Grow-pro's Official Application to #thealliance Family (full Post - THANKS @jackmiller, blockchain Superman)

in thealliance •  6 years ago  (edited)



Here's my official application of request
to join #thealliance family

As a Steemian of now 14 moons and a full-time father of two and loving hubs of @randfmomma, I can identify the value of family and see that loyalty, trust, and love are absolutely priceless. Hard to find and increasingly rare in our current times without the right people around. Good people, that is. People who operate from compassion and care are whom I am speaking of.

I'm a family man

I have come to know how hard it can be to sustain dedication to things that seem to have little return. Being a stay-at-home parent doesn't pay and the work really sucks sometimes. But we do not traverse this path for the money or immediate gratification. No, we understand that value we receive comes in many forms and most certainly makes the tough times worth enduring. Family is all we really have that holds us together.

How I heard about #thealliance

I happened to get lucky when my friend @finnian invited me to Steemit and right away I met some great people who really stood out. @Liberty-minded was one of those few that stood out. After creating some graphics for him, I began to look into #thealliance because he was a member. Here's the graphics that I created with him (he is great to work with and knows what he is aiming for):

Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at 1.06.18 PM.png

Having also crossed paths with @jackmiller early in my Steemit journey, once I saw his application hit the wire - I thought to myself: Who better to add than @jackmiller?! He is a prime candidate if there was one.

Character is plenty to judge a man by and he has plenty of that. Few I'd trust with my house keys, Jack is one of them. Worst I'd have to worry about was my fridge missing meatballs and I feel I would have to search for a hilarious note somewhere. That's a good person and they're a rare breed. Easy to find a friend when all is going well, but hard to find good people willing to give theirselves to help out when times 'aint so great'. Time is a precious commodity and I admire anyone who spends it serving people, especially voluntarily, out of the goodness of their heart.

@enginewitty, you've got yourself a great candidate here. If it were me, my 'Have Done' sheet would be a Twitter comment in comparison to what Jack has done in virtually the same period of time (he is just a few weeks ahead of me, beyond 1 year). Hat tip to you for what you've accomplished in building a community and I hope you know that it's a fire under my ass to see you all and what you do. It's inspiring. Let me get to work for a while and maybe get to a level where I might be of value to #thealliance and also the Steemit community alike. ✌️{see full context}

Why do I want to be a part of #thealliance?

First and foremost I must admit that #snookmademedoit. Don't take that the wrong way. I wanted to be a part of The Alliance, however, I was trying to identify what I could bring to the table and offer to the fellow Alliance members.

Then, I was bamboozled by a wall of text from @snook that really made my day. I must say that #snookmademedoit and with her guiding, colorful delivery, evenly paired with the appropriate amount of threats and compliments, really opened my eyes.

What do I have to offer?

Myself. That comes bundled with respect for my fellow human, ridiculous humor, oddly paired skills, creative energy, and sometimes expletives but not around the kids Circling back to being respectful. I value respect and I try to respect everyone until they give me a reason not to. I am the very same way with trust and loyalty.

These things mean a great deal to me and anyone that goes back through my entire post list can see that I have expressed this intensely and verbosely since joining Steemit in June of 2017.
I try to offer everything I have and if #thealliance family finds what I have to be of utility - I am happy to assist. I always try to be of value in my community because people are what binds this great space and make the entire experience what it is. I am here for a better experience and I am willing to put forth the effort to ensure that it becomes just that for more people who use Steemit. @Snook made me realize that we all have something to offer and also that I'd have cinderblock shoes, swimming with the fish if I did not go forward with my application process. I do have a lot to offer and I am grateful to have good folks around me to remind me of that when I forget.


My reasoning for not having applied to date is simple (and semi-ridiculous): I was concerned that I had nothing to give and therefore​ no reason to receive anything from #thealliance.

It is not so much that #snookmademedoit, but more like #snookmademerealize that we are who we are and we all have something to offer.

The little things often mean the most and that is something I tend to forget. She really made my day and also made me realize that I have done a bunch and never kept tabs. Just functioning out of compassion and care, voluntarily. Isn't very similar to how families operate?

My kids don't owe me for lunch today and we don't keep tabs. This is how I operate and that I suppose might come in handy for those that I share my time with, in any capacity.
Now, I will also fair warn that my good pal @jackmiller should not be in the sandbox unaccompanied, he needs his buddy @grow-pro. We can spark up a sandbox like you've never seen.

I truly hope that The Alliance Family will consider my application and afford me the opportunity to enhance my experience, as well as the experience of others while being part of something greater.

I'm @grow-pro and here's the proof:


Thank you @enginewitty for creating this opportunity and for your consideration of my application to #thealliance!

Special thanks to all of you who've encouraged me to apply and regardless of the outcome - I'll still be me and still be here. You all make it worth sticking around a while, thanks again. This place would not be half as fun without all of you.

