in the •  3 months ago  (edited)

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Is Jesus Christ a god or God or not. Let's explore this topic. If we take the bible for its word, I know it's a stretch, in John 10:34 Jesus says, "Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’?" Here he is referring to Psalm 82:6 of Asaph¹ "I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.""

Then we have Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." NKJV

And of course Genesis 3:22 "Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”"

So, according to the Law, the Torah, we all are gods and children of Most High. What does it mean and where does Christ fit in it never mind Jesus. All these names, epithets and titles must be well understood in their meaning.

Jesus, Issa, was a historical character, quite popular and charismatic in his time, son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar. Since he was a pharaoh of Egypt he was considered to be a living god by the Egyptians, hence his name Issa means son of Isis. His Roman name is Caesarion, little Caesar, and since his father became also a living god proclaimed by the Senate, transforming the Roman republic into an empire, he thus also a god on his father's side.

Then of course he was also a human, a mankind to be precise, and as the Law dictates he was a god and a child of Most High God, as we all are. As for the epithet Christ it is reference to the Kristos oil aka cerebrospinal fluid that goes down and up the spine transmutating into a refined form that is then absorbed by the brain causing it activate higher states on Consciousness aka being annointed, awaken, enlightened.

Was Issa an enlightened man? I think so. As a pharaoh he was initiated into Egyptian / Khemetic mysteries and reportedly he has spent some time in India learning Buddhism as well as traveling to Cornwall England where he has studied with the Druid bards whatnot wise folk. So I say he was a smart cookie, way above the average neophyte neanderthals.

Now we are getting there. Let's summarize what we have learned thus far. We have Most High God, El Elyon, top shelf diety, then we have LORD God which is something else, the title first appears in Genesis 2:4 after the creation sequence, then we got Christ concept of higher Consciousness, which is a binary in nature as it implies the fallen state, lower animal awareness of survival through competition and procreation. Ok, we aee getting somewhere into a clear patch out of the religious mambo jumbo jungle.

So, how many heads does God have then? Well the answer is one. God is the head of this conceptual spiritual body. The lower part starts at the crotch area and goes down to the two heels, aka hells, the world of matter and flesh, which is controlled by LORD God aka Jehovah aka tetragrammaton aka four letters aton, Aten, the solar disk emanating light, Yahw 》YHVH 》 Yahweh 》Jehovah. In other words the ego of God, I am that I am, will become, not a human ego to which it takes the role of adversary, Satan. Roman Saturn. Worshipped by ancient Israelites as a henotheist top diety comprising out of a bunch of gods, mainly war, weather, harvest, fire, volcanoes, laws and authority.

Now we have a vertical dichotomy of above and below, like a tall building, which offers another possibility of traversing up or down, an elevator, with Christ representing the sun, solar plexus, the heart in the middle of the body serving as a spiritual elevator of sorts.

The ego rises to the heart from the heel of hell where it dies while awaken by that sacrifice Christ Consciousness continues to rise up from the middle all the way up. God meets all halfway. Hence the Holy Trinity of above, below, and in between, with Christ serving as connection between the opposites that describe the whole. One in three and three in one.

As for Yahshua, Yeshua, Joshua whatever spelling of it please knock yourselves out, it is an epithet that means 'Yahw saves' where yasha means savior, deliverer, rescuer and it was liberally applied to many so called messiahs, at least four in the time of Issa which became Greek Iesous and then English Jesus not Yahshua. The Hebrew name for Issa as Yahshua / Yeshu comes from the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical literature where he is described in rather unflattering terms.

"The name "ben Pantera" is used to refer to Jesus in rabbinic literature, such as in t. Chullin 2:23, b. Shabb. 104b, and b. Sanh. 76a."

"A medieval account of Jesus, in which Jesus is described as being the son of Joseph, the son of Pandera (see translation of the 15th-century Yemenite manuscript: Toledot Yeshu), gives a contemporary view of Jesus and where he is portrayed as an impostor."

"The Toledot Yeshu is a satirical chronicle of Jesus that refers to Pantera or Pandera. It accuses Jesus of being born out of wedlock to Pantera and of violent and heretical activities."

Not to mention that Talmud claims that Jeshu ben Pandera is in hell boiling in putrid filth. Oh, I just did. So, to use it after that is a personal choice which the Spirit of Issa may not like at all as reference to him. Am sure that historical Issa was not preaching to everyone how he is going to save them but rather was sharing with people ancient wisdom of how to save yourselves from ignorance of our divine nature and purpose. So if you still waiting for someone to save you, never mind Jesus, I got bad news for you -- no one will. Only you can save yourself. It's like eating and going to washroom after, one has to do it themselves as it cannot be done through a proxy. Anyway, enough said.

¹ "Scholars have determined that a psalm's attribution to Asaph can mean a variety of things. It could mean that the psalms were a part of a collection from the Asaphites, a name commonly used to identify temple singers. Another possibility is that the psalms were performed in the style or tradition of the guild bearing Asaph's name. Asaph is said to either be the author or the transcriber of these psalms. He may not have said these psalms but transcribed the words of David. No specific time period is known to be associated with these Psalms, but the record of destruction noted in Psalm 74 may indicate that these Psalms came from the post-exilic period." Wikipedia

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