100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 54 - Community Curators for June 2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in the100daysofsteem •  5 years ago 


Thank to everyone who applied to become a Community Curator for June.

There was another strong field of candidates that made the selection of the new Curators really tough.

Now we have been through all the applications and chosen the seven Curators.

The Community Curators for June

As before there are seven Community Curators accounts available this coming month - two with 500K SP and five with 200K SP.

We received over 20 very good applications. Out of these we have now chosen the seven Community Curators for June 1st to June 30th...

After reading the details below, please would each of the selected Curators confirm their acceptance of the role and the guidelines in a comment by midnight UTC on Saturday, May 30th. They should also include a contact Discord, Telegram or email address.

Any Curators that haven’t confirmed by then will be replaced by another Curator.

If you know any of the Curators in the list do let them know that they have been selected.

Usage of the Community Curator Accounts

The aims of the Community Curator Project are…

  • To reward and encourage the creation of ‘good content’. The definition of good content will be left to the Community Curators to determine in the context of the type of posts and the community/ies in which they are curating.
  • To encourage participation and engagement on Steem. Community Curators are free to vote on and reply to worthwhile comments on posts.

  • To encourage newcomers to Steem with upvotes and helpful comments.

  • To help build any Communities where they are curating.

Each Community Curator account will be given to an individual user, or if the application has been made on behalf of a Community or an App, to a nominated ‘Account Manager’.

For Communities and Apps that Account Manager will be responsible for the usage of the account. They must inform Steemit Inc if they decide to share the keys with any other curators within their community or app.


To ensure ‘best use’ of the Community Curator accounts we will be requesting that users follow a number of strict guidelines…

  • The accounts must not be used for downvoting.

  • The accounts should only be used for upvoting.

  • The accounts should not be used for making posts, only for making curation comments.

We are looking for curators to vote for as wide a range of accounts as possible, rewarding quality and original posts.

Preference can be given to posts that are #steemexclusive, but that is not an absolute requirement for upvoting.

All votes on posts should be accompanied by a comment that includes the line “This post has been rewarded by [NAME OF THE COMMUNITY CURATOR] with support from the Steem Community Curation Project".

Monitoring and Rewards

The usage of the Curator accounts will be monitored closely and anyone found misusing them will have their access withdrawn.

As a reward for their curation work Community Curators are encouraged, but not obliged, to vote on one of their own posts each day.

If there is more than one person in the Community Curator team these daily ‘reward votes’ should be rotated through the members of the team, but should not exceed one vote per day.

Community Curators may also post weekly reports on their curation activities, although these are not obligatory. These weekly posts will be rewarded with a Steemit vote, but not necessarily at 100%.

If the Curators chose to make a weekly report the format will be left to them to decide although they might include a statement of their curation goals and an assessment of how well they have met those goals in the preceding week.

The reports might also include feedback on the project, and any suggestions for improvement.

They might, if desired, also include some curation statistics and some examples of the best posts that have been curated.

Choosing the Community Curators has been difficult. Unfortunately not everyone can be selected at the delegation level they want or believe they deserve.

We wanted a mix of continuity and new discovery so were keen to rotate in new Curators with different networks and access to different communities.

The Curators have been chosen especially to cover a wide range of languages, communities and subjects.

We are looking forward to following how the project evolves in this second month and we welcome feedback especially from the Curators.

Applications for the July Community Curators will open next week.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Notes from the Community...

The Steemingcurators Showcase

The @steemingcurators project has produced another edition of their showcase of the best creators on Steem...

Wizarding World Art Contest

Steem Greeter @cmp2020 is running a contest from the Wizarding World Community for people to submit a piece of art depicting an object, creature, or scene from Harry Potter...

SPUD4STEEM coming soon

SPUD4STEEM organizer @kiwiscanfly has posted a reminder that the next Steem Power Up Day is coming up on June 1st.

There are now prizes available for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th best SPUD’ers through donations from sponsors @xpilar, @reflektor, @bippe, @hingsten, @kiwi-crypto, @ciska, @kiwiscanfly and @steemcurator01...

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Thank you very much for allowing us to continue with the program. We have a line up of activities to grow the community further. We will report back on the final weekly report.

Thank you for the confirmation.

We will contact you shortly to arrange the transfer of the voting key.

The Steemit Team

Hello @wherein
Congratulations on your continuity as a curator.
Great work for the community.
Successes in the month of June.

Hi Team Steemit!

Thank you so much for your trust!

We notify you that we fully accept the role and guidelines of the community curators project.

