
in the100 •  4 years ago 

Top tech companies compete against each other for world domination. Hidden cameras on the back of seats on buses, trains, planes, public transportation, on Zoom, on apps, in public places, in your house, on your computer, many different places, when you do not wear your mask, then you are in trouble, you get banned, you get arrested, you submit, you bow down to tyranny, then they boil us frogs hotter and hotter, it never stops as long as you do nothing. Vaccines turn genes off.

CDC Admits

CDC said 94% of Covid Deaths are not Covid Deaths. If you are sick, anything can push you off that figurative cliff towards your literal death, be it alleged Covid or a not-alleged common cold. What really matters is not Covid, the Flu, the cold, or any number of symptoms, illnesses, sickness, disease, cancer, germs, bacteria, viruses, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. What matters is that you should try to be healthy. If you're not healthy, then anything will kill you. The problem is not the anything that kills you but the fact you are so unhealthy. Yeah, old people die. Old people get sick. Some people with pre-existing conditions will get sick of almost anything and die. This is common sense and not a pandemic. It's a plandemic. Covid was patented in 2019 by Bill Gates indirectly. It moved from North Carolina to Wuhan, China, in 2015. It was mentioned in Lockstep in 2010. It was mentioned a book written in 1984 or 1983, around that time. I'm not talking about a book named 1984 but another book that talked about Wuhan, China, written in the early 1980's.

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2020-09-10 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-10 - Thursday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-11 00:27:35 Kaitlin Bennett.png
Kaitlin Bennett can be found on Liberty Hangout

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Sign up to be a poll watcher at https://armyfortrump.com


Information You Can Gobble

2020 Election

People voting for Trump in 2020 are voting for increasing freedoms, rights, liberties, for making government smaller and smaller; and not voting Trump is a promotion of increased technocracy, tyranny, plutocracy, globalism, fascism, communism, etc.

Most people vote Trump. Real patriotic Americans vote Trump as opposed to voting for Hell on Earth. Yeah, like an idiom, what you said, to run for office as opposed to stand up for your rights. But, yeah, the election is facing huge fraud bigger than 2016. Over 100 million fake votes against Trump. It is called the Red Mirage. The fake news will say it looks like Trump won but oh no, we got to count these other ballots we found after the election is over for many weeks and many months after November of 2020. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Hillary Clinton, and others, are in videos talking about not accepting the election results. They say it in these videos I saw on YouTube. They say they will not accept it and will try to remove Trump when Trump wins.

Wuhan 2015

11:59 PM - Twitter

The virus moved from North Carolina to Wuhan in 2015.

Lockstep 2010

11:59 PM - Twitter

The virus was mentioned in Lockstep in 2010.


You Are What You Eat


Learn English You Can Eat


How to Fix Problems

03:33 PM - Hive

I generally Google my problems and find forums where people discuss having similar issues if not the same exact problems.

Should we have freewill?

03:36 PM - Hive

Well, yeah, each individual should make decisions on a personal level to the extent it doesn't violate the rights of other people.

Should we have guns?

03:39 PM - Hive

The opposite has been true forever and everywhere and there are too many examples of this. There are books, documentaries, videos, movies, etc, etc, proving this.

Crying For Oreos in 1997?

I cried for Oreos? I don't really remember that but kind of have a feeling it happened kind of thing. And I know me too. Sounds like me. I must have loved them Oreos. Maybe they were not really Oreos, like an imitation brand. Yea, we slept at 2 places but there may have been a few houses dad knocked on or briefly visited. I want to know which 2 people we went to see then.

X-Files in Real Life

I remember the bear. Yes, Jorge knows. Reminds me of an episode of the X-Files where it appears they actually had a 3rd member of the team all along. The Mandela Effect kind of thing. Possibly my favorite episode ever.


Modern Wisdom

12:11 AM - Gad Saad | The Death Of Truth And How To Revive It | Modern Wisdom Podcast #217

The 100

2020-09-10 - Thursday - 12:09 AM - 12:56 AM - The 100 314

The AI takes over people's minds and take them to like the Matrix where she can talk to them and influence them to do things with their bodies in the real world outside of alleged virtual reality.

They try to kill the AI.

2020-09-10 - Thursday - 12:57 AM - 01:38 AM - The 100 315

But Ally migrated the city of light to the remains of the Ark in space to insure it is not easily smashed outside of anybody with a spaceship lying around.

From water we come, to water we return. Clark's mom hangs herself, I mean she was made to it by Ally.

2020-09-10 - Thursday - 01:39 AM - 02:20 AM - The 100 316

Clark gets a transfusion of blood in order to get AI 2 to kill AI 1 with.

