The diary season 2 Day 11 11/08/2020

in thediarygame •  5 years ago 

Hello world . How are you all ? How was a day spend in this pandemic session ? Hope all is going well and pls pray everyone that we soon get back to our normal life as soon as possible. After waking up the only first thing strike on my mind is when this all things will be going to be normal? When we will start enjoying with our friend in our collage because of this covid 19 no company is hiring freshers 😔. But still I am hoping best . The long time we all had spend together only few days are left be safe think positive with positive hope😎.
Myself Roshni kumari from India. Today is my 11th day in this forum. Today I am very much excitedto share you all my activities. There is many thing to share with you all. So let start . First of all Happy Janmashtami to all. Today I woke at 8:00am . Then I cleaned my house today. After that I went to take my shower and after coming back 1 hour late . I cleaned my home temple . As today is tuesday so my mother and I used to do prayer of lord Hanuman. My mom used to keep fast on every tuesday. Then after that I read Hanuman chalisha then done aarti by 11 am my prayer was over .

Then I get ready to vist my collage after so long time. 😇😝 I was realy excited . I chit chat with my all lovely faculties and then i met with my principal because i had to talk about placement . Then I vist to my workshop . The one thing which make me very much happy was the love of my cleaning staff towards me.. Amazing feeling 🤗🤗 Then after that saw the time it was around 2 pm and I was tired . So, without completing my all work I asked my father to lets go . I will come on another day to do my further work .


Then while returning back to home my father purchased some fruits . On the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami .

Then we had returned to our home due to sudden heavy rainfall we both were wet so we first take bath. And by doing all this thing it strike to 3 pm . Then I relaxed my self for 1 hour after that me and my granny was busy on making prasad . And I was also decorating thal of prasad. Because of Covid 19 we were not allowed to stay at temple for a night. So we had done our puja and come back home early by 9 pm. Now let me describe what is Krishna Janmashtami ??🤔🤔🤔
It is used to celebrate mainly in the month of august in the ashtami of krishna paksha . More over it is the birth of lord krishna . Lord krishan was born at 12:00 am at a prison. He was the eight son of Devaki and Vasudeva. But due to his maternal uncle named as kans . He was very evil minded person. He don't want to give his king post to anyone so he used to kill Devaki child. He had killed seven childern after the birth itself. But after birth of lord krishna . His parents decided to exchange his son with his one of his friend whose wife also going to give birth. So at that time only Vasudeva take krishna to his friend home named as Nand . In a heavy rain he crossed huge Godavari river and exchange his son and bring back Nand baby girl.

When kans come to see in prison he saw that maa Devaki gave a birth of baby girl so he was happy and doesnot kill that baby girl. Krishna is also known as Govinda , kanhaiya ..
So , this day every hindus celebrate with there own rituals . Everyone will pray till 12:00 am and start eating sweet on the birth of lord krishna . So after coming back to home I sat and write my half of the diary writing and waiting for clock stuck 12:00am . As it stuck we had done our puja with our rituals then we broke our fast by taking fast .


Then after that i went to my room to write my diary writing and then I went for alseep.
That's all about today. Hope you all enjoyed while reading and todays diary entry and get little bit knowledge about krishna Janmashtami. Thankyou stay safe byeee byee keep smiling and keep supporting me too 😴😴

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This Kanha is really looking so cute btw who is he?

Thnx monz she is my cousin sister

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

How cute that baby is, Jai Shree Krishna and Happy Janmashtami.

तव कथामृतं तप्तजीवनं कविभिरीडितं कल्मषापहम् ।
श्रवणमङ्गलं श्रीमदाततं भुवि गृणन्ति ते भूरिदा जनाः ॥9॥

(हे प्रभो ! तुम्हारी लीला कथा भी अमृत स्वरूप है । विरह से सताए हुये लोगों के लिए तो वह सर्वस्व जीवन ही है। बड़े बड़े ज्ञानी महात्माओं - भक्तकवियों ने उसका गान किया है, वह सारे पाप - ताप तो मिटाती ही है, साथ ही श्रवण मात्र से परम मंगल - परम कल्याण का दान भी करती है । वह परम सुन्दर, परम मधुर और बहुत विस्तृत भी है । जो तुम्हारी उस लीलाकथा का गान करते हैं, वास्तव में भू-लोक में वे ही सबसे बड़े दाता हैं।।)

By the way, what is the lab/workshop all about, it seems like any mechanical engineering workshop.

Have a great day.

Steem on.

#onepercent #india

Yha it is mechanical engineering workshop different types of machines are there .
