in thediarygame •  4 years ago 

Morning started with this dry fruits..

Beginning here with my diary got up today at 7:30 and went to pluck some flowers from the neighborhood as there was no flower bloomed in my garden. So went to my neighbor's house and there i got very few flowers as people had already came and plucked it .



You can clearly see from the picture the number of flowers i got. Coming back from there i came brushed my teeth and then took bath as i was full of sweat within 45 minutes i brushed my teeth and went to have my morning tea.

After having my tea i prepared the list of monthly ration as i had to go to the market to purchase those stuff so discussing with mom i made the list and then had morning breakfast which brother has just brought from the market which was none other than idli,vada Sambhar and chutney . I had two idlis and 1 vada and then dressed up for going to the market when i went half the way i saw the police checking everyone's mask then i remembered that i forgot to take my mask while coming so i came back again to take my mask from home and then left for the shop



There i ordered the shopkeeper to weight and bill the things i wanted as the shop was empty luckily so the quickly weighted the things i wanted...

So after weighting my stuffed the shopped made the bill of my items and then i got the hard copy of the bill .

The things costed me around 69 US dollars.

Then i came back to my home and kept the cartoons as they were too heavy
After keeping the cartoons and bags of rice and went and drank water as i was feeling thirsty and took rest for few minutes after taking rest i matched all the things will the bill to get ensure that anything has not been left at the shop . I then sat and wrote for theshoppinggame organised by Steemit blog and it took 20 minutes for me to write for those stuffs. Then completing my work i went to the kitchen to help my mother in her kitchen chores and chopped some vegetables which consisted of onions , potatoes and brinjal food for lunch
She cooked chawal , dal , alu bangan ki sabji. After having my lunch i went to friends house to have a discussion on studies . There we talked about our school memories and how golden those days used to be . And then we had some tasty food which aunty has cooked which was my favourite sewai.


Then i came back home as already i was getting too late. So at 7:45 pm i came back to my house and then had some fruits for my dinner because already my stomach was too full to eat anything but mom does not allow me to sleep without having anything so she served me with some bananas and pomograntes as i love to eat fruits so at 9:00 PM i had those fruits and then studied for 1 hour as i have to complete my house task given by my tuition teacher so completing the task i started writing and then within 25 minutes i completed my diary .

Now it is time to say you good bye . Keeping loving and supporting each other here . Good Night
. Subh Ratri.


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The Steemit Team

@neerajkr03 @rishabh99946 @sapwood...

@ruchii has been diligently posting her Diary Game for quite some time but not made any breakthrough in support from the wider community.

Are there any suggestions you can make to her on how to gain more support and more rewards?

In terms of the Diary Game posts maybe adding more detail, photo locations, being more selective with photographs, better formatting...?

Anything else?

Any ways she can get more involved in the Best of India community?

Thank you

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for this.

We will encourage @ruchii to participate in the contests of BOI. She is diligently posting in the diary game which we appreciate, she might be having a smartphone or any other gadget, she can participate in the gadget review contest(with proof-of-ownership) and win some prizes.

We will also request @ruchii to not to power down and to keep consolidating those small amounts, if she is interested she can delegate to BOI, she will recive 100% curation reward each month and on the top of that she can be a beneficiary of the BOI reward pool.

Those who regularly post and engage are an asset to BOI and Steem Blockchain, that is what we belive. We will try to communicate her both on-chain and off-chain and will enourage her and will also guide her to bring the necessary improvement in the context of better formatting, presentation, etc.

Thank you.