Day #14: How to Do Civil Disobedience | The Diary GamesteemCreated with Sketch.

in thediarygame •  5 years ago 

If you want to raise children who are fiercely independent, and who aren't crowd followers - then it is essential that you HOMESCHOOL. That is the first step towards a long life of freedom and civil disobedience.

Ask yourself this... What has complying with authority done to help humanity in the last 200 years?

Photo Credit: All rights reserved by Erin Donaldson.

Dear Diary - I think more people need to fully understand Civil Disobedience

When @dollarvigilante posts anything - we, as a family, get together to watch his videos. My mom spent months trying to get me to pay attention Pre-Covid, and I didn't even pay attention to her because I was always traveling, negotiating little business deals, attending events to do coverage for, spending time with my son, and dancing. I simply didn't have the space in my head for one more thing.

Thanks to the Covid, I finally paid attention - and found a likeminded individual who, despite everything, is able to speak in a positive way about what is happening. For him, Civil Disobedience is a way of life - and he has created a good life. Truly, he can tell you How to Do Civil Disobedience much better than I can, but I am going to try. When you are done reading this, go check out his videos on and enjoy some tacos, kisses and mind expansion!

My home country, the United States has always been a "so-called" bastion of freedom and independence. Though it has a very short history, only a little more than 250 years, it has enjoyed tremendous prosperity. Part of this was due to homeschooling.

Much of early American history was based on homeschooling and reading the Bible. Up until the early 1800's, most families homeschooled either out of necessity or family tradition. The Bible was considered a basis for this because it had so much to say about every aspect of life, thus resulting in a nation based on protestant traditions and intellectualism.

The rebirth of homeschooling came about in the 1970's - a time when political indoctrination was becoming a bigger push than ever in the public schools. [1]

In modern times, we rant and rail about education being "everything," in the lives of our children - yet so few take responsibility to ensure that is happens. In Ezekiel, God punished a group of people severely because they did not do the right thing in raising their children. Here's what it says... [2]

"You took your sons and daughters whom you had borne to me, and you have sacrificed them to idols to be devoured." Ezekiel 16:20-21

"Learn not the ways of the heathen." Jeremiah 10:12

In my case, I was homeschooled until the 8th grade. After spending one year in a private school full of children who had been expelled from other schools, my father decided to go all out and send us to public school. The high school we were zoned for had the highest rates of violent crime and juvenile delinquency in Reno, NV.

In a sense, it was both good and bad. The good was learning how to defend myself on the street and deal with underworld elements and their way of thinking. The bad was that in my freshman year I received a full education in sex, drugs and rock and roll. Unfortunately, the bad influence affected me heavily in the years to come, and many of my life choices.

Academically, I was superior to most of my classmates in public school. My math scores were a bit low and I had to take some remedial classes, but it never affected my ability to go out and get a job or live my life. In fact, thanks to a childhood spent reading the classics and everything else I could lay my hands on - I gained very deep and complex mental imagery which has allowed me to do many different things and experience the world in a more meaningful way.

Which brings me back to Civil Disobedience

Blacks Law Dictionary defines it as "The term used to describe the refusal to obey a law because it is thought to be unfair or undesirable. It is usually non-violent behaviour." [3]

The term Civil Disobedience was crafted by Henry David Thoreau in his essay where his opening remarks are the following: [4]

"I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe- "That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient."

The essay was written at a time when he refused to pay a poll tax which was being used to fund The Mexican-American War, and also in a push against The Fugitive Slave Law (1850), which provided for the capture and return of runaway slaves. He definitely was not a racist. All the more reason to pay close attention in times like our present situation.

The entire definition of anarchy in the 21st century, is CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. A peaceful refusal to participate in following the government. If you feel like the federal government of your country has your best interests at heart - and you see the evidence of it, then stop reading and go enjoy the wonderful life you must have.

But, if you are struggling to pay taxes, mortgage, school fees and more - while feeling that you aren't really getting anywhere, then this philosophy is for you and your family too! You need more Civil Disobedience in your life.