Posting key will be shared with @cryptokannon and @ciska.
The community will be encouraged to "nominate" other Steemians under a POC-model (Proof Of Caring). They can comment on posts the command: @steemingcurators curate, and a little message what they like about it. The lead bringer, as well as the nominated post (if within guidelines), will get an upvote. More on this in our announcement later today.

@ciska: Ciska#3997 (Discord)

Thank you for the confirmation.

We will contact you shortly to arrange the transfer of the voting key.

The Steemit Team

Congrats to all successful applicants! Our community account @steemingcurators get chosen too. We are happy and honor the trust. We are ready to serve the Steem Community with the community curator account support from Steemit.

Kannon is on FIRE

Steem Community



This is fabulous!
Congratulations on your nomination.


As a good Venezuelan I have to answer: Hahaha Thanks for the baby, although yes, I no longer have teeth. Hahaha a BABE with no teeth, but with gray hair. Hahaha
You made my day. It is not difficult to be happy

Hi @steemingcurators, @cryptokannon and @ciska this is deserved curator role and wish you a lot of happy curation!

Thanks babe! You too! :D

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Congratulations to @Ciska and @CryptoKannon for the well deserved honor to help in the construction of this community!! My best wishes for your project and efforts!!

THANK YOU! You will def see us around!

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
I know that it has been difficult this time to select the Community Curators of the month of June, I congratulate you for the work you have been doing, I also congratulate the Curators of the month of June, at the same time I thank you infinitely for taking into account my proposal.

On behalf of Venezuela and the Latin Community, I express to you that I will apply all my efforts to carry out my duties to the best of my ability throughout the month of June.
At the same time, I manifest that I am fully available to support and help the other communities of other languages ​​and cultures that are in need of support.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, I will announce the curator procedures that I am going to use.
My discord contact is acostaeladio#0413

Congratulations on your designation.
Successes in this new task.

Gracias @mariita52 por tus palabras, el éxito lo escribimos día a día, igual te deseo todo lo mejor.

Thank you for the confirmation.

We will contact you shortly to arrange the transfer of the voting key.

The Steemit Team

HI @acostaeladio, we are trying to contact you for the Community Curator account key.

But we have not been able to connect with you on Discord @acostaeladio#0413.

Do you have an email or Telegram account we can try?

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Do you also congratulate them for stealing 23.6 million STEEM from real Steem stakeholders this week?

Congratulations, I hope you are selected as I know you do a good job .
Already in the last month we in project Hope we were selected, and I can attest that your work deserves recognition and support, I hope you continue and you have my support

Gracias amigo @reinaldoverdu, los reconocimientos nos motivan a seguir adelante, algunas veces uno se siente como arando en la arena del desierto, pero la insistencia y perseverancia nos ayuda a hacer de lo ordinario algo extra ordinario y así mismo va a ir evolucionado nuestra Steem Blockchain.

Te felicito, por ser el representante de la comunidad hispana en este proyecto, siento que con tu propuesta hemos sido tomados en cuenta y que debemos estar a la altura del compromiso de mi parte no me queda más que felicitarte tienes una gran oportunidad y se que harás un buen trabajo.

I congratulate you, for being the representative of the Hispanic community in this project, I feel that with your proposal we have been taken into account and that we must live up to the commitment on my part I can only congratulate you. You have a great opportunity and I know you'll do a good job.

Tus palabras van por delante @helengutier2
Hablando literalmente, mi nombramiento por 30 días es un tremendo reto y a la vez un gran honor ante la situación actual de nuestra cadena de bloque y lo asumo con toda la responsabilidad que ello amerita, a la vez es el reconocimiento que por primera vez durante cuatro años Steemit INC le otorga a la Comunidad Latina por medio de mi persona.

A través de la presente doy mi palabra de apoyo pero igual espero de parte de la comunidad que asuman el reto a la misma altura y compromiso porque 200.000 Steem Power no se otorgan así tan fácilmente.

¡Felicidades mi amigo!

Gracias, seguimos en contacto

Hi @acostaeladio, our Congratulation and it is nice you again among curators for Venezuela and Latin Community, that is one of the most friendly and positive community. Happy curation!

Muchísimas gracias @stef1, voy a dar todo lo mejor de mí para que en junio Steem sea todo un suceso histórico en el mundo de las blockchain.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Congrats @acostaeladio.
It will be better if you include the LAKSHMI community for curation, here you find many different points authors.

Have my support, I will be planning activities for yous.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Muchas felicidades, @AcostaEladio, por este reconocimiento a tu gran presencia y trabajo en esta comunidad. Lo mejor para los encuentros y el apoyo a los autores en esta blockchain!!

