1000 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 27 - The Diary Game Curation Catch Up

in the1000daysofsteem •  4 years ago 


The curation of the Shopping Game posts has now been completed.

Our attention is now being focused on The Diary Game posts.

The numbers are quite overwhelming.

August 1st Call Out

The sheer volume of posts is creating problems - particularly to access the earliest posts.

We have already visited a large number of posts from August 1st but to ensure we don't miss any of your posts for that first day please would you put a link in a comment below if your post meets all the rules and if you have not yet had a vote or comment from @steemcurator01.


As we have now said many times your posts will most likely not be curated straightaway. We have 7 days to visit your posts.

Posting complaining comments about posts not yet visited does not help anyone.

We assumed everyone wanted all their Shopping Game posts to be curated so we finished those first. Now we are catching up with the Diary Game. Patience is much appreciated.

If anyone would prefer to hold on posting more Diary Game posts until we have caught up with the voting that is their choice.

In the meantime we will continue working as hard and as fast as we can to give out over $1000 of upvotes every day to those who are still posting.

Diary Games Tips and Updates

To clarify, the option for extra votes and extra points for 'Power Up 100%' posts only applies if you are not powering down at the same time.

With The Diary Game we have three main goals...

  • to attract more people to join and actively participate on the Steem blockchain

  • to facilitate the development of social communities around location and interest

  • to encourage the creation of unique and interesting content, ideally via steemit.com

Everyone is free to place their content on as many platforms as they want.

And that includes their Diary Game posts.

However Diary Game posts replicated on other similar blockchains are considerably less valuable as unique content on Steem.

Voting and scoring of such posts will therefore be lower.

We would like to assure everyone that we are doing our very best to keep up with the curation of the Diary Game posts.

Our resources are not unlimited.

We are very grateful to everyone who is taking part in Season 2 of The Diary Game.

And we are even more grateful to those who do so with patience...

Thank you,

The Steemit Team



The rewards from this post go to support the work of @littledisciples in Venezuela.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Thanks for sharing the link of your post here

All now voted, many thanks

Thanks to join the diary game

All now voted, many thanks

All now voted, many thanks

Buen dia.... Aca el enlace de mi primera publicación en el juego del diario segunda temporada. Dia 01 de 50. 01 08 2020


Hasta el momento no ha sido curada. Sin embargo leyendo lo complicado que se les a vuelto el trabajo de curación, esta situación no me preocupaba. Se que al final siempre cumplen con su trabajo.

Gracias por el apoyo y crear este tipo de juegos y consursoso.

Hasta la proxima...

Sorry for the delay, now all voted.

NO pida perdón, al único que se le pide perdón es al creador...(frase venezolana)

Lo de la tardanza lo entiendo. Imagino que no debe ser fácil leer todas las entradas del juego. E igual imagino que a aumentado el número de participantes. cosa muy buena para el juego y el blog, pero muy complicado para ustedes.

En tal caso lo importante es que cumplieron y se que si se hubiese acabado el tiempo de curar mis publicaciones hubiesen buscado alguna solución.

Gracias por el aoyo.

Hasta la proxima...

Thanks for sharing the link of your post here.

All now voted, many thanks

Thanks for sharing the link of your post here

All now voted, many thanks

Thanks for sharing the link of your post here.

All now voted, many thanks

Buenas noches

Este es mi diario del día lunes 01-08-2020


Gracias por el soporte

All now voted, many thanks

Buenas noches, queridos equipos @steemitblog y @steemcurator01. De acuerdo a la información que nos suministran, y viendo que mi publicación del primer día (01-08-2020) cumple con todas las normas y aún no ha sido visitada por @steemcurator01, por aquí dejo mi enlace como lo sugieren ustedes. Agradecida de antemano por esta fabulosa temporada que nos están brindando. Los felicito y los animo a seguir con este estupendo trabajo. Un abrazo desde Venezuela.


Now all voted, many thanks.

Gracias a ustedes por el apoyo!.. Encantada de estar participando!

All now voted, many thanks

Hola @steemitblog y @steemcurator01

Este es mi diario del día 01-08-2020.


