suggest that very clearly at least
(2A) about 50 % of the money should be printed by the government totally
interestfree. It should partly come into the economy via
(2B) “Universal Basic Income” with 1000 dollar/ Euro per month/adult person.
(2C) Further via government spending. But the government spending should be a
matter of (2D) direct democracy decisions and not secret cabal-CIA-type decisions
called national security. Rightwingers usually just lay down and cry like babies when
they hear universal basic income as a solution.
Listen to successful businessman Andrew Yang (youtube!) when he explains why.
This program should be combined with that
(2 E) all fortunes over 50 million dollar (50 million dollar/euro is enough for several
lives in luxuary) are taken back to the people of the specific nation, distributed equally
back to all adult citizens on their accounts.
(2F) No government theft allowed – instead the money directly to all adult persons.
(2G) Same thing should go for yearly incomes over 1.5 million dollar/euro: Goes
directly equally distributed to all adult citizens in the specific country.. By the way, I
have about 60 % rightwing-opinions and ca 40 % leftwing opinions. So much
for left and right! Jeff Berwick is a popular alternative Steemit-person with whom I
share a lot of values. When he talk about corrupt cryptocurrencies, centralbankers and
governments he is 100 % right. But aside from that he is just another narcissistic,
greedy, ruthless person. With the sensitivity-level of a hen when it comes to the
economic situation för most decent ordinary people (the 90 %). His complete lack of
sensitivity is manifested when he talks about that it costs 20 dollar per day (in
Acapulco) with a private life-guard, 15 dollar per day for a babysitter etc. For this
reason Berwick is a hopeless case – a nothingburger. He is the same thing as the
globalists he himself is criticizing, using extremely cheap labour. People
with real decency pays a fair amount of money to fellow human beings
when they can just because they and the other person both are human
beings with approxi-mately the same needs. This is something that never
seems to go through the thinking/feeling defense-system among brainwashed

CAPITALISM IS COMMON SENSE (“capitalism/free markets is good – communism is bad” so called rightwingers.
Capitalism is not worth being called a system – it is nothing more than
common sense. And common sense for caring individuals is to pay other
human beings decent money for work. Not to participate in the same
money-war against ordinary people that the psychopathic ruling class
do! If you like to participate in major solutions for ordinary people, the
basis has to be that you do´nt want them to be slaves! Quite easy! Listen
to Andrew Yang, a successful businessman, and you will get a true
understanding about the situation for ordinary people!
(2H): Crypto currencies should be encouraged as much as possible (will probably
develope to be a major step forward for ordinary peoples freedom).
The use of this system ( 1-2H ) can be combined with that 19 year olds – after basic
school education – are allowed to serve in the “military” (military in the sense of
economic defense for the citizens in that country)/free “adult-education” for 6
months, growing and distributing bio-food, clean water and ca 30 m2 large IKEA
type houses (costs ca 500 E on IKEA) to their population. 25% of the produced food
should be kept as national reserve in dry foodpackages, 25 % should be distrubuted
to the countries adult population for free, 25 % should be given to the 19 year olds
who does the work and 25 % should be for sale to cover organization-costs.
250 m for growing food on + an IKEA-type House (for 200 E) should be offered any
adult who wish to have it. With a universal 1000 E per month income all people,
including now homeless people could afford minimum decency in their only lives.
This is real economic defense for ordinary people that would save millions of lives
and have been the Russian survival-model for centuries. Every EU-Washington
bureaucrats hate anything that improves lives for ordinary people so dont pay attention
to what they say! Direct Democracy!

In Nation-states, ordinary people have some chance to decide about their future via
elections – unlike in the EU. Of course, western parlamentarian democracy is largely a
scam anyway, with all political groups working for increasing power, money and
control for the establishment, including the private controllers of the moneysystem and
themselves. But nationstates are still the best alternatives.
There seems to be a common fantasy – programmed into us via main-stream media
(part of CRECC-crooks) - about that psychopaths (the cabal) always win. They do´nt.
Hitler lost! It was also shown in the Sovjetunion (yes it was a CIA-plot led by father
Bush, William Casey and others) that peaceful revolutions will come when the
numbers are high: We need a peaceful revolution with amnesty for the CRECCs,
including that they keep 50 million dollar of what they have stolen. To
make chances for a large war a bit less likely, not because it is fair in any way.

The most brainwashed people in history, the USA-population of today, are sick of
USA-NATO perpetual wars (wars being the best business of all - a ruling psychopaths
dream) and never ending falshe flag attacks (for ex. the “syrian” gas-attacks with
children admitting in German TV that they were payed to act wounded ), lies

(Saddams weapons of massdestruction – see Youtube where Ray Mc Govern asks
Donald Rumsfeld about why he lied about Husseins weapons of mass destruction),
crazy-level mainstream media/Ministries of War-Propaganda indoctrination (Russiahysteria,
etc.,) all in order to justify wars or build up of military..

Numbers are parts of the solution and on our (the 90-99 % or the 6700 000 000 – 7500
000 000) side. There are also many signs of that the dollar empire is falling apart right
now. Trading oil without dollar, the funding for wars going down....cryptocurrencies..


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