Gracias por tus palabras, todos estos días después de la noticia no he parado de trabajar preparando planificando el mes de junio. El futuro de nuestra blockchain Steem se construye segundo a segundo con cada bloque y así seguirá siendo.

Es bueno que existan las oportunidades de reconstruir esta plataforma. De seguro que gente muy valiosa sigue contribuyendo por aquí.
Muy buenos vientos para este gran proyecto, seguro que vendrán muchas satisfacciones en adelante!
Abrazo grande!!

Gua amigo enhorabuena me alegra y me contenta porque se que esto es tu pasión, de como ayudas a muchos entre ellos a mi, ja ja nos seguimos viendo en este mar de escritos y lecturas.

@zhanavic69, aprovechen esta gran ayuda que Steemit, INC está otorgando a todos los venezolanos a través de mi persona, ya muchos me conocen y ténganlo por seguro que vienen muchas cosas buenas, pero véanlo como un reto para toda la comunidad latina y asumanlo con responsabilidad.

Felicitaciones mi pana, te lo mereces. tu proyecto tiene un buen futuro.

Gracias @lanzjoseg por tus palabras.
Estoy a la disposición absoluta para dirigir a la Comunidad Latina hacia lo mejor de lo mejor.

I love that you are mixing it up like this. Congratulations to the winners

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

First of all we would like to Congratulate all the Curators for the month June with wish you great Curatuion!

Account @stef1 accepts the role and guidelines of the community curators project.

Congratulations @Stef1!! Great work and deserved recognition for your contribution and help to the community!!

Congrats again!!

Thank you for the confirmation.

We will contact you shortly to arrange the transfer of the voting key.

The Steemit Team

Hi @steemcurator01, as we remaining on @steemcurator08 for June will you also change our key?

If yes, then you can use the same discord address as you used before.

Also please find weekly report of @steemcurator08 for the 4th week:


Another news is that Chinese community with @wherein and "world of xpilar" with @stef1 we are running a first Inter-community contest that are sponsored by many representatives of both communities, I was wondering if @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 would be able to promote that in one of your posts. Here are two posts that have the information done from two of our communities:


"world of xpilar" -@art-venture:

Thank you in advance, @stef1

Hello @stef1
Congratulating you and taking this opportunity to thank you for the support you provide to newcomers who publish works of art, I will continue to promote the tags # art and # art-venture.
Any other suggestion I am to order.
Successes in the month of June.

Hi @mariita52, this is new contest that you might be able to promote for Artists:


Will be good to have more participants :)

How good!
Thanks for the warning.
Happy day.

Wow! I am super excited to get the chance to GROW STEEM with this project. Thank You for the opportunity! I can't wait to get started.
I AGREE to these terms.

Frank White #1761 on Discord.

[email protected]


Congrats bro! Finally getting the respect you deserve. Its not like GHRO isn't a great project. Only reason why it got ignored by the old guard is because, well tbh I am not really sure. Oh well.

Thanks brother! Without CANNA there would be no GHRO. Lets GROW TOGETHER.

Congratulation @greenhouseradio and wishing you happy curation in June!

Thank You

Thank you for the confirmation.

We will contact you shortly to arrange the transfer of the voting key.

The Steemit Team

I am excited to get started. I have yet to receive the voting key.
email [email protected]
discord FrankWhite#1761
Thank You

The best wishes for the project and the great initiative of your forum!!
Congratulations!! :)

Thank You. Please feel free to join us. The more people we have the pleasure of talking with and working with, the better for everyone.

I'll try to join next week, thank you!!

¡Abrazo grande!

Congrats on the nomination! Good luck and STEEM!

Thank You. #SteemOn

Congratulations @greenhouseradio
I will be attentive to support you in some way.

Thank You. Allow us to help to support you by curating your content. Make sure to make June a month to blog and or create content as steemexclusive and we will spread the steem love.

I am steemgreeters.
I welcome and advise newcomers for their best performance on the platform. Would you like me to include something about you in my welcome greeting?

I would love that! Please feel free.

Green House Radio Online is a community based project for the entertainment & education for the people. We look to bring people & communities together with regular LIVE shows in Canna Curate Discord https://discord.gg/d29e9Zs.
We encourage any and all to stop by some time.
#ComeGROWwithGHRO #SteemOn

Okay. thanks for the info.

I'm glad to see name among the few steemian picked as curator for June. It's my pleasure and I really appreciate the consideration. I know the responsiblities bestowed on a curator. The integrity, fairness, activeness, and so on. I will try my best to do the right thing for the progress of this community. Thanks once again. I can be reached on discord via beautychicks#5635. Also, my email address is [email protected]
Looking forward to the task ahead. I pledge my loyalty.

