The Diary game: The Early Morning Phone Call From My Dad That Turns To A Lecture Class; Can You Imagine? ( 1 | 02 | 2025 )

in thediarygame •  last month 


hello everyone one good morning to you all, how was your night and how is everything with you? I hope all is well. For me I'm extra cool. I woke up today at the right side of the bed, the sun was amazing. Imagine earth without no sunlight, no plants, no animals and no grass that will be crazy man. i was surprised to see my dad calling me by 8:50 am in the morning. this is weekend I'm not expecting any call from him. so i was already awake, i have started my day already by fetching water from the program tap that i have in the house i stays in school.


i greeted my dad how is everything with him and how is my mom and siblings at home? they are all find collins; he replied . he then ask if I'm find physically and mentally. funny questions from him I'm cool dad i replied.

my son i love you so much, you are my first son so i need to let some things to you that school will never teach. As a father who have seen life i want you to plan for life. because life himself is planning for you too. Dad how is that possible? life plans for people too. o yes life do. after the greeting section of the call with my dad , he started by saying I'm get old everyday so i have to be getting ready for life and marriage outside school. daddy but how? i asked. my son here are 8 things that will lead to regrets in your life if you are not careful; your decision is not a respecter of your nobility, your certificate or head knowledge. i was still surprised for this kind of phone call. my son please listen carefully.

1. Marrying the wrong person

When you're young, check your motives for marrying. Don't marry to copy your peers, or for social standing or out of pressure. Marry for love and companionship, marry the right person, marry your best friend. For if you marry the wrong person or for the wrong reasons, you will have to put up with that person the rest of your life. Things might get worse between you two; then depression, physical abuse, affairs, pain, shame, court cases, bitterness will define your mid-life years all because you chose the wrong one. Things will get worse when children are involved. Make the right choice of a spouse when you are young.

2. The opportunities you did not seize

When you are younger many doors will open, you will get many chances. Many young people let these opportunities go because of fear, laziness, or pride; yet well younger and with more energy is the best time to start a venture and a name for yourself. Some think the opportunities are too big for them. Take advantage of them or one day when you're older you will want to go back and grab those missed chances.

3. The God you disowned

When you are much older you become wiser, God becomes more real as you see life in a more meaningful way. But don't wait to get older to start enjoying a relationship with God. Know God when you are young, build your future with God. Don't be a young rebel who runs back to God when age catches up. my son you will thank me for this in the rest of your life.

4. The body you messed up

You have only one body to live with all your life. The cigarettes, the alcohol you are abusing, the drugs you are taking, the unhealthy food you're consuming; all that will destroy you slowly. When you are 50 and lifestyle diseases catch up with you, you will wish you took care of your body when younger, that you exercised more; but now the damage is done.

5. The time you wasted

The time you are wasting when younger in worry, wrong relationships, laziness, being a couch potato, giving excuses and pursuing meaningless things; you will never get it back, stop procrastination, be active get to work. procrastination kills

6. The wealth you threw away

Are you riding on good money during your productive years? Earning good money? Don't throw away that money in clubs, reckless living and wasteful shopping. Invest with that money, widen your revenue stream, make that money work for you and keep it safe to take care of you in your older years. Leave an inheritance for your loved ones so that you will never say "I wish I knew better"

7. The good love that got away

Is there that great person in your life loving you good? Don't push that person away, or else that person will walk out of your life and you will never ever find someone that incredible and who connects with you all your life. It will torment you to grow older with thoughts of "What if I was still with that person?" be careful with the notion people have to come and go in your life. my son not all people that comes to your life you can find a replacement. it's brutal but factual.

8. The parents you despised

When younger, it is easy to show contempt to your parents; what do your parent's know? They are old-fashioned, shady and small -minded. But your parents are still your parents whether you agree with them or not, whatever their style. Don't let your parents die or age separated from you, reconcile and make up. When you get older, you will realize why your parents wanted to be close to you. The older you get, the more you see the value.

my son i love you so much i want you to have the best in life, i want you to know this things. that's why i had to call you

as a good son that I'm; daddy thank you. sometimes in life, money is not everything. Sometimes you just have to listen to advice.not all doors money will open in life some just need an advice. then thing's will fall in place. these call is not just a call it's a call that connect the future and the present. thank you so much Daddy i really appreciate you dad. I love you so much i ended the call. First call from my dad in the new month. February will be cool. I decided to Continue with my day. i will gist you guys later about my day bye!

. Thanks for reading!

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