This post rant will survey some of the things I've stolen over the years in a variety of ways. Before I attempt to break down what I mean by that, I want to put out a bunch of disclaimers as I usually do to say I'm not promoting theft.
Also, I'm not a doctor. Also, I'm not a scientist. And also, I'm not Brad Pitt in Oceans Eleven. I'm not a professional robber. I actually don't try to like steal or whatever else. But maybe I kind of accidentally sort of stolen things but maybe not but kind of a few times which is and is not like good and bad, long story I think.
This article is not aiming at being a main thread but more an overview of my thoughts for the record. This is one of the articles that I've been thinking about writing for weeks now if not longer. My attempt on this web page is to roughly summarize a few brief points and that is it. This is not a complete thorough study into my life or into related subjects regarding robbery and theft. I will try to reference and link to this main essay in the future. This post serves as a rough draft outline to the subject of my life in regards to stealing and things relating to that main topic.
I want to briefly let you know before we get started what this article is not going to be about. First off, this post is not about what I may or may not be SORRY about. I don't have time right now to talk about what I may be sorry for. I can apologize all day about all kinds of things. I would like to write a Sorry article in the future to outline some of that. This article is in part a form of a confession to an extent. I want to go all out to tell you what I can remember.
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Speaking of stolen, the 2020 U.S. Election was stolen and Biden was installed.
Boring rant on some of the things I may have stolen or have failed to return in my life and stuff like that.
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-09-21 - Tuesday | Published in September of 2021
Published by Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Thank You
Secondly, this article is also not about saying THANK YOU for those who have helped me in my life regarding a wide variety of things.
Third, this article is also not going to dive too deeply into justifying some of the behaviors and choices I've made in my life relating to theft and a wide variety of crimes, sin, actions, inaction, theft, robbery, stealing, taking, lying, yelling, hitting, violence, etc. To the best of my knowledge, I've not murdered or killed anyone. I'm not interested in murder or in suicide. But this article here is not about any of that either.
I can talk all day about justification. I can make excuses and/or give forth perceived or actual reasons for why and how I did what I did. Justifying actions can and cannot be both good and bad. That is not a paradox but rather complex to explain. It's a deep subject to describe how an individual human should and should not excuse and forgive choices, decisions, freewill. There are consequences and rewards for actions that are made. The ends does not really justify the means. But people have rationalized and justified and excused the means of say Hitler killing Jews for example, which would be the means, the ends would be the survival of the master race, the survival of the fittest. You can have an alleged good end result, but that doesn't really or doesn't always justify bad actions as a means towards that end result.
I don't even have time to talk about the problems with the slogan of "FOR THE GREATER GOOD" for example. That is a dangerous and sneaky statement. So, quick recap, I may not talk too much about why I did what I did in my life. Perhaps in future articles I will dive more deeply into some of those subjects of why I did what I did or why and how I thought it was ok or how I didn't think about it or whatever else that might have been going on.
Fourth, this article may not dive into lies I may have told in my life and why I would or would not lie. As I get older, I tell less lies or I say nothing at all. Lying can be a form intellectual theft. This article is about how I may have stolen physical items or services or what have you. There are many related topics like lying and the list goes on and on. And I don't think I have tried to lie. But we are not here to talk too much about deception and other related matters.
Stolen From
And finally, last but not least, number five, this article is not going to dive too much into people who have stolen or taken from me in my life. That is a related topic but it is not directly regarding what I may or may not be responsible for in life.
Incomplete Rough Draft Article Outline
I must emphasize how incomplete this list might be even in the face of trying to exhaust this summary to the best of my knowledge. This article is not complete in many ways and future articles may extend some of these trains of thought. I must emphasize and stress how random this article is.
Here is a quick outline list of some the things I may or may not have stolen in my life as follows.
