RE: The Diary Game. Domingo - 23/08/2020. (Día 23). Un bello despertar y un grandioso día. A beautiful awakening and a great day.

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The Diary Game. Domingo - 23/08/2020. (Día 23). Un bello despertar y un grandioso día. A beautiful awakening and a great day.

in thediarygame •  5 years ago 

Those kids are too adorable and i must say you are too lucky too have such children. Your food looks too yummy but yet i haven't tasted them as i have not visited your country and in India we don't get such food . Hope so one day i will visit your country!

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@sanyakale amiga te espero ojala dios te permita visitar tantas bellezas naturales que tenemos , disgustar nuestros platos típicos y dulcería