My Application to #thealliance

in thealliance •  7 years ago 

How did I Find #thealliance?

I was browsing around on Steemit for Interesting articles to read, that’s when I bumped into @nainaztengra ‘s articles, while reading her articles I noticed that she is using a tag named #thealliance. I got curious and wanted to know what it is about. I looked up what is “trending” under the tag #thealliance and found out lots of interesting articles, I do noticed people mentioning the alliance in the comments section as well. Then I got the hint that these are a group of people who support each other and I predicted them to be members of a Facebook, Whatsapp or Discord group. Did some online investigation then to land on @enginewitty ‘s post Why I Joined #thealliance which gave more insights about the Family #thealliance. I found it to be very cool, as it reminded me of various secret societies from the comics I have read, like the Legion of Doom and Court of Owls. Through the discord links mentioned in @enginewitty’s article I got into the Gamma Syndicate, took a tour around to familiarize myself about the Syndicate and one day later here I am with my application post. 

Why do I want to be here: 

I need recognition and appreciation for the effort I put into my posts. When I joined Steemit I was so much excited about this platform, but once I started making posts, I realized that I am just a fish is the Sea and I can’t survive without strong allies who can back me up. When you writes up posts and publishes with excitement, coming back to see how it performed and then to realize you hardly got any upvotes and knowing it went out just like a replica post disappointed me. I strongly believe joining #thealliance would get me the support that I seek, and I would be able to interact with and learn a lot from the selected few who made it through lot of hurdles. I see it as an opportunity to join a society which has every potential to help me grow on Steemit. I have read about the system, I liked the way it is planned with a vision and mission for the long run. And I do understand the strict rules which are a necessity to make it flawless. I believe supporting hands of #thealliance can make a difference in my Steemit journey. 

Qualities that would make me a valued member of the Family: 

I am a digital marketer by profession; I always post original content, never copied anyone’s work and am strongly against and discourage plagiarism. Team spirit and responsiveness are some of the qualities that would make me a valued member in this platform. Being a team player and the curiosity to learn and implement new things would make me valuable for this community. Not only that I can take care of Myself, I will give equal importance and take care of my siblings. I will abide by the rules and be proactive member in the community.  

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I'm starting to think @nainaztengra is Wonder Woman in disguise, well not so much disguise she is a wonderful woman - I don't know how she manages to influence so many people and keep up with her posting schedule as well. A very fine introductory post, you will of course do vey well with Nainaz for guidance.


Yes she is, the dedication can be seen in every single post, no wonder so many are Influenced. Thanks @c0ff33a .

You are more then welcome, and I look forward to more of your content in #thealliance Team Gamma - @syndicates work hard to support the family.

Sure I Will :)

She is quit amazing!!

Great application Shony, thank you :)

Thank You, looking forward to the official response :)

Great stuff. The Alliance is great because you can spend more time interacting with people who make good quality content. You'll notice that more people will look at your work.