Painting Supplies
During high school in a painting class, probably around 10th grade, 2001-2002, I was using some of the tools for the art assignments, the drawing, the painting. I wanted to borrow some of the utensils, brushes, tools, and stashed some of them into my backpack. The intent was to continue drawing after class. Some of those items may have stayed in my possession for days or longer. I may or may not have had permission to do this at times. But our teacher, Mr. Philip Thias, may have had some art supplies which he needed for each of his classes meaning he couldn't lend them out. I don't remember everything going on in my head. I know that I was always busy with schoolwork and a variety of things. So, I was in a rush. I think I wasn't aware that he didn't want to lend out the tools. It might have been just a single pen or a single item that was like a pen or scratcher or something. At one point, he asked the class for it. I was the one with it and I felt guilty but I also felt it would be worse if I confessed to having it. So, I don't remember if I ever ended up returning it or not.
Creating Writing Comics, Writings, Papers
In my creative writing class that same school-year, or maybe it was the next year when I was a Junior in high school, I ended up keeping a printed paper of comics and/or writings, at least one paper or a few pieces of paper which was being passed around as examples of things we were discussing. Again like with the art items, I felt guilty and maybe other feelings and thought to myself that it would be worse to come out with what I did. Oh, and this might be one of the themes I have found in my life. There may be other related topics which we probably shouldn't dive too much into here right now like perhaps I accidentally break things sometimes (mostly because too many things are made too poorly which isn't actually my fault in reality). So, this is a thing that many people if not everyone does. Talking about that can open a pretty big can of worms relating to a wide variety of topics but we aint got time to go down those rabbit trails right now for so many reasons. Back to the creative writing class, I don't think I ever returned those papers.
Stretches For My Sprained Ankle
During high school, probably before junior year, that is my third year, or at least before my senior year, my 4th and final year, I got injured at least one time or possibly two times or it had to be less than five times at the most during different points throughout my high school years perhaps but most likely around my Sophomore year is my guess, I can remember one sprain ankle which probably happened during P.E. or something like that. We were probably playing basketball. So, I borrowed clutches from the nurse and never returned them. Oh, that reminds me, have I ever stolen books from libraries? The answer to that is no. I have always returned books, tapes, DVDs, etc. In the 2010s or so, I checked, I asked the Forest Grove Library and they said I had no fines. Well, speaking of fines, I guess this article shouldn't focus too much on that. I may or may not owe money to people and things and whatever else there might be. I would argue that I don't owe anything to people. Well, that can change at any moment and some of that can be a debate. But this article is not about that and it is not about anything that people might owe me likewise.
Snacks At Kells
Around 2008, I started working at Kells as a dishwasher and during my lunch break, I would eat some of the snacks they had. Well, it might be argued that I took too many snacks at times. I cannot say exactly. I thought it was ok at the time. I thought and felt like people told me or at least one guy who was like a Mexican cook there said it was ok. I also would add a few minutes to my time card or wait a few seconds or a few minutes before punching in and out when I would work. Again, like I am not here today to talk about that kind of theft maybe. Well, there are different kinds of theft. Some forms might of theft might be considered good. Let me go on the record to say I am not necessarily saying that. Well, if a type of theft is good, then it is not theft perhaps and should be called taking back something. Maybe retribution. Maybe revenge. Maybe it is the Robin Hood thing. Maybe it is the Obama redistribution of wealth which I am against in many ways. So, I can talk all day about how I am against centralized tyranny, communism, fascism, globalism, centralization, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and a wide variety of things, synonyms, anything relating to people coming in and taking stuff from people regardless of why. I can talk all day about what I believe and what I don't believe relating to politics, governments, history, communities, countries, cultures, people, how we should and should not do things, how we should live life, the importance of private property rights, and the list goes on and on. But I am not trying to divert, distract, go down too many rabbit trails to related and/or unrelated topics, subjects, categories, themes, ideas, questions, answers, things, people, words, historical points, geographical references, etc, etc. I am here to talk about things I might have or did in fact steal in regards to physical and tangible items for the most part. So, let me be clear as to say I am purposely and consciously being very wordy or too wordy in this rant right now. I would like to put out a more concise and focused article or series of articles relating to things I have stolen in the future. But for now, I will just post these random words.
