The Good News on Steemit ~ Operation Human Angels Success and More!

in thegoodnews •  7 years ago 


(Video 8:06)

There is a lot of good news to deliver today, #OpHumanAngels is becoming a massive success, with random acts of kindness bringing life and hope to so many. In the above video I showed you the incredible actions Steemians have been taking to make this world a brighter, warmer place for all.

Here's a Recap

OpHumanAngels Strikes Again

OpHumanAngels Walk ~ Black Ops Edition

The Buck Stops Here. OpHumanAngels

OpHumanAngels ~ @PhoenixWren Edition

All 4 links above by @DaveDickeyYall

OpHumanAngels ~ It's Fucking Cold Edition By @phoenixwren

Steemit: Straw, Socks, Saltlicks and OpHumanAngels By @karenfoster

Happy New Year! By @longsilver

Three Notes to Spread Some Motivation By @annariley

#OpHumanAngels New Year's Eve By @khackett

Great Work Everyone! Let's Keep The Goodness Going!

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Aww babe, that is so awesome.
You guys never cease to amaze me. Knowing there are people like you guys out there has given me a new perspective on humanity.
Prior to coming to Steemit I had completely lost faith in my fellow man. Folks like you have changed that Lyndsay.
You're a legend. ❤️

That's so great to hear! The great Souls on Steem are replenishing my faith in mankind as well my Tremendos Friend!!!! xoxooxox

Oh my goodness! The care package is such a wonderful gift with the soup and gifts and the beautiful message!

And thank you, Lyndsay, for mentioning my post xoxo

Thank you for adding to the good vibes <3 <3 <3 Your messages were really uplifting! :) xoxooxoxoxoxoxo

You are welcome! Glad to uplift!! xoxoxoxo :))

This is such a beautiful idea. I'm glad to be a part of it. 💜

Wow... thanks for the words.. you're making me blush..

PS. I'm not a artist...

You are!

Blah... you say artist.. I say 3 year old that can't decide wether to color with crayons or eat them..

Thanks for your good news! I'm upping and resteeming. You rock, sister, and I'm really excited for this #ophumanangels campaign of yours. It's new to me, so I'm just now wrapping my heart around it for the first time, and I'm thinking I can help you to spread the good word. Feels closely aligned with the Steemit Gratitude Journal, and the #gratefulvibes tag, and the #popcontest - noteworthy uplifting community challenges. :) Love and lightness to you this New Year! And thanks to the #angels among us.

WOOHOOO!!! I've heard of #gratefulvibes but not the #popcontest, thank you so much I'll go look at that now! I cannot wait to see what your beautiful Heart comes up with @cabelindsay!!

#ophumanangels not only a good initiation but also amazing impactful tag. Today I first time use #ophumanangels in my post. I don't post like you guys but I post positive post. I hope you'll check my post. I really feel amazing when I see you guys doing amazing work. I hope one day #ophumanangels tag will use in more than half positive posts on steemit.

Thank you for lifting others up @coolbuddy! You are Loved & Needed <3 <3 <3

Always welcome...<3 <3

What a great project to being the New Year! Looks like the "happiness fairies" are spreading their wings, may they grow stronger and multiply. Resteemed and sending many blessings to you and all the human angels.....Steem ON!

:) Just adding to the love Wave on Steem <3 <3 <3 <3 Thank you for being such a loving, positive soul, and Epic Steemian Vickie! xoxooxoxoxoxoxoxox

Ohhh... a love wave... I better get my love surf board out 🤣

congrats !... @DaveDickeyYall is very cool man

I'm glad you resonate with these actions, and Yes..Dave is tha man!!

Love it! <3 going out to town to drop some goodies! Will report back later ;) <3

Oooh Yeah!!??? YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!

THANK YOU so much for initiating this. It made our day to share with others. Abundant blessings your way! here’s our journey throughout town

It was highly impactful. I am so impressed by your positivity and your heart of gold, wanting to make a difference in the life of someone, no matter how little. Thank you ma for sharing

Thank you for always being so supportive Edith <3 <3 <3 Bless you!!!

Aha Amazing Stuff. Life is all about happiness and #ophumanangels is the best thing in this regard.