Gracias por el soporte y si no sería un inconveniente deseo poder preguntar unas cosas que se suscitaron en mi team a ver como solventar esa inquietud que tengo, por favor y disculpe la molestia.

All now voted, many thanks.

What are the questions you have?

La cuestión es que una integrante de nuestro equipo le tocó retirarse por motivos personales, habría posibilidades de agregar a alguien más sin que afecte el juego a nuestro para ser 5 integrantes.

Gracias por el soporte nuevamente. :D

Now all voted, many thanks

Now voted, many thanks.

Now all voted, many thanks

Thanks for sharing the link of your post here.

All now voted, many thanks

Hello, thanks for the support!!


Here is my link. (1 August)

All now voted, many thanks

Hola @steemitblog y @steemcurator01

Muchas gracias por ser tan meticulosos y participativos con nosotros.
Por acá les dejo mi participación del diario del 01/08/2020.


Al principio del diario, los dos o tres primeros días, me equivoqué y puse mes 07 en vez de mes 08. De ahí el error en los enlaces.

All now voted, many thanks

Thanks to you support <3

All now voted, many thanks.

All now voted, many thanks

Now all voted, many thanks.

I am a new user at steemitblog. My third post on Steemitblog,https://steemit.com/hive-141731/@solaiman12/1000-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-02-08-2020

Now all voted, many thanks.

All now voted, many thanks

Thank you for great The Diary Game, but you missed the voting window on this my post for August 1st.

And my post for August 2 also meet all the rules and has not yet been visited by!
It was posted 7 days ago.

Please! 8 hour is left!


Sorry for the delay, now all voted.

Hello, i have been consistently visited and upvoted by @steemcurator08 and big thanks to that 😍 but I guess my 1st August post was missed, link below:
THE DIARY GAME : 01 AUG 2020 : Color Vibes! though payout has been done 😊 All my posts are also at 100% PU, I do have some sbd too that i am planning to join for SPUD4Steem on 1st September.

Also any of my diary game post were not yet visited by @steemcurator01 😊

I understand the bulk and loads, and i am patient to wait 😊 see you around and big thank you for this great initiative... I was inactive for 2 years+ and now been posting continuously because of #thediarygame 😊

All now voted, many thanks.

thank you @steemcurator01 you are awesome! I was unwell yesterday hence was not able to do my rounds after I sent a message. but thank you big time! 😍

  ·  4 years ago 

Now all voted, many thanks.

  ·  4 years ago 

Thank you very much, I will continue to work hard!

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

Now all voted, many thanks.

Greetings, Steemit Team, it is always a pleasure to greet you.

As requested in this publication I place the link of my publication of August 1.


It was not visited by @steemcurator01, by the way, it has already expired. None of my posts have even been voted on by @steemcurator01 so far.

I thank you in advance for the fabulous work you are doing.

Now voted, many thanks.


My 3rd August post did not get vote by @steemcurator01
please check my post-https://steemit.com/thediarygame/@sobuj28/the-diary-game-03-08-2020

Thank you

Hi @steemcurator01 yesterday my 1 post got payout without your visit,
This post has just 5 hours left before payout.

My Diary game post has not been upvoted by @steemcurator01

Only 4 hours left my 2-8-20 diary post- https://steemit.com/hive-138339/@mazedulislammasu/the-diary-game-2-08-2020

Thank you

Now all voted, many thanks

i didn't get upvote in this post. plz chake out only few minits left


Thank you

Now all voted, many thanks

thank you

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

My 2nd August post didn't get vote by @steemcurator01 - please check only 2 hours left my 2-8-2020 diary post

Thank you

@steemitblog my #thediarygame post has not been upvoted.
All my posts met the rules requirement.
My first #thediarygame has expired without been upvoted, now the second one will expire today yet no upvote.
I am really not happy about this.
Please visit my blog and do something about this. please visit.here is my blog link:

Thank you

Thanks for sharing the link. This person has joined my referral. He has only 9 hours left in his post. Please check

Here's the link to my first post. I think I am going to only do one post a week summarizing the important events going forward.