I Don't Shoplift
I have not shoplift. I don't steal. Well, I have not stolen things purposely in my life and/or whatever else you can imagine. I try not to steal and I don't think I steal, depending on the kinds and versions and types and variations and definitions of different types of stealing and robbery there may or may not be out there and everything else which we may not be talking too much about in this article right now. I've listed from the top of my head 4 specific cases of times I stolen as mentioned in previous paragraphs above. If I think long and hard enough, I may eventually think of more and don't get me started on anything I might have stolen in regards to digital things.
Stealing From Nike
Like, if I say "JUST DO IT" for example, did I steal from Nike who has that as a slogan for their company? So, I am not here to talk too much about things relating to copyright, copyleft, trademarks, patents, intellectual property, etc. The list goes on and on, believe me when I say that. I've written so many articles relating to copyright over the years and all of these related subjects. I have watched videos, shows, movies, on YouTube, Facebook, other websites.
Do you think I'm an evil pirate?
It can be argued that I am a pirate and am stealing when I watch videos. But that may or may not be true. And I don't have time right now to describe the details to how the Internet works and how that should apply to our understanding of copyright, allegedly pirated media, and everything else.
Stealing From Copyrights, Taxes, the IRS.
So, don't get me started on that. Don't get me started on taxes, loans, a wide variety of subjects relating to money and the IRS and all of these different things. This post is not about copyright, taxes, etc. I am not here to talk about lies. Like, lying can be a form of theft. But let's not dive too much into lies I may or may not have told. Well, I don't try to lie and stuff. But let's not get too distracted by that debate for the moment.
Playing the Victim Card
I said already I don't want to talk too much about an attempt at justifying things I may or may not have stolen purposely and/or accidentally and/or knowingly and/or unknowingly, and part of that has to do with how I probably should not act like the victim here, I should not dwell too much on the alleged victim card. Not to say that I won't try to write articles and future rants and videos and everything to flesh out what was going on in my head when I try to perhaps rationalize or justify or excuse behaviors, choices, decisions, actions, inaction, different things which are and was and will be and is like good and/or bad.
The Value in the Process
Like there is a lot to process and to dissect and analyze in regards to all of that which could perhaps cross over to psychology, sociology, anthropology, culture, theology, history, a wide variety of things which I find interesting in a wide variety of ways and everything else.
Given Means Not Theft
I must highlight that some things which was, were, is, are, is being, are being, actively, inactively, currently, ongoing, will be, might be, given, is perhaps not theft and/or is also theft too. But I say all of that to say it depends and/or might depend on too many things. Like, how do I even take this apart? Life is complex and simple. I want to stress and emphasize on the perception that sometimes a person has given me some gifts, presents, grace, forgiveness, birthday presents, Christmas presents, other kinds of presents like when I was a teacher for example in Vietnam, school related presents, other kinds of presents, other things, etc.
What is free and what is not free?
So, some things are unconditional presents. And some things might be and/or are in fact conditional presents or conditional favors. Like, for example, you do me a favor and then I do you a favor. That is a give and take contract. Many social contracts have been like that for like thousands of years all around the world. Like, most of that has been left unsaid. Like a lot of contracts can be oral and not written down. Some things can be perceived as free or not free. Some things may have strings attached.
Speculating on which things were unconditionally given with no strings attached at all.
I've felt like people gave me or should have given me things for free. I guess I probably shouldn't talk too much about all of this today. Like, I may have to speculate on some of the details. Like, depending on each situation, it may be that a person gave me something and wanted me to return the favor. I'm not going to talk about what should or should not happen in these types of situations. Some of this might be related to the golden rule and how we are to treat others as we would treat ourselves assuming we are in a state of trying to treat ourselves in the best regards possible. Like, you scratch my back and I scratch your back. I may have not done that sometimes or maybe even not enough at times. Sometimes, I try to return the favor. Sometimes, I try to emphasize to others that I shouldn't have to return the favor if something was free. But of course some things are not free even when the perception is that some products, things, goods, services, time, people, places, etc, are free. Secretly, I desire to return the favor as much as I can, as often as I can, or at least someday. Like, that is in my heart but I generally don't tell people about that side of me. I keep that a secret generally. Instead, in my life, I've emphasized on how I shouldn't have to return the favor. This means, as a result, that too many people ended up thinking therefore that I'm too selfish, greedy, arrogant, a con artist, a wide variety of things. And this is a giant topic which we are not going to get into today. So, let's move on.
