Like so many others here, I have been trying to share valuable content online to benefit myself as well as others. This has been tough for me at times as I have a family and other responsibilities and a medical condition that makes it hard to be able to put out the content that I want. Feeling defeated at times, wondering, "Am I good enough?" "Is my content valuable?" "Do I have what it takes to make it in this competitive market?" I have questioned whether this is where I should be devoting my time and energy.
Then I joined a free 7 day challenge / course this week on YouTube yesterday. I figured that I was going to get something out of it that might help me a little bit, I didn't truly believe that 14 free sessions over 7 days was going to solve all my problems. Spoiler alert, it isn't solving ALL my problems, but after completing 4 sessions so far, I have been honestly amazed at the insight I have been getting from them. Each one progressively more than the previous.
This evening during my 4th session, I had an ah-ha moment! The message that was being delivered was so powerful (at least to me), it is like she knew me and knew what I needed to hear to change my mindset. What was my ah-ha moment? There were a few little ones, but the big one was when she was talking about the 'Enemies that are holding you back from making great content'.
What enemies are holding me back? I thought at first, curious as to the validity of that statement. She spoke of how 'Perfectionism' or having an all or nothing attitude, being afraid of failure is a real problem for many people, me included. I had heard this next statement before, but this time it spoke to me differently. Maybe it was the context or the delivery but it really changed my mindset. 'Know You Are Enough!' That's right. 'Know You Are Enough!' You have to be able to take the leap of faith and just do it, or as she put it 'Start Messy and Get Better'.
The entire session spoke to me and this one 1-hour session has truly changed me. I realized that none of us are the same and each of us has an audience that needs us as we are, flaws and all. I plan to focus more on my audience, making content that is selfless and will be beneficial to my readers, followers and watchers. In doing so I will naturally get the benefits that I need.
I hope this speaks to you as well. If you enjoyed this or it spoke to you, please let me know an consider giving it an up-vote.
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