1000 DAYS OF STEEM : The Diary Game, Lucky Days, Two Percenters and other updates

in the1000daysofsteem •  4 years ago  (edited)


This is just a quick update while we finish off the curation for Season 2 of the Diary Game.

As we enter another new month there is plenty going on.

The Diary Game Season 3, A Better Life With Steem and the Steem Crypto Challenge Month to name but three things. As well as all the contests, challenges and other activities in the ever growing number of great communities across Steem.

And we hope you have all been powering up today for the monthly SPUD event organized by @kiwiscanfly.

The Diary Game Season 2

We are still busy curating the remaining entries in Season 2 of the Dairy Game.

Hopefully the first news of winners and prizes will be appearing in the next few days.

For Diary Game entries we have missed the voting window on we are still giving good sized catch-up votes if you have any votable diary posts available.

So it will definitely be a smart move to keep on writing diaries for Season 3 - otherwise you will miss out on those catch-up votes.

It's Your Lucky Day - Extended!

We are now extending the reach of the Lucky Day promotional campaign in to A Better Life With Steem posts as well as Diary Game Season 3 posts.

So if you set your A Better Life With Steem and your new Diary Game posts to Power Up 100% you will be in with a chance of being chosen for the 'It's Your Lucky Day' mega upvotes from @steemcurator01 (50% - 10M SP) and @steemcurator02 (50% - 4M SP).

One Becomes Two - Say Hello to the Two Percenters

The One Percenters campaign has definitely been successful in encouraging people to engage with posts through comments.

But we notice quite a range in the quality and depth of the comments - from the witty one liners to the more extensive, well considered querying type of comment.

It doesn't seem quite right to reward both types of comment equally with a 1% vote so we have decided to introduce a higher level 'Two Percenter' reward for the better comments.

If you think your comment is worthy of a 2% vote instead of 1% then just tag it with #twopercent and also a tag for your country like #india or #italy.

Or if you are just going for a quick win then stick with #onepercent.

The Country Culture Challenge

With the Steem Crypto Challenge Month, A Better Life With Steem and the Diary Game Season 3 October is going to be a busier month than we had originally planned for.

The Country Culture Challenge is therefore going to be moved back a month to November.

This will give time for us to recruit more Country Representatives to help with this, and it will allow countries more opportunity to seek out their 'Culture Champions'

The pace never seems to slacken here on Steem.

We hope you are enjoying all the different activities going on.

There are still a number of new projects we are very much looking forward to announcing in the coming weeks and months.

Stay tuned, stay positive, keep posting and have fun.

Thank you,

The Steemit Team

Notes from the Community...

Steem Power Up Day - October 1st

@kiwiscanfly's SPUD event is now upon us. Power Up, Power Up!

The prizes on offer this month are even more impressive...

Contests, Contests, Contests

Contests are growing by the day on Steem.

@rishabh99946 is doing a great job maintaining a list of all the current contests around the blockchain.

If you know of any contests not on his list, add a comment to his latest post...



The rewards from this post go to support the work of @fundacorazon and @littledisciples both in Venezuela.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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Hi @steemitblog and @steemcurator01,we have found that one of the user who posted Art, has stolen the video from youtube channel. Unfortunately he was in our last magazine, we have taken back our upvote and left a message. Would you please also remove your Upvote:


This is the original from Jay Lee painting:

We started to check because of other few users seems like many now trying to deceive due to support of Art by @steemitblog. There are many "new" accounts just recently created likely specially only Abusing Steem. Therefore we decided to do a post about to make the curation acocunts and also Country curators to be aware:


For Diary Game entries we have missed the voting window on we are still giving good sized catch-up votes if you have any votable diary posts available.

Hi @steemcurator01 I have a question here.🙋🏼‍♀️

if you have any votable diary posts available.

Is this mean the catch upvotes is only given for another diary post only or any kind of post eligible for it? I am asking that because some friends even I, writing on other topics like betterlife after diary game. So to receive a catch-up vote should we need to continue diaries as well as other topics?

i was also having the same question. Lets see when we get reply

Many of my diaries were left, so yeah. having same question... Neither diary nor other posts got a catch-up. Sir.

Yes! After reading the update, i thought of this. To get my catch up vote, i will have to continue my diary post, or i can get it on anyother post?

It's on diary game posts according to the update. Just keep posting and be consistent.

Hey, well I'm understanding that not all entries for diary season 3 will be Upvoted, according to one of recent posts of Steemit blog. So I guess new projects like Better Life will deserve a bigger attention. Or am I wrong? 😅 Regards.

