Thank You @goldenarms!

in thealliance •  7 years ago 


A Package?

For me? YES!!! I entered a raffle a while back that @goldenarms was having to win some silver rounds. I believe it was @raybrockman that won first prize, so he got to pick 3 of the 4 rounds that @goldenarms had up for the raffle, and I got the one that was left over for the consolation prize. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but I actually got the one I wanted some how. Being Native myself, the totem pole one kind of touched home. I grew up about a hundred miles from Canada so, ya was pretty giddy when I opened the package. My face was all:

The Winnings

I think I'm starting to understand the excitement and thrill of being a stacker now. I remember how I felt when I got the First Edition Steem Silver Round that @bearone designed and @phelimint made a reality. That was pretty enthralling. So check it out, here's the newest addition to my small collection, some vintage silver:

But The Best Part..

I don't care what anyone else says, @goldenarms is one of my new best buddies. He showed his heart when he sent me this package. You see, he knows I have a family, and I think he wants to get my princesses started off right in this world. So, he sent them these cute little silver bars! Gonna have them start calling you 'Uncle GA'! Look at this:


Talk About BADASS

So, you have my thanks 'Uncle GA'. I can't wait for the day they truly appreciate it like I do now. You've got a hell of a heart my man, and I'll be singing your praises for as long as I have a voice. Steem on peeps. Oh, I know I'm not technically a member, but I think you guys rock so I'm just gonna drop this thing in here for ya if you don't mind ;)

allied witnesses.png

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Glad it arrived finally, and yeah man I sent you the totem because I know what's up #nativepride. That design is west coast 'Haida' artwork 😎 Uncle GA lol

Badass man. Love it, thank you so much! that a Canadian tribe? I'm Lakota (Blackfoot Souix - Turtle Mountain) and grew up on the Leech Lake Rez in MN and I honestly cant say I've heard them before. Or maybe I was high lmao

Yeah they're some of the dopest natives around. Their reservation is a spectacular piece of land in Vancouver and their art is simply fantastic. I'd love to own some but it is incredibly expensive!

Oh ya it is too. Had several ladies used to make me jewelry they'd give me, but the something similar they sell for 50 bucks!! Rez is a different life man. I make it up CA one of these days again and have to head over there.

That was a sweet thing of Goldie 😊 and great winning 👍 loved the coins... Lol
Must have been a wonderful day...

It was pretty awesome! Still kinda bubbly 😋

I know that feeling bubbly... Lol 😉
I understand that you are..

"Bubbles" is your middles name! ;)

My middle name? Yes I guess you're right 😁 lol sweet 🤗

very awesome EW! the death dollars are the business! and all the lil' extras... well that's GA for you!


Happy to get involved more, you'll start me around more frequently ;)

that's one of the reasons we love the @goldarms ... that and he's a canuck, pretty cool, smart, funny ... ooops fangirling LOL

😅somebody's got a crush on ol' Uncle GA lol

That's super cool man! Go Uncle GA .. ha ha

Ha ha right? Was pleasantly surprised on that.

Those are awesome man, that's so cool of him to send some extras. Looks like your totally catching the stacking bug!

I am too, not gonna lie, can't wait for the 2018 Steem Silver Rounds to come to fruition man!

Good old GA, the mans a big softy at heart

Ringing true on that man.

Nice one dude!! It's exciting to get something in the mail, but when Uncle GA drops in a few extra bits 'n pieces.... What a man!!!

I know right??? How can you not like that MF now?

He's making it difficulty not to, isn't he!!

Ya I'd totally give him a hi-5 or shake his hand or take a piss off a dock with him 😂

Those are awesome and thats great he sent some for the kids as well whata kind man he is

Indeed, gained some new love for that fella.

Absolutly, I was impressed he would think of them so generous

Absolutly, I was impressed he would think of them so generous

This is a WOW gift.

Definitely made me say WOW :)

That is an awesome win! Also bad ass that GA threw in a little something for the girls! Better watch out though or your gonna come down with stackitus!


This is great! Congrats to yor win and im glad you shared this with us. @goldenarms truly deserves his name 😊

Thank you! And yes, the name is def starting to make more sense :)

How cool! I used to collect coins when I was young. I still have a few special ones. What is Steem Silver Gold?

It's a community here on Steemit and in discord. Not so much about the coins as it is about the silver and gold (and a little copper and platinum too). Think they got me reeled in lol

Very cool, it's a nice looking piece. And the extras are so thoughtful.

IKR? What a guy :)

Wow, this was such a wonderful thing @goldenarms did and I can vouch for his generosity. He sent me 10 steem when he didn't have to when he and I were participating in a contest. He won it and I didn't and he sent me the gift to support me. That was really sweet of him. And that's so nice of him to keep your kids in mind. :)

Big heart for sure. That was really cool of him!

That is an awesome win

Thank you!



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