Shop Local - I do and Why I think you Should also.

in thebeast •  6 years ago 


I Shop Local - Why I Think you Should too.

I live in an itty bitty town in the middle of Michigan. The town over (five miles away) has a population of right around 1200 people and one could argue (and I have) that it is simply not big enough to be a "two grocery store town". There are however two grocery stores there, and have been for the two decades I have lived in the area. In addition to the two grocery stores there is also a Dollar General, and a Family Dollar. Though I have argued that there is not the population here to support the two grocery stores, and I still firmly believe this, I enjoy having the options that two stores provides.

When I go shopping twice a week I go to both stores and normally go to Dollar General too. I try to spend a fairly equal amount of money at each store each week. One store has discounted products that are close in date or being discontinued, the other store has decently priced meat, a deli, and better produce. I spend at least $250 a week to by food/animal food and other household goods for my family. We eat out maybe once a week, but everything else is bought from those two stores. Dollar General provides my toiletries and cleaning products, although shopping there actually does not support the local economy in the way I enjoy doing so. Dollar Generals are popping up all over the United States and actually hurt local business. In my case they do however provide my local community members with jobs, and many of the employees then spend their paychecks locally.


Shopping Local is Important....for your Community and your Family

I live in one of the poorest counties in Michigan, by shopping locally I am able to help keep people employed and ensure they get a paycheck. I look at it like families helping families. By patronizing both stores, it keeps more people in jobs, more families provided for, and a healthier community. I could drive 30 miles and patronize a Walmart, it would be cheaper for me, but it would not be better for my local community.

In this way.....the Blockchain is also supporting my community

Crypto becomes fiat, becomes food. Just by us all existing in this wonderful cryptospace together, you are all supporting my community, my family, you are helping change the world, strengthening communities, and making all of our lives better.

Do you shop local?? If so why? If not, why not?

As always thanks for stopping in!

All the love-


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hello Krista 💞