Maravillosa publicación y muy confortable sus consejos, todos necesitamos de mensaje de aliento como estos para mantenernos activos cada dia, me parece genial lo del voto al dos por ciento en los comentarios ya que hay muchos que son muy bonitos y que nos llenan de ganas para seguir..!!

Wuao @steemitblog !!! There is excellent news and many novelties in which to have fun and make my beloved Steemit platform grow every day. Thank you steemit team for all these new initiatives and opportunities to improve our lives.

Thanks for expanding lucky day promotion. I really like lucky day promotion it boost the sp.

I have taken part in several contests but haven't won yet, hopefully, one day it works...

This is very good news.Each of your updated news inspires me to take part in all kinds of challenges.
Thanks @steemitblog for the latest news.

Wow I am very excited to get this news.This is very good news.
I would definitely want a two percent vote.This will make everyone more interested in commenting.
Thanks @steemitblog for good news.

yes i have participated in Spud event unfortunately due to 100% Powerup the whole season 2 i didn't had enough steem to power up. :(

it would be very much busy and hard day for the steemit team as you are still curating season 2.but i feel glad that still you are introducing next level things.

#twopercent #pakistan

Day by day, I saw many brilliant programs on Steemit. I like it. It makes me want to invest more.

For a long time ago, I want to promote Steem with BAHASA in my country but stopped because many thing happened long time ago. So now, not to late to build my plan again about Steem.


Thanks very much for this great updates. I think 2% percent reward on comment is very great ! Then we will encourage our members on our communication channels to keep on commenting .

Thanks @steemitblog for Nice updates

Alot of opportunities , and sometime i become confused ..
Looks like all my favorat food in front of me but cant deciede what to eat from . 😊
As thediarygame season 3 started now and its better becouse so i will continue my diary posts from today😊

Dont mind please i wrote what i felt in previous 5 days

We are very thankful to you for creating season 3 as engaging as possible.
Thanks to the steemit team for this :)

We are still busy curating the remaining entries in Season 2 of the Dairy Game.

I wish you visit me soon too :(
I worked much more harder this season than any other day on steemit :(

But glad that you have not left us alone :)
Yours, @haidermehdi.

  ·  4 years ago 

#onepercent - для тех, кто хочет побыстрее, и #twopercent для тех, кто претендует на большее и готов ждать. Интригует! =)

Many of great additions in one post.

Good to see the extension of one per cent vote with doubled the vote.

I'm also looking forward to seeing more Country representatives.

Good luck with all of these updates...

By @ana07

How great! Sometimes I have enough time and inspiration of course: 2% then; other times not, so: one percent 😇

Greetings friends, excellent what is happening, I see more and more participation in the events, I am already looking forward to participating in one of them.

The success of Steemit comes from the integration and participation of its members, who must interact with each other day by day.

Let's follow this path.

It's awesome! I love this month because it's plenty of activities and a lot of things to participate that makes you learn or learn, lol.

I had to make a synthesis to organize myself because I'm extremely excited and I'll try to participate in all of the challenges!

Greetings and congratulations on this amazing impulse!!

Gracias por seguir con este gran proyecto ,cada día con innovaciones donde todos somos ganadores, al participar y comentar.

Hi @steemcurator01
If you don't mind.I have been posting here for many days. But I didn't vote for any of my diary game posts. I only voted for one post before the break of the second season. Since then I haven't voted for any post. I have always followed the @steamblog posts.
Please see my posts @rasel72.

Wow I am very excited to get this news.This is very good news.All Steem members will be interested in commenting on this decision. Thanks for taking such a beautiful step.

Hey @steemcurator01 do support our community secret beauty so that we could organise some contest as without your help it is not possible to run our community . Do leave a reply if you read it.

We try to support as many communities as we can, but communities need to begin to support themselves.

You have nearly all your SP delegated out to @ajaycapital. Maybe bring that delegation back to help support your own community as a first step?

The Steemit Team

Yes definitely i will be bringing back all my sp delegations. Thankyou for the support @steemcurator01

I like this challenge and continue to participate

Yeah berita yang luar biasa menurut pandangan saya, karena hal ini akan lebih mendorong Steemian untuk berinteraksi via komentar dan memberikan warna baru untuk Steemian,, Hari indah untuk steem

Nice update. It's very encouraging.

Hola, soy nueva en la comunidad y en este interesante juego, que no solo me aportara monetariamente, si no que tambien me ayuda a una introspección diaria de mi persona.
Agradecida con todas las sugerencias y recomendaciones.
Muchas Gracias.