Thank you for the confirmation.

We will contact you shortly to arrange the transfer of the voting key.

The Steemit Team

Thank you. Looking forward to when the time is right.

Hello @beautychicks
Congratulating you and taking this opportunity to thank you for the support you provide to newcomers
Any other suggestion I am to order.
Successes in the month of June.

Hola @ beautychicks
Felicitándote y aprovechando esta oportunidad para agradecerte el apoyo que brindas a los recién llegados
Cualquier otra sugerencia estoy a la orden.
Éxitos en el mes de junio.

A big shout out to the Steem and Steemit community. Congratulations to all curators for the month of June. Spanish translation of the latest updates.

Un gran saludo a la comunidad Steem y Steemit. Felicitaciones a todos los curadores por el mes de junio. Traducción al español de las últimas actualizaciones.


I also leave My steemgreeters report https://steemit.com/the100daysofsteem/@mariita52/steemgreeters-report-4-or-informe-steemgreeters-or-4-summary-of-interest-to-the-community-or-resumen-de-interes-para-la

Thank you for all your work as a Steem Greeter.

Thanks for support

Well done to the Community Curators for June :)

Thanks and see you soon! #spud4steem

Our INVEN Gaming community will participate in the activities as a curator in June.

The INVEN Gaming community is growing as the flagship gaming community of the STEEM blockchain.

Dicord ID : Nia#7036
Telegram : @roadofrich

Thank you!

Thank you for the confirmation.

We will contact you shortly to arrange the transfer of the voting key.

The Steemit Team

Hello @roadofrich
Congratulating you and taking this opportunity to thank you for the support you provide to newcomers
Any other suggestion I am to order.
Successes in the month of June.

Congratulations dear @acostaeladio you deserve it for your great work in the community.

Y seguiremos trabajando @saracampero por el bien común, espero y participes de la programación del mes de junio.

Congratulations on your designation @acostaeladio, @stef1, @steemingcurators, @cmp2020, @roadofrich, @xpilar, @reflektor, @bippe, @hingsten, @kiwi-crypto, @ciska, @kiwiscanfly and @steemcurator01.

Felicitaciones un buen equipo de trabajo, enhorabuena me alegra @acostaeladio un trabajo de perseverancia y apoyo a otros.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Congratulations to all #community-curators for their great jobs and to @steemitblog for showcasing this great promotion of steem. I think this is also a great way of rewarding and encourage every Steemian in their respective communities with upvote. In this case, I see #the100daysofsteem showcasing as one of the best project so far to improve Steem and effectively develop all and sundry in Steem Ecosystem. If this kind of project will unabated run with lots of transition, steem will be one of the best blogging sites many people will love to live in the rest of their lives. Long live steemit, Inc., long live steemitblog, and long live all Steemians!

Thank you for your support.

Hello @steemitblog. Here is my application for the role of country curator for Nigeria. https://steemit.com/hive-175254/@tolustx/application-for-the-role-of-a-country-curator-for-nigeria

Thank you - we will take a look.

  ·  5 years ago 


Congrats to @greenhouseradio.

Thank You! Get your blog going with some INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM so I can get to voting and spreading some STEEM love!

I also applied for the country Curator, hope would be selected in the future, am new steemian and so am excited about my achievement so far for 20 days as a steemian.

Thank you for your application. We will be in touch on that soon.

Thanks very much for your consideration.

Deserved contribution to @acostaeladio, who does a great job supporting the Latino community.

Vamos por todo lo alto @joseph1956, soy venezolano viviendo en Venezuela, por aquí se como se bate el cobre, vamos a darle a la Comunidad Latina un nuevo rumbo, el rumbo que debería de haber tenido desde siempre.

Hey @steemcurator01

Hindi translation is ready for Indian community:-100 दिन STEEM : दिन 54 - Community Curators for June 2020

People resteeming :-@alokkumar121 , @rajan1995 & @amit1995

Thank you

COngrats to June Community Curators 💙💙💙

Congratulations, your post has been manually curated by @r2cornell. I can also be found on our hive community: (https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-152200) & (https://peakd.com/c/hive-152200/created) as well as on my Discord Server located at: https://discord.gg/EjQxYgq

Manually curated by @r2cornell

r2cornell manual curating.png

Thank you for this.

Make sure you apply next week when the applications for the July Community Curators will open.

Congratulations to the steemitblog team for the great job they have been doing in activating the steem community.

I want to congratulate @acostaeladio for being selected as the responsible of one of the curator accounts, you deserve it friend for the good performance you have had in all your career.

Greetings to all.

