#thecreepy : Short Horror Stories - The Dog

in thecreepy •  7 years ago 

Jason had just moved into an old house with his 2 pit-bull dog. He decided to keep the dogs outside while he slept alone inside on his first night, and around midnight it had became so cold in the house he got up and went downstairs to turn up the heat.

As Jason was making his way up the stairs to go back to bed, all of a sudden a completely black dog races down the stairs. It passes him and runs into the dark kitchen.

"what? how did you get here?"
He turned on the lights, looked everywhere, but the dog couldn't be found. He brought in his 2 pitbulls, but they didn't seem to notice anything in the house. Confused and tired, he goes back to bed.

The next night, while Jason is laying in bed, at midnight he can hear the sound of something moving around in the room above him. He runs up the stairs and rushes into the room, but it's empty. He looked everywhere but didn't see anything. Thinking he's hearing things, he leaves the room to go back to bed. As he is walking down the stairs tho, he hears movement from the upper level, and then the same black dog appears and races down the stairs to the bottom level kitchen. Once again he tries to follow it, but as before it had seemingly dissapeared.

This became a regular occurance. Every night at midnight he would hear the dog moving upstairs and when he checked he couldn't find it. But if he just stood at the stairway, it would always come running down the stairs and dissapear in the kitchen.

One night, Jason had a friend come stay with him so he could prove he wasn't going crazy. Both of them stood at the base of the steps, and just like before, midnight rolled around and the dog could be heard in the upper bedroom. As the black dog came running down the stairs, the neighbor whistled to it. This time the dog stopped at the 2nd floor looking at them and was wagging its tail, but soon enough it ran down the stairs and disapeared into the kitchen.

The next night, Jason had decided to bring his dogs back into the house and kept them in his bedroom. When midnight came, the movement upstairs grabbed the attention of his dogs who ran to the bedroom door and began growling. Then they began to snarl and back away from the door. Jason couldn't see the Black dog, but they way his dogs were acting, he was almost positive it had entered his room.

Suddenly, one of his pitbulls toppled over and began thrashing on the ground. Within a minute his dog lay lifeless with a pool of blood collecting on the floor. The other pitbull ran under the bed and was yelping in fear. But soon, the other pitbull was dragged out and started thrashing on the ground. Another minute passed and his other dog suffered the same fate.

Then he could hear the black dog running down the steps like usual and dissapear into the kitchen.

Terrified, he decided to have his friend stay over the next night. This time they had a pistol and waited at the base of the staircase. When midnight came, the noises upstairs happened and once the dog appeared, it stopped at the 2nd level as before and began wagging its tail. Then as it started down the staircase, Jason shot at it. Then shot at it again.

This time when the dog reached the bottom floor, it stopped and stared at Jason and his friend. He shot it again, but the dog didn't move. It started to growl and the black hair coving its body started to stand up. The dog was vicously showing its fang-like teeth. In an instant, it disapeared but the neighbor fell to floor fighting like his dogs did the night before. When Jason reached into help, his hand got crushed and started bleeding profusely from multiple wounds as if he had been bitten.

The neighbor stopped struggling when his neck got ripped open, and then Jason watched helplessly as the body started to get dragged into the kitchen, leaving a streak of blood. When It was over, the dog and his neighbor disapeared, leaving him alone.

That was the last time Jason saw the black dog. Every night at midnight, he still heard the dog moving around and then run down the stairs, but even if he waited he never would see it again.



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