THE DAIRY GAME 13/08/2020 Sunday, August "Sketch Of My Friend"

in thedairygame •  5 years ago 

Hello everyone I NJ welcoming you all here in my blog and hoping safety for all of you.
So today I am gonna talk about my friend who is already in this beautiful platform and he also making his blog ona daily basis.
I'll mention his name here @steemnag98

Well we meet at the college and it took me about a year to getting into friendship with him.. Probably in the 1st year of college we are at the different sections, so this is the only reason.

His is very good at letting joke on him by my side.
Sometime he also had given his best at joke but definitely mine was very funny and quick so I always beat him in terms of joke..
Because our friendship was better than anyone we also respect and not take things seriously said by the other one. Due to the fact we are also knows how the intention of a person on us.


I really don't know but he himself called him "Duggu". The name Duggu is a pet name of superstar Hritik Roshan so when I heard the name I am dying laughing 😂. I mean you can see him in my observations (IN SKETCH). Even you can't make it clear to called him as Duggu.
So I make it short and called him gu bhai.. 😂.

He is more likely to be friend. I mean the friendship between 2 boys are not represented by my friend it represented by My brother.
And he is my brother from another mother.
We had a great student life in our college days and now as well. Regarding this I thought that I would have be tell you as well about this and make him as well glad to be my friend..


Well his is a good foke dancer but not better than me. 😁.
Are its a buddy nature to not getting things onto his buddies so that they can fly above the sky.
His became 1st in singing 🎶 also. And this made me proud as well as you guys that, there are only 3 participants 😂 and one of them are in 2nd and 3rd position.
They all are ok ok in 🎶 singing but my friend beat all of the 2 guys and made us proud.

Well that's for all today. Wish that you like it..
Also I would love to be able to know your stories with you friends too. So comment down and give your support. 🎊👍

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Fantastic Dude..❤️ Keep it up !!

Thanks brother... 😄