TThank you

my 3rd August post didn't get vote by steemcurator01-please chek my diary game posthttps://steemit.com/hive-138339/@afridiabid/1000-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-03-08-2020

Thank you


Until now, none of the posts I have shared for the diary game has been rated. At the same time, my diary posts for the first two days expired and were not voted. The post I shared for the third day of the Diary game is the 6th day. Link: https://steemit.com/hive-138339/@sumon02/the-diary-game-03-08-2020-my-whole-day-today-has-been-really-frustrating

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Thank you

Thank you

Hi @steemcurator01 will you take a look in this post.

Thank you

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I missed a vote on one of my diary game 02/08/2020 posts. My 3rd August post didn't get vote -Please check quickly

Thank you

Thank you

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

It's been 6 days, but I didn't get the vote. Please check

Thanks for sharing the link of your post here

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Hi Greeting!
It's been 7 days almost done, but I didn't get the vote. Please check


  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Hi, sorry to repeat myself, but the team is worried
on my team, two people who have already received payments have messages without votes.
Two posts have already gone through payments, and the third post ends today
these messages


Ends today

and member @batishta
expired post

And the fast that ends today
Please note that in these posts 100%

Our team did not miss a day :)

Thank you

I am the captain of the "made in Ukraine" team.

Thanks for your upvotes, I want to draw your attention to the fact that some members of my team have not yet been supported for the first day of payment, which has already passed, and the second day also ends without upvotes. this is @korda.sha

Also the second day without upvotes ends today with @batishta in this post:


Also, please note that he has 100% SP

Another participant who also has 100% SP does not have your support from last season in two posts.

These are the posts of the last season, you said that you will support this season.



Also, all the posts of our team for the first week of the Games, sorted by day, are in a post in our technical account:

Thank you very much, I am the captain of the "made in Ukraine" team @Vict0r

You haven't read the post In the post. They said to give the link of the post of diary game on august 1 here. If you have not received the vote of @steemcurator01 in your 1st date post. Then share the link here.

Sorrry brother It's my mistake...i solve it..please check...Thank you so much


This guy is entering my referral. His post has 1 hour left Please curate. @steemcurator01

Thanks for sharing the link

All now voted, many thanks

Hello @steemitblog, my August 1st post have not been visited yet by @steemcurator01, I appreciate to take a look at it:

Hello here is my 1st August post

  ·  4 years ago 

Hello, I haven't had a vote yet from @steemcurator01. Please check https://steemit.com/thediarygame/@monopole/the-diary-game-01-08-2020 Thank you!

Thank you for this post. Below is the link to my first post of the diary game on August first


  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much @sreemitblog for the daily updates. Here is the link to my first dairy game post.


Thanks @steemcurator01 none of my post have received a visit and count yet starting with: https://steemit.com/steemit/@simonjay/steem-diary-entry-1-season-2-1-8-2020

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

NThis is my august 1st post i have not gotten any vote
Please @steemcurator01 payout is in 11hours

  ·  4 years ago (edited)
  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Привет, @steemitblog, прошу посмотрите мой пост за первое августа, ведь эму уже 6 дней, буду благодарна)))

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Its a gradual process, not a get rich quick scheme.

나는 매일 다이어리 게임에 참여한다. 그러나 보팅은 안 온다.

Hello Steemit Team. Thanks so much for the great work in curating all the #shoppinggame posts. Below are the links of the first diary posts of my new recruits that have not yet been voted on by you.


For this one below, her first diary post has already paid out. I am sharing with you her second post hopefully compensation on that will be much appreciated.



7 дней дневниковой записи, @steemitblog, @steemcurator01, заранее большое вам спасибо.


Hola @steemitblog y @steemcurator01

Vi que @steemcurator01 paso por mi post lo que no entendi era si tambien tenia que estar visitada por los otros curadores también, esa fue mi duda. Gracias por su visita y apoyo.


Good day, thanks a lot for all, this is my post on August first it's 100 % Power Up as well:


Hola, por aquí les dejo el enlace de mi primera publicación en el juego del diario 01-08-2020 https://steemit.com/the1000daysofsteem/@belenc/juego-del-diario-dia-1-sabado-01-08-2020

Hola amigos 👋 ... Este es mi enlace del día 1 correspondiente al juego del diario :
