Opening up 10 Pokemon Celebrations packs!

Decided to whip out my nostalgia boner and try opening some packs from the recent Celebrations set of Pokemon cards. If you've followed me for a really long time, you might remember when I used to open up Pokemon cards a lot. I mean, it was a super boomer way of doing it of just taking before and after pictures. But, it still counts, fucko. I stopped doing that though because of my financial issues, as well as the increasing cost of trying to collect Pokemon cards. They shit out sets every 2 or 3 months it feels like, and trying to naturally complete a set is really not viable unless you're rich as fuck, or just have the luck of a gambling god. So, I gave it a rest and focused on collecting vinyl trash instead.

But, when this Celebrations set came out I felt the itch, baby. How could you not with so many reprints of classic cards from old sets? So, I caved in and bought some packs to give it a go. It's hard to really say if it's worth opening these packs up or not, as it's very hard to pull out your moneys worth from this set. This because of the pull rates being all over the place with these packs, as well as the cost of a box. An elite trainer box is $50 retail. And, there are only 3 cards that are considered chase cards in this set, that cost as much or more than the entry price of a box. A base set reprint Charizard (Worth about $90-100), a gold star Umbreon (Worth about $50-60) and a shining mew gold rarity card (Worth about $50). There are other classic cards that are cool in the set, but, not worth nearly as much. So, I guess lets see if I'm about to be the god emperor of Pokemon, or, if I'm about to get my cheeks spread by bad luck.

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