As hiereditery High Priest of God of Abraham from tribe of Levi, my direct ancestors, and thus keeper of the Abrahamic Covenant with our Creator, I share the wisdom of ages about the origins of the world and life therein from the Source of Absolute Love, Truth, and Peace, as well enabling Conscious presence of the Unconscious Source of all existence in the here and now, and a way of achieving such generative synthesis for the seekers of Truth and Divine Unity.
As hiereditery High Priest of Lord God Jehovah of Moses, aka king Akhenaten, my father's bloodline descends from his brother Aaron, I recognize and respect our need to survive, keep safe and live well with our families and communities bound by common goals and rules, laws and principles, rights and obligations, to bring order out of Chaos and prevail in the face of adversity, wars, sickness, accidents and natural/supernatural disasters and challenges. Together we stand a chance of survival against all other groups. We are the group of the Chosen Ones. We have chosen this alliance with our lowest animal instincts, I am That I am, to climb on top of the animal and human kingdoms subduing the rest to the might and rule of Lord God Jehovah, Lord of Light, boundaries and separation, time and space, laws and children who better be obedient, for the instincts is what keeps the body alive, and in a living body is the living Spirit. Yes, the wrathful angry jealous war and blood thirsty Demiurge is our beast of lower nature and self realization. The animals complete for survival while the humans cooperate for an easier living, enabling their higher brain functions to be activated. That's the theory. The human trials about to start any day now. 8/
As ordained Aaronic Priest of the LDS Church I am taking the Christ as Jehovah worshipping dead baptizing masonic lunatics to meet the real Christ which is within as is the Kingdom of Heaven. For this purpose I have setup Unity Church which reminds people that the assembly, the church, is of the body mind spirit and soul and not of people who believe the same lies and delusions. Thus the message of the historical Jesus aka Issa about the inner Christ and ascension thereof is resurected into its original true form.
As the living Patriarch of the House of Israel, the royal line of ancient Khemet, I have excommunicated all the Khazarian, Babylonian, Moseretic, Messianic, Masonic, Satanic, Talmudic, Rabbinical Jews from the House of Israel and have reinstated the black and red NA native peoples as the original House of Israel, of black and red colours with white remaining only me at this point, as I trace my line to Abraham and have kept his Covenant with true Creator of Heavens and Earth, something I can't confirm in other Jewish Cohens who have gone to the idol worship since the days of heretic Moses, who was prohibited to enter the promised land by Lord God.
Photos by Art Huang #artphototoronto
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