For the Steemians with Balls
(Yes, Byteballs, get your minds outta the gutter)

Click to Visit @ball2steem and STEEM your BALLS Today!

Click to READ @balls2steem INTRO • A New Exchange brought to Steemit by the dynamic duo @jackmiller & @grow-pro

all media is original works by @grow-pro


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Any group should be privileged to have you as a member. Dedicated is a true understatement.
Beyond thankful to have you in my corner. :)

You're my core fam for life, lil momma!

Always in your corner and ready to tag in when you need me. Thanks love 😘
I'd say blessed is an understatement...

@liberty-minded has made a few graphics for me and several others in the fam, good cat. I told you my opinion already on the comment thread of @jackmiller's app so I am happy to see this today!

Indeed, you did and I really appreciate that. It really stoked the fire and reminded me I need to have some more fun doing what I'm doing. You all really keep this place alive. High-five for that, man!!

Thank You!

The pleasure is all mine, @snook. THANK YOU.
I gnome my application was late, then lost, then found - but thanks for your patience, gnome sayin!?

Gnome more long lost post, thanks to Super-Jack, my trusted ball-business-buddy. We have wayyyyy too much fun but that is never a complaint! Thanks again, you really provoked inspired me to do something I should have done long ago, but glad I finally did. Better late than beat up by @snook 😆🔨

They'd be CrAzY not to have you! I support you always! I'm gonna wish you luck although I don't think you'll need it. It's hard to find peeps like you.

Hope to see you in the family soon 😊

It would be an honor, @thekitchenfairy. I'm looking forward to hearing the verdict 😬


200w-1 copy.gif
Dundee!!! NO BULL from here is right, mate. Things are turning around

This guy is a bit of a creative genius, not to mention master gardener and all-around good guy. Over the 16 moons I've had the pleasure of being here on Steemit, I believe I've known him since shortly after he joined 14 moons ago. @grow-pro would be an ideal addition to #thealliance family @enginewitty.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

where did the post go? there went a few hours of work, sweet


SUPER @JACKMILLER SAVES THE DAY. Someone high five that man!


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Super-JACK to the rescue!
With his magical and mysterious blockchain wizardry, he once again managed to accomplish the unaccomplishable, folks!

Let today be recognized for all of time as

If @jackmiller can't fix it, it's really broken Day, August 1st.

Let the record show that August 1st shall be declared a day to show appreciation to this amazing Australian. Someone should write to that statue company and tell them they owe Jack royalties for using his image and likeness. 😂💯🍻

8/1/2018 - let it be known that some superhero-like-shit went down and that man behind the magic was the one and only cuz the mold broke after him, Captain @jackmiller. If he can't fix it, you'd better just chuck it and get a new one.

It was there a moment ago

Ohhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooo.................what happened?

I think you should cane Steemit @snook!

she can't ... it hasn't moved to her island where canelaw will be in effect


Well, the entire post vanished on the blockchain - yea, had no idea that is possible. No way to see previous edits and it is completely gone. Ironically, Steemit is considering unlimited edits, Steemd no longer shows previous edits, and all the tools created to show previous edits are dead servers, like the tools made by @libertyteeth and @furion. I have to wonder what all this means. There (for whatever reason I cannot understand) is a new desire for editing posts beyond the 7 day payout - which 99% don't edit within that time so can't imagine will go back. It seems odd that information can disappear on a BLOCKCHAIN when we've all heard that what we put on here, stays on here. Well..... I am waiting for someone to show me how to dig up the entire body of this post that vanished into thin air.

What a bummer! I spent so much time putting that together and the draft was literally in my browser for days. I have no idea what is going on.

I've had it happen before with intricate posts that took a while to put together as well. After that I got into the habit of saving at least a .txt file of them before clicking post....JUST IN CASE. has paid off more than once

I got lucky, Captain Jack helped dig up the tx data of the original. I have always saved articles and it figures the one time I do not - it reminds why I should 😂

yay, gotta love DDOS attacks! sucks bro

I literally have saved EVERY post of mine to date. Every one exceot this one. I literally had DMs coming in and as soon as I proofread it I smashed the post button to get it out.

Made a quick edit/add of a cover and then clicked update to see the post was gone and the ability to see edits on the explorer - also gone!!!! Why? On a blockchain of all places..LOL

@jackmiller is the MAN...think he just found the tx hash w the original...fingers crossed!

i think that the problem is jack sent a gnome army to steal your work

Oh, I gnome that's right @shadowspub!
we are BACK in action - full post is back up!! Thanks to @jackmiller and his blockchain gnomies - he located the original tx hash and was able to save the day! Lose my whole post? Oh, gnome not!

right on, glad you didn't have to do it all over again!

might save up my cc points just to go high-five @Jackmiller if someone doesn't do it right meow!!

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Ah yes!! Well done, and – I suspect I'll see you soon in the bouncy castle! ;)