Thank you sir, for nice help and contests. It was really great and i had fun, now i have done a powerup and i am happy that i have 100 plus steem power. It is just because of diary game. Now I wish for a catchup vote.

I think all this is excellent news, it is very exciting to see so many good initiatives underway, there is an important variety of options to encourage participation, with good organization and support, which from my point of view, is working very well. Thank you for the great effort you are making to make everything work. Have a great day.

I'm still waiting for u , @steemcurator01 for coming to my blog.

Dear @steemcurator01,
One thing I am going to share with you today. Which one I don't share with anyone before. The thing is - my education was going to close due to financial problems.But I was continuing my education based on steemit.In the beginning I was benefiting from a lot of support from you.But now I am not getting that support like before and I am facing some troubles relating to running educational activities.I will be grateful to you if you take the matter seriously.I want to work here with my best effort.That's why I am seeking cooperation from you.

Thanks for prior support

Dear, @steemcurator01 my 25 Sept diary game post is only 10 hours left to be expired. and I'm continuing to post on "A better life with the steem" what we can do to get our desired upvote from you.

Saludos, @steemitblog y @steemcurator1.
Soy usuario. Nuevo, en steemit y me parece muy importante está plataforma, y me gusta mucho, me divierto publicando, aqui.
Y lo veo con mucho agrado también, pienso que es una forma de obtener algunos ingreso extras ya que aquí en Venezuela, estamos viviendo nuestros peores, momentos Quiero ante todo felicitarlos por tan importante labor, bueno de verdad les pido que me disculpen si esta no es la vía para este comentario pero tengo una inquietud, como usuario nuevo, es relacionado con mis publicaciones, en whereln. Tengo 4publicaciones en esta comunidad, de whereln que ya caducaron y no fueron votadas me gustaría saber si fue por mala redacción o por las etiquetas incorrectas porque de verdad, siempre me votaban. Y ya llevo varias sin que me las voten y de verdad, estoy muy necesitado, les pido mil disculpa y esperare de su más valiosa, colaboración... usuario nuevo.@elio9604802,

Hello, I started writing to experiment and I got involved every day that today it is a necessity to write my journal every day. These new opportunities are one more incentive to continue participating and generating content with great encouragement. You are the basis for steemit to continue growing and strengthening. Happiness always

Estoy nuevo y el juego se ve bastante interesante, espero aprender pronto y apoyarlo participando

Dear @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 do you really want those people from Bangladesh will continue their work with steem? If so then why you don't support them on their diary game session 2 posts?

its not fair that you didn't upvote my last 17 post . you are breaking all of your promises . you are upvoted only Country RC but not others .. there are more then 40 active member in #thediarygame season 2 from Bangladesh . now you can see there are only few member continue there work. because you are breaking all of your promise ..

so that i am leaving Steem from now . i dont like to working with this kinds of people who are making fake promise .

Good Bye . @steemitblog @steemcurator01

Could you help me ? These 2 guys are going around downvoting everyone on Steemit. EZVote and alwaysbaked.... could they be stopped by Steemit please ? @steemitblog

We had 5 awesome winners for our #spud4steem October if you are looking for any news for your next post 🥔🌎😎
have a good day

La verdad es que están trabajando mucho con diferentes concursos bien interesantes dónde nos brindan la oportunidad de estar presentes en varios de ellos. Estoy de acuerdo que los comentarios de las publicaciones sean evaluados y votados según la calidad, coherencia, profundidad y sobre todo que sean motivadores.

Hello @steemcurator01 sir
None of my diaries are checked of season 2 this is very heartbreaking it is the only source of my earning sir😞. I am preparing for central job sir please check my diaries I don't have anyother source to earn.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

@afril, we are not flagging you bro and have no intention of doing so. We are just a growing community.

My downvote will not effect your reputation but can you check on your friend whom you been supporting for long time @bullionstackers why is he downvoting my post.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Yes but you mix trash in my posts, I am a Muslim who will not reply and ignore you.
Thank you very much...

please remove your delegation for @bullionstackers don't support the spammers who target new users in steemit. he have been targeting most of users post in steemit and downvoting.

Sorry my brother, I can't do that, I've known him since the first time I joined Steemit, nobody is as good as him.
you can see the proof in every post that I display.

Then why is he downvoting all nepali community post since last month? If he have problem with the post we post he should comment and warn. Why downvote all nepalese community post.

About that problem I don't know you should try to contact him and ask him.

Can you tell me where can i contact him? His discord channel no more active.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Patience bro, it isn't easy curating such huge numbers. I also have about 20 days worth of posts not voted. You could snoop around the replies section of steemcurator01, you'll know he/she/they is/are trying their possible best.