Perception is a thing we can talk all day about.
So, perception is a big thing we can talk about regarding so many things. Different types of conditional and unconditional contracts and covenants and agreements and everything else is another big hot topic. I like computer talk. Like in computer programming, you will see if this, then that. Very simple at times and writing in code can also be complicated. But that can be the main format in computer codes and in social contracts. But I probably shouldn't talk too much about some of these things today. I think I can talk all day in speculation of things I thought people were giving to me which perhaps I stole in their eyes or in the eyes and perception of other people. As I get older and older, I tend to think more about the perception other people may have relating to me and what I do both good and bad.
Getting lost in synonyms and rabbit trails.
I am not here to talk too much about too many of the synonyms or different ways to talk about and describe theft, robbery, stealing, taking, not returning, holding onto, smuggling, bribery, to steal, and so on and so forth. I have already listed things I remember not returning. I do not think I have ever purposely tried to take something. I do confess to stealing trash, garbage, rubbish, etc. Like, if that counts as theft, then lock me up. Something might be in a free pile. Like, it might be in a trash can. It might say free on it. So, it might be even abandoned on the side of the road. So, I've taken things like that. I've not done dumpster diving. I don't actually look inside trash cans. I was mentioning trash cans for example but I don't do that.
Can you steal trash or is that not actually theft if it was already thrown away?
There were times I went with my mom to walk around our trailer park in the 1990s on the garbage dump days when they would come out with garbage trucks to get rid of all kinds of junk which people had. Sometimes, they may have included couches and tires and appliances and larger items like that. So, sometimes maybe they didn't always accept larger things. But we sometimes would walk around and grab things which people had in their piles of trash. So, we took some of those things a few times.
Boring Rant Article
This article may be boring and random and not too helpful. But I wanted to put it out there for the record. I talked about things I stole and things I did not steal. I mentioned some of the subjects this article is not about. As I get older, I consider staying away from the appearance of evil and the appearance or perception of stealing and lying and many different things.
Value in Confession
My conclusion to this incomplete and totally random rant is that there is value in confessing sins, crimes, choices, decisions, actions, words, inaction, proaction, things done, things you did, do, will do, all kinds of things, bad things, good things, different things and not things, so many different things which are and are not good and/or bad. I must confess and I must word it like that. I pray and I confess and I say to God thank you and sorry and many different things. I say I don't know everything because I don't. I am still working it out. I am still processing different things. I appreciate the process of life and I proclaim that I am not perfect. I do good. I do bad. I do. Like, I simply do. I live. I can make excuses and I can not make excuses. And some excuses can be good. And some excuses can be wrong or bad. It is a long story.
Each Situation Might Be Unique
Each situation and each scenario and each case may be different. Perhaps it depends. So, we take it one day at a time and one thing at a time. I put it out there. I put out the good and the bad. I try to add some integrity and transparency into my life. I am in the process of putting more and more of myself out there. I want people to see some of this. And some of this can be applied. Some of this might be applicable in and for the lives of other people. Perhaps people can learn from it or not. Like for example, I probably should have simply returned items I failed to return. Call that theft or call it anything you want to call it. But it doesn't matter what you call it. I could have done better. But I did what I did both good and bad. We can debate all day how much of it was good and bad. We can debate all day what we call different things. Do we call a specific thing theft or other things?
Value in Having Debates
And we can and do have debates like these and others. Debates can be good. But also, there can be a time and place for debates and other things. And sometimes you should move on. Learn from the past and move on. Don't live in the past. Don't dwell in the past. Move on. Learn and move on. And what happened happened. You can confess to God and others. You don't have to believe in God to say sorry to God. Do it for fun if you have to. But that is a choice you can make if you choose to. I choose to talk about my life online.
Rough Conclusion Time
So, this is public. I will continue to write about things. I will continue to try to explain the value in what I am trying to share and put out. Thank you for reading.
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Considering different types of crimes
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