Gracias @carlos84, la realidad está muy clara, la nueva administración de Steemit, INC está trabajando fuertemente y se les felicita. Existen muchas personas que no toman esta nueva tecnología en serio, pero ya ha llegado el momento de poner todo en su lugar y seguir adelante sin diatribas y palabras en el aire, bloque a bloque nuestra blockchain se fortalece.

Hello @steemitblog. Here is my diary game submission for 27th May...https://steemit.com/hive-173493/@tolustx/ulogs-the-diary-game-27th-may

Thank you. We will be curating the diary entry shortly.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@steemitblog, thank you so much for your great work! Congrats to all curators.

@steemcurator01 @steemitblog
my 5th day of diary game: https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@vipnata/100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-my-5th-day-may-26

Thank you, and thank you for the diary entry.

@steemcurator01, this is really a great pleasure for me.
Thank you so much for joy.

Respect to all the winners for June. I had fun. I fell disappointing I missed the application, but there will always be other times, and it is great to see others get this great honor!

Thank you for all your curation work over the past month.

You will be welcome to apply again next month.

Great choice Steemit and congrats to the chosen curators!

Congratulations on being chosen *Community Curators for June 2020.


Thank You and CONGRATS to the rest!


Gracias por la mención, esto es un gran honor para mí, espero que las comunidades capten el mensaje: vamos a darle un nuevo enfoque al poder de la Blockchain Steem.

Dear @steemitblog, @steemcurator01

Just wanted to clarify. Would that mean, that all previous projects listed below are no longer part of "community curators" program?

200K SP - @project.hope 
200K SP - @canna-curate
200K SP - @greece-lover
200K SP - @remlaps

Yours, Piotr

I guess you can apply again for every new month ...

Hi @jaki01

As a default we all applied. And some were selected, some were not. Which is fair. However I think all of us got surprissed, especially with lack of feedback. Well, gotta move on. This little adventure seem to be over.

Yours, Piotr

That is correct. We will be looking to rotate the majority of the Community Curators every month to get as wide a spread as possible.

Thank you for your reply @steemcurator01

Perhaps you may be interested with my feedback, perhaps you won't.

I only wanted to point out, that this strategy is kind of strongly discouraging. I spoke with 2 other community leaders and our entire project.hope core team and everyone seem to share similar impression.

I hope I'm wrong, however jumping between supporting one community to another won't bring long lasting effects.

Small example: we've managed to encourage over 20 content creators within our community to prioritize steem over hive. All those efforts may be lost. And most likely will be lost.

Anyway, I surely wish you good luck with future of this particular initiative.
Yours, Piotr

It is a monthly Curation project.

I understand that now @steemcurator01

I only figured that I may share our feedback with you. Since this feedback seem to reflect not only my own opinion.

All the best,

Unfortunatelly it's very discouraging.

I spoke with 2 other community leaders, who invested also enormous amount of time hoping that their efforts will be recognized and that this support will last longer than just one month.

Reality is, that one month is just to short period of time to count on any long-term results.

Obviously I'm grateful for opportunity. It's sad that this played out the way it did and left a bitter taste.

Yours, Piotr

Excelente Eladio. Un gran reconocimiento a tu dedicación y empeño. Éxitos amigo.

Mi estimadísimo @acostaeladio... felicidades por ese nombramiento en el cual estoy seguro que harás un trabajo excepecional, pues tu dedicación a la cadena de bloques es invaluable. Te imagino, y así lo creo, como precursor de los que vendrán detrás con ese rol asignado; Y seguirás como guía de muchos, haciéndoles el trabajo mucho más sencillo.

Felicidades y te deseo todo el éxito del mundo.

Un abrazo en la distancia

Gracias por tus palabras @oneray, a horas de la noticia me sentía como cuando al padre lo hacen abuelo; tomaré en cuenta tu apreciación, mi desempeño será el ejemplo para los que vendrán luego de mí.

In these publications, where I have been working for two years, we are all curators, but there are some who are more than others, that is to say, of a higher category, as some whales say, who make us happy when one votes for us.

Congratulations to the selected curators, in a very personal way congratulations to @acostaeladio who has been a lot of help and support in my growth within steemit.

Gracias por tus palabras @zhanavic69, muchas veces no somos conscientes de lo que puede significar un voto en un post y la repercusión hacia muchas personas que dependen de ese voto. La magia del Steem está en la Ley de Retribución, recibimos de lo que damos. Saludos para tu bella familia, seguimos en contacto.

Congratulations to the communities that got the delegation and I can remember @project.hope curating quality contents on the platform when they got theirs too.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💖💕❤️💕💖💕💕💖

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
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