Belaney: "I don't know what I believe any more, I just know I have to live with what I've done."

2020-09-10 - Thursday - 02:21 AM - 03:04 AM - The 100 401

Jasper: "Can I plead the chip?" As opposed to pleading the fifth.

Something happened in 2048. That was possibly 100 or less years earlier.

They got 6 months before power plants blow up the world. Some of is leaking to melt people as seen in the first RoboCop film and it is also knocking down pyramids like mighty wind.

O.G. Star Wars

10:44 AM - COFFEE CHAT || Lore & Comic Talk: Tatooine & Outlander Comic

Imagine Jabba the Hutt with a lightsaber.

Naomi Brockwell

11:12 AM - Cryptobeat Weekly News

Heidi Chakos looks like a surfer.

Was Sushi Swap an epic exit scam?
Tether's fight against market manipulation claims
The ‘High’ Severity Bitcoin bug that could have split the network and stolen funds

Super User or Parental Control or Admin Control. It's like treating all the users as children.

Instead of posting a Bitcoin address directly on Twitter, a person could post it on a web page like Cointr.ee or Hive where you can post the address there, where you are in control.

Hail Craig Mason

Red Guy

11:53 AM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour (part 1) - September 10, 2020

Top tech companies compete against each other for world domination.

Red Guy

12:29 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour (part 2) - September 10, 2020

The Great Reset

Hidden cameras on the back of seats on buses, trains, planes, public transportation, on Zoom, on apps, in public places, in your house, on your computer, many different places, when you do not wear your mask, then you are in trouble, you get banned, you get arrested, you submit, you bow down to tyranny, then they boil us frogs hotter and hotter, it never stops as long as you do nothing.

Your toaster is listening to you.

Big tech tyranny.

Your fridge is listening to you.

Alex Jones has been talking about this for over 20 years now.

Vaccines turn genes off.

Diamond & Silk

03:43 PM - Watch LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Campaign Event in Freeland, MI 9/10/20

I'm seeing less masks than the previous rally protest and that's good.

CDC said 94% of Covid Deaths are not Covid Deaths.

CDC said 94% of Covid Deaths are not Covid Deaths.

Sign up to be a poll watcher at army for trump . com

poll watch

publish your vote or else


06:32 PM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Freeland, MI 9/10/20

General Shepherd

08:03 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Thu 09/10/20 Full Show 720p

The Amazing Lucas

11:32 PM - Doctor EXPLAINS the TRUTH about 6% CDC and Covid

If you are sick, anything can push you off that figurative cliff towards your literal death, be it alleged Covid or a not-alleged common cold. What really matters is not Covid, the Flu, the cold, or any number of symptoms, illnesses, sickness, disease, cancer, germs, bacteria, viruses, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. What matters is that you should try to be healthy. If you're not healthy, then anything will kill you. The problem is not the anything that kills you but the fact you are so unhealthy. Yeah, old people die. Old people get sick. Some people with pre-existing conditions will get sick of almost anything and die. This is common sense and not a pandemic. It's a plandemic. Covid was patented in 2019 by Bill Gates indirectly. It moved from North Carolina to Wuhan, China, in 2015. It was mentioned in Lockstep in 2010. It was mentioned a book written in 1984 or 1983, around that time. I'm not talking about a book named 1984 but another book that talked about Wuhan, China, written in the early 1980's.

Not Relevant. What tips you over the edge is NOT RELEVANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@M&G Wood, In other words, hat he said was not relevant. What matters is being healthy. Because anything can tip you over the edge, be it Covid or a cold. Sick people die of the cold.


10:30 AM - Got up. Raisin oatmeal in a pan all ready. Pour into bowl. Last bit of coffee, a good cup full. A small cherry tomato. Good when something frizzles as in ferments and not to be confused with the teacher fro the Magic School Bus, Mrs. Frizzle or however you spell her name. Good to help people out. Lion and the lamb. Close to home. Abba Abba. Think of a town.

You should make many admins in case Facebook bans many people. I'm in Shelton, WA. We had a back the blue Sunday and we told BLM to go home. John, wow, talk about demented.

12:30 PM - 03:27 PM - Chores. Moving things around. Vacuum. Empty boxes put into the garage. 4 PM or so potatoes, grout meat, etc. KFC cookie. 06:33 PM Tom Taylor goodies.

Arnold Family History

Arnold family was in Goldhill or Medford in the 1950's? I think we went to Goldhill and Medford in 1997. We went to a few houses.

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Telegram is a public and private group chat and messaging app and website.

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