New Placeboing!! - Gay Frogs Alex Jones Remix!!!

in thedonald •  7 years ago 

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

the frogs were getting attacked by the NWO they are most senstive to envoronental changes

when i caught frogs all the way out in teh mounatin forests at mt palomar during my sixth grade campp in late 1990s in sandiego, ca, we caught frgs and tadpoles, and EVERY SINGLE frog we caught we deformed and NONE of them had normall legs or eyes and i cried so hard, because NONE of the frogs were normal frogs, they were ALL deformed, and im so glad the camp counsleer, this really cool old fat guy mr Petey i think him name was, and he had to explain how it was pollution and humans doing thos and toxicity in the water was so high, it was probobly directly from the godamn sixth grade camp honestly! it was a pond right next to the camp! it sucked, it shoed me as a kid that this planet was already fucked up by the time I got here

i remember crying and no other kids being as upset as me because they were believing the adults, trying to calm them down, but i kept pointing out"No, theyre ALL messed up, NONE of them had 2 eyes and 4 legs they ALL had missing or exra legs it was a freak show, they tried to say oh well thats nust normal and theyre still reproducing arent they :( no its not ormal, frogs having fucking five legs and 1 or no eyes is noot normal,

it really is all about the frogs, they are senstive to envronmental changes, some say it wasa "parasite" that did this and pesticids, they evenhave stories of a frog with eyes on the roof of its moyth that hd to OPEN its MOUTH to see...these frogs can fucking love with their bodies all rearranged and shit doesnt mean that its right

and wee humans just try and use this as a way to become immortal god its disgusting ! I just wish the technology can actually help people but the fROGis SO important the whole kek symbol of aniient egypt, th egyptians knw frogs came from tadpoles they knew about butterflies and caterpilars they watched nature, and they knew the frog could change like that

but the ancient egyptians didnt fucking pollute the air and water godamn it

and peopel who think the EPI actually care about the environment are retards who dont get the EPA HURT the envornment has all these fucked up programs to just fuck shit up and take over land

Frog deformities are being detected at levels drastically above any rate which might plausibly be thought to be natural. " no its not natural

the good news is the genetic code of the frog is very strong and all species of frogs havent gone extinct and they will come back, or be protected an raised in captive, captivity and zoological research is SO important, we will one day be able to learn that we just have to put endangered species on different islands, and that we must begin cleaning the earth especially the worlds oceans