The beach is a geographical form consisting of sand, and is found in the coastal areas of the sea. The coastal area becomes the boundary between land and sea waters. The length of this coastline is measured around the entire coast which is a territorial region of a country.
According to the 2008 United Nations correction, Indonesia is the fourth longest chain country in the world after the United States (US), Canada and Russia. The length of Indonesia's coastline is 95,181 km.
Seeing the beach scene must make you want to go on vacation to the natural attractions ... release tired here. Moreover, Indonesia itself is an archipelago country that if ... seen certainly has a lot of natural tourism offers, including among others, beach. ... Almost all regions in Indonesia have the potential of beach tourism, well ari many ... which is included in the ranks of the beaches nan visited by many tourists, see ...
Seeing the scenery or getting closer to nature, it has many benefits,
Here are 5 benefits of seeing and enjoying the scenery:
Eliminate stress in an instant
More specifically, closer to nature can reduce stress hormones, reduce blood pressure, muscle tension, and stabilize heart rate. You will become more relaxed, feel happier, and also improve your mental health.Improving the ability to focus
When with nature, humans will naturally focus on enjoying the sights, the trees and flowers, and the animals around them. From this experience, your level of focusing ability will be more trained and increasing.Improve physical health and speed recovery
Humans were created to get closer to nature. When closer to nature, our bodies will feel like returning to the 'home' is beautiful and serene. Focus on the green is very effective to divert the pain and discomfort that is being experienced by patients so that the recovery process becomes faster. Helps heal the sick, healthy healthy.Increase confidence
Psychology proves that doing activities related to nature can help improve your confidence. After your brain feels "refreshed", the positive mindset increases and makes you more self-respecting.Closer to fellow human beings
According to a study by Kuo and Coley in the Human-Environmental Research Laboratory, getting closer to nature can strengthen human relationships. This is also supported by the University of Illinois study, where residents living in the housing surrounded by trees and grasslands tend to be more familiar, familiar, and caring among others. It happens because when man is "close" to nature, he will experience increased empathy and compassion.