Dear Government,

in thebox979 •  9 years ago 

It was around 4 in the morning, after I had finished studying and began washing dishes, that, it hit me; I may not live long enough to see my son grow up.
My name is Chloe, but I prefer to be called Opnn. I attend the University of Houston and I'm majoring in Political Science and minoring in Law, Values, and Policy. I've come to you today, because I am tired. I have played your game; we have played your game. When I say "we" I can not represent everyone only because I have been exposed to the platform of Kem-Life, the Principles of Ma'at. However, when I say we I am talking about my black and brown cousins whose identities have been politically erased by your labels. When I say we, I am talking to the white people who have been fooled into believing that this system is for them or that they have been a part of the in-group since the term was coined. Black Lives Matter because Living matters; being Alive matters; giving Life matters! Black means life (look it up); Kem (Mdu for the color black) means life. It is associated, with death, afterlife, resurrection and fertility; that is the entire 720° of what it means to live. If you aren't Kem (black minded; life minded), then you do NOT promote life. I came here today to say to the lowest levels of government that it is impossible for you to provide solutions, when you are and always have been the source of our problems. You raped us and now you want to give us "Sex Therapy". You stole from us and now you want us to buy what you taken. You have lied to us and now you want us to teach these lies to our children as though they are the truth. That is pure hypocrisy. The only ones who can fix THIS is US. I came here today to tell you that WE are done! We are done being your good christian, good catholic, good Muslim, slave, teacher, wet nurse, construction worker, maid, and police officer. We have already gone to your colleges, fought in your wars, broken bread with you, worshiped in the same pews with you, enforced law with you, and died with you. All of these things and you still marginalize our BLACK lives. We are still poor, still sick, still criminals, still stupid. still unworthy, and still weak. You have intentionally corrupted existence and warped reality on the spiritual, physical, and metaphysical levels. From the sperm and ovum to the grave, you have killed blackness. The water is tainted. The soil is rotted. The earth is dying and the air is polluted. With that being said, We are Dropping Everything And Leaving. Today is the last time that I will dress according to your standards in order to be deemed respectable to you. This is the last day I will speak the languages that you find acceptable - Spanish, English, and Arabic. I have been peaceful - we have been peaceful - and WE are all dying. DEAL.

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