Trying to Build a List of DAO Balances

in thedao •  9 years ago 

Here's what I spent the night doing. I've been slurping the blockchain for two months with software. This software allows me to download all the transactions for any given Ethereum address to my local hard drive in a tab separated format. It also allows me to cover the Ethereum transaction's input data field into a human readable version of the data. This allows me to see what function call the transaction is making on a smart contract.

I've been download The DAO transactions. There are nearly 140,000 of them. I store all the transactions in a single file with the fields in each record separated by tabs. Here comes the hard core Linux command line shit. Here's what I did:

cat TheDao.txt | cut -f7 | cut -f1 -d'|' | sort | uniq | sed 's/^/.\/seperate_function /' >functions.txt

This gives me a list of all the uniq function names that had ever been called on the DAO and inserted a call to a shell script at the front of the line. So the file functions.txt looked something like this:

./seperate_function createTokenProxy
./seperate_function transferFrom
./seperate_function transfer
./seperate_function vote

and so on. Next I wrote the shell script called 'separate_function' thus:

cat TheDao.txt | grep $1 >$1.txt

which created a separate file for each function of the DAO. Then I took all the records in the function files for the createTokenProxy, and the two transfer functions and I pulled out all ~38,500 Ethereum accounts that had ever owned DAO tokens. (The only way to get a DAO token was to have originally bought them during the creation period, or bought on on the open market (i.e. transfer...)

So now I had a big file with a single column of 38,500 Ethereum accounts that had every owned DAO tokens. Next I did this command:

cat ownership_transactions.txt | awk '{ print $1 "," $1 }' | sed -s codify.sed >geth_script

The awk script makes two copies of the account number on each line. You'll see why by looking at the file codify.sed which had this code in it:


Running this command gave me a file with 38,500 lines that looked something like this:

console.log("0x098300d08a0e00...." + "\t" + "theDAO.balanceOf(" + "0x098300d08a0e00....")

To which I prepended code to establish the DOA variable in geth.

I then started geth on a separate window and ran this command:

cat geth_script | geth attach

An hour later I had a list of all the Ethereum addresses that had every owned DAO tokens and their current account balances, which I posted here: Check it out.

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