Thanks for the great news @lyndsaybowes

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

Thanks for liking this idea! You stay blessed too @salmanbukhari54!! xoxo

how kind you are @lyndsaybowes

That was a LOVELY way to spend 8 minutes, THANKS!

Aw, thank you so much for tuning in to #thegoodnews!!!

YAY I'm so glad it's spreading! I haven't seen all these yet, off I go to read about more ops! Thanks for sharing #thegoodnews!

Thanks for being such a big part of it @phoenixwren! I <3 You!!

What a beautiful way to start the New Year. It's so easy to focus on the negatives in this world but there are still far more good people than bad. Operation human angels fills me with hope and makes me realise that we all have the potential to become a human angel. To find messages and be offered acts of kindness such as this could literally change and perhaps even save lives. Thank you for being the change you want to happen in this world!

The Op is certainly a life-giving balance for me. It's easy to get down with all the shit going we do a little good, and it heals our hearts... <3 Big Love I have for you Perceptual.... <3 <3 <3 Hugs!!

I have upvoted and resteemed this amazing video!

Thank you for sharing with steemit, the wonderful things we are doing as a community towards accomplishing random acts of kindness. Operation human angels has inspired me to work on a post where I did the same, 4 weeks ago, for veterans experiencing homelessness. It is great to find a community that knows this is important to do for others, like i do. I found my steemit family!

It's great to meet you @beemillz! Steemit is full of kindness <3 <3 <3 Thank you for being here!

Just love Good News! 😎

Each day is better than the last!! WOOHOO!!!!

So much love to share,.. and Yes,... with the one who appriciate it everytime

Thank you so much! This is a wonderful encouraging post! I hope it goes far! Resteemed!

I'm glad you like this idea Bitsy :)

Love that Dave put the Goddess picture on the toilet seat! That's awesome!!

wow!!!!!!!so good to read it

I'm happy that this made you happy !!!! :) :) xoxoxoxo

You’re a very positive person, aren’t you, Lyndsay?

I try, it definitely helps being surrounded by so many good Souls!!!!

Mission Accomplished...!
Here is 2018 with so amazing idea #ophumanangels campaign. I will definitely share it at twitter with y fans. Keep it up your great work @lyndsaybowes!

Great! I've been using the tag on twitter for years and years and I'd be grateful for you to add to it!

This is really cool. Nice work people!

I'm glad it uplifted you! xo

This makes me so happy:) I love the momentum it is gaining, and the executions are on point haha!! Thank you for the video <3 you all rock!!

Thank you too for joining in! I can't wait to read all about your Op <3

The world need more compassionate people like you all. What a great example of love.:)

Great Idea. I saw @davedickeyyall and was inspired. Little kind gestures can go a long way to making someone's quality of life increase.

I'm glad we could give you the warm and fuzzies :)

Think i may have mentioned this before, but im so proud to call you friend. Your heart knows no bounds the world need more people like you Lyndsay, keep up the good work. We can heal this world ❤❤

I'm so happy you are in my life, you give me such good energy all the time Andy!

Thanks so much. I aways try to stay positive. And reading about your exploits shurely helps. You always bring a smile to my lips. Hope oneday to give you a big hug in person 😁😁😘😘

I don't think a lot of folks realize how much a smile or kind word can affect someone. I do a lot of smiling and saying Hi. Most everyone looks up from their blank stare and sees me and gets a big smile on their faces. We are all a part of this universe and need to treat each other equally, with love, understanding, empathy, kindness. Even that cup of coffee! Great work. We will change the world. one smile at a time. :)

You are doing a wonderful thing for the world :) Thank you and keep Smiling!!! xoxoxox

I will be following these topics around. They are uplifting, and restore my faith in humans :) I don't have much to give, but here's my pennies worth. Thanks for the up vote :)

so cool, nice view!!

this is awesome Lindsey! Happy New Year!

well done dear.
Nice post.Have a good day.

wish you that you will have another good news, have a nice day..

great 1 wish u best of luck

Thanks for the important info

Thanks for vote me. I’m following you.

you are source of inspiration for who post in #walkwithme

your voice is so lively. amazing job. life is all about sharing happiness wishing you a very happy new year @lyndsaybowes

Thank you for your gospel. It's the first time I've done it

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment