The Diary Game 16th August Day- 11

in thediarygame •  5 years ago 

Hello guys how are you. I am good. So, today known. I am discussing about My Daily Life Routine. I hope you all enjoy.

So, first of all my self-Sourav Kumar.[23/08, 5:38 pm] C There's Dosa of onion in there. Like, it's ever so slightly red peppery as well. It tastes really, really good. This is like as close as to just beans and tomato as you can get. I would say this is just the right amount of it, like the flavor is quite intense in each of the ingredients, so I wouldn't want this to be a massive, massive plate of food.This seems like the absolute right amount for a proper breakfast.
: Hygienic Fry food make me crazy. I love to have them.It's has some similarity like Indian Dosa. Doesn't took long to make it while we was talking We found our food ready.


Always remember not to have street food if you found people are not following Hygienic food code. It could make you sick!!I take some time before I order street food. Observe how does they make the food and serve it. If it make me satisfied then i order my food.TGIF!! It was a nice easy day at work today. Due to the doc being on vacation, the fill in doc has some insurance limitations. Consequently it was only patients with certain insurances that we could see today, unless they of course were private paying.

He got to go home a half an hour early and I had time to get all of my work done as well.After a brief run to the post office, I set out for home where I enjoyed my late afternoon mocha. It was still pretty warm, albeit a little cooler than yesterday, so we waited until 6 pm to go for a hike.There was a nice unusual breeze blowing that was very welcome!

The mosquitos are still hanging around so it didn’t take long to put on the bug spray, lol! Down in Bear Hollow, we found a downed tree across the trail. It was too low to go under and too high in the middle of the trail to go over. The lowest end which would be easily stepped over, was surrounded by stinging nettles. And my new C.P.U is coming back from home. And I'm so excited for my new C.P.U is my first home. And share this some Picture Daily Dairy routine .


Nowadays it is getting harder and harder to become a student and to get a degree because of the several factors. First of all, a lot of colleges have studying fee which is in the number of cases too high to afford for a regular student. The second problem is the cost of living in university cities. Besides paying for books, every kind of equipment from a pen to an monitor,

The biggest amount of money that students are paying is for amount for this second hand Monitor for my saving money not highly amount for my account and let's second hand monitor have for uses. And saving money my account higher than me and, Then new mood Monitor was bought me.


that i was invited to join the diary game by @sumit71428

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