Five Critical Questions That Need to Be Answered One Month After the Florida Shooting

in thefreethoughtproject •  7 years ago 

As millions of kids walk out of school today to beg the government to disarm them, the victims and their families are still left without answers to some of the most glaring questions about the Florida shooting.

Parkland, FL — It has been one month since the deranged Nikolas Cruz allegedly walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with an AR-15 and began killing children. As expected, instead of providing answers to the public’s questions, the government’s reaction to the shooting consists of little more than stripping Americans of their rights.

Instead of attempting to find the cause of the shooting, the government and media alike are focusing on the inanimate object used to carry it out. On Wednesday, students across the United States—who’ve been subjected to massive propaganda campaigns to relinquish their right to self-defense—will walk out of class to beg the government to disarm them.

In the meantime, no actual solution to preventing another attack is being considered because the media and the government refuse to address the real issues.

Here at the Free Thought Project, we refuse to sit idly by as the hard questions about the Florida shooting go unanswered. Below is a list of five questions that need to be addressed. Until these questions are answered, all the legislative responses and government reactions to the tragedy in Florida are little more than political theater.

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Video By: The Free Thought Project

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You should not be able to protest if you are willfully ignorant of current laws.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeah! Let's start talking about taking more rights away! That'll solve it!

The media doesn't mention that shooters use psychotropic drugs because they are bought and paid for! You got it right.