Here in Colombia, families spend small fortunes to educate their children to ensure they rise out of poverty or in the upper classes, protect their family's prosperity. Paisa (central Colombian) Tradition consisted of large families which formed hacienda villages as each son or daughter sought to marry someone who would complement the production and businesses of the whole family. This mentality is still alive and well in Colombia today as children migrate to other countries while sending money home to help support their families.

In fact, an actual percentage of Colombian GDP comes from money being sent in from abroad, which is labeled as net receipt from current transfers. Currently in 2020 it is up 17% from last year, with 2,382 Million Dollars in Q4 of 2019. [5]

Photo Credit: Screenshot taken of Banco de la Republica website - see Source #5

In spite of this, and due to a break-up of haciendas back in the 1930's, most of the population is poor and ignorant. The minimum wage is ~$300 USD per month. But, as evidenced by their 50+ year long civil war, violence has achieved nothing in favor of the general population. Again, Civil Disobedience is the answer. Do not follow government instructions, but do it peacefully.

If everyone walked out of their houses tomorrow, the government would not be able to stop them. Their power comes from the ability to alter public perception to support their laws and initiatives. Especially in Colombia, where the federal government has always struggled to gain and retain its power, it would actually take very little effort because they lack the technology and funding to enforce a police state like China or the US.

Here are a few guidelines about How to Do Civil Disobedience:

  • You never seek to harm anyone. Your rights are forfeited under any legal system when you are causing willful harm to another. Destroying businesses in a protest defeats your purpose because now you are hurting the same people you claim to be helping.
  • Do not admit to, or allow Order Followers to entrap you by using leading sentences, to cause you to admit to a "crime." If during an encounter with the Law, he says "Did you know that "x" is currently illegal?", you must respond very carefully. If you admit that you knew, you are admitting guilt. If you deny knowledge you can be prosecuted for lying to an officer of the law. Your golden ticket is to always respond to incriminating questions with statements like "Respectfully, I cannot answer your question."
  • Homeschool your children. The entire purpose of government schools are to indoctrinate your children to follow orders in a strictly controlled environment. Have you ever sat in a corporate job watching the clock and felt the same sensation of frustration as a kid in high school would much rather be out playing sports or fishing? It's because we are not two dimensional humans. We were not psychologically intended to work in "corporate" or "factory" control structures. Children who are homeschooled learn from a young age to reason and made decisions for themselves.
  • Stop participating in government artifices like voting, paying taxes, funding local police and supporting politicians. They only have as much power as the people give to them. If you stop listening to a cop by turning your back after answering his basic questions, he now runs the risk of creating a scene to get your attention or quietly retreating and finding a softer target. Most want a softer target.

Today, I will be engaging in Civil Disobedience. My mask will be used at a bare minimum to avoid being kidnapped. This afternoon, I have invited many different friends to come to my favorite cafe (which is now open) some time between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 PM. Because of this I will not be posting this article on Facebook until AFTER the fact.

It is my hope to give warm hugs, share ideas and enjoy the company of my friends in spite of government programming via TV sets which advocates the opposite. My question isn't whether people have "permission" to gather, only that they make their own choices according to what THEY decide to do, not what government control artifices tell them to do. Nothing about Social Distancing has anything to do with health. This is a political separation of people to prevent communication and connection between individuals.

The most important revolution of the 21st century isn't going to be fought out in the streets. It will be fought in the mind, and via our day to day decisions on whether to do what we are told like slaves, or do what we decide is correct as Men and Women.

Dear Reader, if you have actually read this far, then you have my deepest appreciation for your time and attention. Over the next few days, I will be making special mentions of anyone who comments or resteems my content. Steem on!

And, of course...

If you feel a kindred spirit in my diary about times of coronavirus, pressure and overcoming - then do your part to help a neighbor get through to the other side by upvoting and/or giving me a resteem of this post. Tell a friend - and join #thediarygame so we can all bring home the rewards of high quality content curation on the @SteemitBlog ecosystem.


  2. Home School Heroes
  4. Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
  5. Economic & Finance Data by Banco de la Republica Colombia
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