Have You Lost Control?! | The Daily Struggle Episode 6

in thedailystruggle •  7 years ago 

Are you passionate about what you do every day? If not, ask yourself why not? Let's talk about it in today's episode of The Daily Struggle! Check the video above!

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The Sony Camera I’m Using: http://amzn.to/2syFduY
The Canon Camera: http://amzn.to/2BwKuGq
The Wide Lens I’m Using: http://amzn.to/2BxMEoX
The Other Lens I’m Using: http://amzn.to/2HjJE0e
The Boosted Longboard I’m Using: http://amzn.to/2Hjpp2C
The Microphone I’m Using: http://amzn.to/2C3gtPi

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You will realized when you found out about your passion is the symptoms like: forgetting about your tooth brush, sometimes you forget to eat, sometimes you forget about what time is it, because what happen is you love what you do, you're happy what you do, and most of all, you enjoy the present moment doing something that has huge/small impact in our society . :)

It is so bad that most people now days just do the job just for money but they have no love i have an experience with that i really don't love the job i do so am never excited about the day though thank God steemit is bringing me fulfillment

Well it's good you found Steemit! Hopefully you can start pursuing your passion full time!

It's kind sad... Almost all people are trapped in "real NORMAL life" bills, work, money... But another hand how to live w/o this parts of our lifes. Peace man.

You're right man! It's hard! But ultimately I believe following your passion will eventually make you enough to live by!

The sad part in the beginning is me, everyday. Lol

Haha I think you’re much better off than you believe 😌

We all go through that mode, sometimes even every few days for me. I just look at it as one bad day out of a month and just keep moving forward.

Always forward!

This is exactly why I bought my guitar :P

Ooooo did I hear you're going to start doing guitar full time??? :D

Well yeah that's the idea but I underestimated how much I suck at playing it these days lol so I need some practise first :P

good post :) you are great :) i like your posts @spenceryan

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Thank You! ⚜

Hi, I see that you have a big DTube channel.
I upload my first Video today, please rate the movie, and give some tips :)!

Regards :)!

Very powerful, keep up the good work and continue to post amazing content

This content is very useful. I like it very much. I will wait for the next content.

I am very sad
how are you Lol,

Our purpose is what we choose it to be. Some people may be content with the ''normality'' of a stable job, family and a white picket fence, though some of us always strive for more, never settling and continuously working towards our dreams.
The sad reality is that most people don't realize what freedom actually is, thinking they have to be content with having anything at all.
Waking up with purpose and excitement is what life is about and finding out what that purpose is, can be the most difficult yet fulfilling part of life :)