"Came for the rewards and stayed for the community." Now we can prove that we mean it!steemCreated with Sketch.

in theeverydayproject •  7 years ago  (edited)

Actions speak louder than words.

The current payout situation on steemit is the very best moment to show why people are actually here.

"I came for the money but stayed for the people." Sure? Then why do you stop posting when the rewards pool is reset? We are all still here to support you :) Just saying... 

The true value of social interaction doesn´t lie in its financial outcome.


What does please you more? An engaging, refreshing, smart, funny, heart-warming comment on one of your articles or some SBD on your wallet? 

I don´t know how you´d reply to that one, but to me the answer is crystal clear. 

In my life money generally doesn´t have a major importance. It´s just a means to an end, something unavoidable I need to pay my bills, to fulfill my travel dreams and to get some new surf equipment. 

However, money doesn´t define the value of my creativity.

Why have financial rewards been chosen to evaluate content on steemit?

Because money is a globally understood currency to define value. 

However, when money fails there are still infinite ways of showing appreciation to others.

In the attention economy the most valuable currency of all is: TIME. 

Translated to our current situation on steemit: no matter how many financial rewards are going to be allocated on a specific piece of content, our time spent is worth much more than that!

You wanna create some true value? Then just do it :)

Marly - 

PS: Don´t forget to follow  #theeverydayproject: The Everyday Project

Picture sources:
Title image: pinterest.com
Creativity quote: ConfidentCreatives.com

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You are right. This is about time. Not about money. But the importance of blockchain is that here we control our time... And because time is money, we will finally control money at the end, not the big companies anymore...

That´s absolutely right.
However, I just wanted to point out that this is a social media network. It´s not a money printing mashine where you acidentally meet some other people while waiting in line for your paycheck...:)
The true value of this place is the interaction. If there was none, what would we write onto the next block?

I'm partly here because it's fun and I don't think that will change. We have a great community. The rewards will return, but I'll keep posting and commenting anyway

Me, too! :) We definitely have a great community, no doubt about that fact.
Thank you, @steevc.

I came to the same conclusion 🏄🏻‍♀️

Good to hear that, @reddust :) Surf on!

Both would be best ofcourse! But yes, I'd very much prefer people enjoying my posts and engaging with them. Ultimately, that leads to fun and also better online presence. I sell my pictures and some other designs online, so a bigger online presence is the best thing to aim for!

Absolutely! Most of the people expect an instant monetary reward for their doings. But the world is not like this. Building up a longliving brand needs a lot of patience, consistency and especially hard work.
I don´t get tired recommending poker to the ones that need quick cash :)

Hmm poker huh... oh gosh, I don't think I could do that, risk my money in a game! I'll stick with blogging and networking ;-)

Haha, me too! :))

Agreed. But money stimulate creativity and creativity generates money, that is our level of evolution and it's okay given the fact that it could not had been any other way. Not okay is people pretending...

It´s not my personal level of evolution, but everybody is free to have one :)
However, I completely understand your point of view and comprehend people that don´t share mine. I am just saying that our world is money-driven enough and it´s healthy to consider other currencies from time to time.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts :)

I was referring at the society as a whole. I'd say we should consider other currencies most of the time and let money for the spare time. Hehe, when you need extra money take a vacation.

Exactly, let's see how this plays out. I bet many folks won't write over the next few weeks but when they see the payouts coming in they will be back.

Sure! A lof of users announced already that they are holding their quality content now.
Everybody is free to do whatever he or she considers being the right thing :)
Wishing you a nice weekend, Randy!

Well summarised - people like you make this platform great

That was cute :) Thank you, Uwe.
It´s just that I can´t stand these endless complains anymore :) One day it´s the flags, another day it´s the rewards, then it´s the upvotes, the people, the weather, the ... uffff
When do these people start living?

Yep, yep. I came here because I saw a social blogging site with a sense of community... and whereas it was amazing to get some rewards, I'm still here posting content, as I was before the reset. Steemit is about the interaction... which happens at a far more authentic level than all the smileys and "me too's" you get on Facebook or elsewhere.

And guess what? When I just upvoted this two day old post, the total actually clicked up a couple of cents, so rewards are returning. Makes me wonder whether all those people who are "withholding content" realize that they are still going to get zero for at least a week, when they start back up.

Well value is not only defined by monetary outcome here. If you study the trending page´s algo, you can perfectly see how much value comments actually have. The interaction is key. That´s why I couldn´t agree more on your "smiley and me too theory" :) I just can´t stand that anymore. On FB I made the experience that most likes are given for pictures that spread happiness. If you publish some really interesting, profound, inspiring, thought-provoking stuff nobody cares! :D On steemit it´s the complete opposite. That´s actually what I like most about this place.

Thanks for stopping by, it´s much fun keeping the content (thus the conversations related to a certain piece) active during some more days :)

Some earlier Steemians were making 100s and 1000s of dollars for one post you think they'll be here for the fun? Yep.

I made nearly $1000 from a comment once and yes I'm still here. I know bigger earners from July and August who are still here too.

That's a good sign.

Yip, me too!
So there could be a non-monetary reason why they are still here...:)

Ha, nice animation!
I actually don´t care about the people that made a furtune and left when they stopped doing so. They are surely not the ones that will bring this platform to the next level :)
I´d always favor fun over money, but that doesn´t have to be the ultimate way of living. It´s just mine :)

This is temporary.

While I would like to get a larger payout for my posts, I would prefer increased interaction.

My pet peeve is people posting / ranting non stop about Steemit.
Those posts do not add value, just my 2c.

I think in time things will get better, but maybe people who post purely for rewards will move on to something else where they feel they can get quick wins?

People post about things that concern them. The changes of the platform do concern us, that´s why we write about it. If you don´t consider that valuable, it´s your free right. Then you can write about other stuff and support non-steemy tags.
"Quick wins" can made through poker. Maybe that would be an alternative for money-driven users :)

Thanks for responding.

I understand that people post about what concerns them. I read many of the posts about Steem and Steemit because it is how you keep abreast of what is happening.

My comment was not directed at your post, apologies if it came across like that.
What gets me is the people who endlessly rant about Steem/Steemit, post after post. Those posts do not add value, it is the same stuff over and over again.

I followed a few but am culling them as it is too much negativity.

There is a difference between constructive criticism and purely bitching.

I couldn´t agree more, @shaunmza!
If never been a fan of negativity either. It´s wasting energy :)

I see no reason to post now. If I want to post for free, I'll use Facebook, or message boards, or whatever. Elsewhere, there are altenative rewards like interaction and engagement. Steemit has the money, and, well, yeah.

It also has censorship resistance and nobody bundling your data and attention to sell to the highest bidder.

And it´s a crypto gateway FB & friends can´t offer either...

I don't post stuff that's in danger of being censored. And I don't necessarily see a problem with target advertising. I'm interested in something and there's a great product out there for me? Let me know.

But yeah, when it's not limited to that, there's a problem.

If the monetary aspect is the only reason why you are on steemit then you just need to wait some days, sure ;)